15 comment(s)
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    Abdik @ 11/21/2006 9:44 PM EST
 Does keith Ellison read Hiiraan online? May be I should recommend to him he does since this is by far and away the best Somali site around. :)
    jabriil @ 11/21/2006 10:10 AM EST
 keith ellison i was watching to the cnn about iraq and i like your answer who start war in iraq and bush did it
    proud-to-be-mix @ 11/17/2006 5:14 PM EST
 Some people here are arguing about somalis being in Minnesota is more than 100,000 and others said less than that,so my question is why so suprised to see the growing population in MN? cut it out for M.S.T.
    geelqaad @ 11/17/2006 12:31 PM EST
 I was unable to post the transcript due apparent restriction from Hiiraan.

This is the link though.

    geelqaad @ 11/17/2006 12:25 PM EST
 Hey it is me again.

I am finding trouble in posting the transcipt.
I think Hiiraan is ...
i will keep trying to post it.
    geelqaad @ 11/17/2006 12:17 PM EST
 Hey Guys,

No doubt that Somalis played a major rule in helping
Keith Ellison win a seat at the US Congress.
For those don't think so, please read this transcript
from the CNN.
You will be surprised that he's allready a getting
.....from the ...media

    jabriil @ 11/17/2006 12:13 AM EST
 Politicians are known to beg for your votes and when they get it, abandon you and that is exactly what these two newly elected politicians from MN going to do. I am already seeing reports showing that the so called "FIRST MUSLIM CONGRESSMAN" is avoiding associations with the Muslim community. He has already canceled a key note speech he was supposed to give at the annual CAIR banquette. My advice to all Somalis that are living in Minnesota and the rest of country is you must know why you are voting before you go to the polling stations
    waryaa @ 11/16/2006 11:05 PM EST
 Brother Shabeel,
Don't take this personnaly. Saying Somalis in Minnesota are few in number is misleading and wrong. If you drive through any main street or side street in Minnesota, you will see a homeboy, a Somali women (with the hijab attracting you) or small Somali kids walking or young Somali men and women driving by you. That shows that the numbr of somalis in Minnesota is way beyond the numbers on the books of the US Government. For the last two years, newly arrived Somali refugees outnumbered newly born babies inMinnesota. What does that tell you, that the number will exceed a million by the end of 2007 (take my word as someone who works in the social service in Hennepin County).
Our voice made a difference, and we will be an example to those knuckleheads in other places on this globe.
We are broud to be Somali Minnestans
    Alisomali @ 11/16/2006 10:39 AM EST
 What are you talking about shabeel, According to the last census is about 70,000 in 2003. Which is just an statistics and counted according to head of a household and you know we have extended families not included in the lease.I dont know if you live in minnesota but the fact is that we are more than 100,000 and I agree with brother Said.
    abdik @ 11/16/2006 10:34 AM EST
 Shabeel, the USA government now says the Somali population is around 75,000. Listen, MPLS alone has 35 thousand registered voters that are Somalis! Check out the study done by University of Minnesota last year if you want.

And by the way the population is growing fast. I work at the airport and everyday I great new-comers from East Africa coming to Minnesota. I predict by the end of this decade we will have close to quarter milion Somalis in Minnesota.
    Gigi @ 11/16/2006 9:21 AM EST
 Said! Well done on this article...I know you do so much for the community and i trust what you say. I am proud for the Somalis in MN, glad they are involved and their vote counts.Keep up the good work and make sure your voice is heard !!!

Said job well done..

Your Friend in DC
    Abdirisak @ 11/16/2006 7:28 AM EST
 Politicians are known to beg for your votes and when they get it, abandon you and that is exactly what these two newly elected politicians from MN going to do. I am already seeing reports showing that the so called "FIRST MUSLIM CONGRESSMAN" is avoiding associations with the Muslim community. He has already canceled a key note speech he was supposed to give at the annual CAIR banquette. My advice to all Somalis that are living in Minnesota and the rest of country is you must know why you are voting before you go to the polling stations
    Dowlad @ 11/16/2006 4:49 AM EST
 It is not about how many Somalis are there and here, it is about standing together and letting your voices be heard.

    somaalidoon @ 11/16/2006 2:40 AM EST
 Because MN is relatively small size state, the Somali community became
politically powerful to ignore. (Take same size Waryaa to TX, NY or CA and the Waryaa would be a drop in an ocean.)  But please don’t bring petty politics into this system and no matter what your political affiliation is back in our simple huts, think bigger this time. This time around, we are dealing with a world stage not "my hut is better than your hut" mentality that we are so famously and shamefully brag.  I saw Amir’s cartoon about Canada’s election. Somali woman was running for an office, and there was a family in the picture. The wife had a sign supporting the Somali woman candidate, but the husband was asking the wife where the woman candidate came from before he votes for her- (My village or their village?) I hope it won’t happen in MN.  Keep the family strong.

    shabeel @ 11/16/2006 1:29 AM EST
 More 100,000, common said, don't ruin your reputation with such overblown statistics. Somalis in MN, according to the last census is about 11,000. That is undercounted but conservative estimate puts the number to 30 thousand of how 1/3 have citizenship. however, the Somali vote counted in the primary for keith.

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