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    djibsomali @ 8/22/2009 6:24 AM EST
 Straight from the horse's mouth.
"A tribe that fails the bloody test of revenge takes the risk of finding its resources, land and homes plundered, women carried off and men bullied"
Therefore as above mentioned by the author it is up to the la_la_land or the gabil_land so called government to avenge by means of justice these poor traverlers who died because those coward could not face
the subclan of reer nuur and have chosen to prey on unrelated traverlers.
Revenge trough a just government is sweet!

However if this mirqaan government fail to serve justice then let be on the honour of those who have lost through this cowardly act that never happen in other nassaab somalis to seek avengence via unproportionate means that
the cowards would never have expected and will tarnish them for 100 years.
The ball is either at the mirqaan government
or at those that lost their relative.
Either ways justice must be served

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