4 comment(s)
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    Ayaan Guled @ 4/16/2008 12:36 PM EST
 Inaa lillahi wa inaa ileyhi rajicun. May Allah help us!
This is soo sad...
    nas @ 4/14/2008 2:56 PM EST
walaal hamdi it is not about spoiling
any one I am a mother too and i think that a
lots of parents are ignoring there children
and not listen to them so please let's not
kill the children.
We got a proverbe that says
"hoyo wa uduub ka guriga"
so lets all sit down and listen to our children
    Camel Girl @ 2/25/2008 3:56 PM EST
 FIND grounds the stupid Somali name hunter is around and just a big thieve and a dirty used name just gets check and rocky and the dirty used boys and girls are stronger then ever you bullies bring your own plans down or dancers a stolen gold but we are just humans and America come clean and a fifty boy just belonging to a grieving mom.  
    hamdi @ 2/22/2008 5:22 PM EST
 the problem is they are spoil rotten, they have
everything to live for and yet they kill each other.
Their parents has given them every chance to survive
when they remove them from Somalia, what else can
they do in nation where you cannot even discipline your
These boys are rotten and no matter where you take
them , they will be rotten. there is nothing you
can do about it.
harsh? no it is reality. some people are just rotten

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