8 comment(s)
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    Gacaliye@ @ 5/1/2007 7:40 AM EST
 Somali Govt.? Where is it? Let us talk about the servants of the Ethiopian generals in Mogadishu!
    galhareere @ 4/21/2007 1:26 PM EST
 thanks micheal and khadija for understanding .i hope they will
understand that was very good sample iraq or afganistan .or
they can keep dreaming like george bush callin kids and women
    Aaisha1 @ 4/20/2007 10:12 AM EST
 Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxaakiimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed
Madaxweynaha Mustaqabalaka umada Soomaaliya,May Allah bless him cadawag haa dhaco!!!!
    RocketLaunch @ 4/20/2007 9:54 AM EST
 Certainly the TFG will reject this trashy memo becuase you all seek to include argagaxiso in to the peace process.
    muhsin @ 4/20/2007 6:01 AM EST
 Reconciliation is by the wise and the nice among us.But this time round its called by the wolves and hynenas among all the wild animals on mother earth.TFG
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/20/2007 4:41 AM EST
 Ethiopia must leave Somalia unconditionaly. It's leader Meles  must be held accoutable for the bombardment and the indiscriminately killings of hundreds of innocent civilians in Mogadisho. The UN should take the lead and build a platform for the negotiatin between the different factions including the IUC and other important sectors e.g. trible elders, civic society, religious clergy men etc.  
    walaaleeye @ 4/20/2007 1:26 AM EST
 I sincerely hope that brothers in Xamar reconciliate. I agree with the
author that reconciliation is only possible after the Ethiopians are sent
packing only Abdillahi Yusuf and Geedi should be sent off with them.
Reconciliation would be much much easier then.
    Gacaliye@ @ 4/19/2007 10:11 PM EST
 That makes sense and war crimes accountibility should include the over throw  of national govt. and the systematic destruction of our national state!

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