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    raage @ 4/18/2007 3:19 AM EST

cant you restate your idea insteed of saying "... cleaned from mogadishu.." i think you are an unethical person so you can say what ever you want keep writing these nonsense words
    adamjama @ 4/16/2007 7:37 PM EST
Dad caada qaato u badan oo ka danbeeyey dhibaatadii dalku soo maray xiligii dagaalka sokeeye ma sameeyn karaan mideyn iyo qaboojin toona.
Dhaqan iyo caadaba uma laha inay wax dejiyaan iyo iney wax hagaajiyaan ee waxay ku caan bexeen burbur iyo xasuuq.
Hadaan halkaan ku taxno war lordska ku jira dawladaan oo aan mid walba taariikhdiisii dib u raacno, waxaa noo cadaaneysa inayan xamar dejin karin, iska daa iney isu keenaan shanta Soomaaliyeed.
Waxay kuligood ku danbeyn doonaan meeshii uu Maxamed farax Caydiid ku danbeeyey ee ahayd khaatumo xumo ku dhimo oo dadkaaga neef ha ka soo boodo markay geeridaada maqlaan iyo habaar joogta ah.
Kuwaanu meel ma gaarayaan ee aan ka tashano talaabada xigta ee inala haboon, hadii kale waxaa la dhihi doonaa waxa jiri jiray qaran la dhoho Soomaaliya.
    RocketLaunch @ 4/16/2007 7:29 PM EST
No need to invade Hargeisa. Majority of the people there want to preserve their Somali identity and they are fearful of the traitors who are in charge. The leader of SomaliLand, Siyad Barre regime spy will soon taste the consequences of his actions.
    caraweelo @ 4/16/2007 4:06 PM EST
 After Mogadishu is cleaned out all Mooryans, the next stop is Hargaysa, don't get too confortable with your separatist dream and Dhahar war was early warning.
    ilwad @ 4/16/2007 2:48 PM EST
 Somali resistance fighters will crush the coalition of sheeydaans US+tfg+Ethiopians like many others did in the muslim world!! notably Iraq.
    adamjama @ 4/16/2007 2:17 PM EST
 Ms. Frazer;
Should go and visit the hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians suffering on the outskirts of Mogadishu.
The western policy of supporting war lord government & their Ethiopian sponsors is a doomed policy no matter how much money they spend.
    hillac @ 4/16/2007 11:34 AM EST
 Somalia has been having "break-or-make" peace conferences for more years than most somalis care to remember.The biggest reason why all these recuring conferences bore no fruit is simply because the somali cancer the warlords and their supporters,have been in the way.The warlords have been playing the clan card very skilfully goaded on by their paymaster,meles zenawi.They will not succeed in handing the somali people on a silver platter to meles zenawi because the somalis have woken up and see the danger.You can write "men with turbans" all you want but it wont change the facts on the ground.Somalis have been wearing turbans before without insinuations being heaped on them so if you want to discredit the people fighting the somali enemy come right out and say so that whoever reads your blather will know who butters you bread.

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