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    Kibogoyo @ 9/29/2007 11:55 AM EST
 Who is the "somebody" evreyone is talking about who should have saved somalia? I think empty words you cough at/from the convinience of location far from the troubled zones is a show of cowadice. If you really mean what you are talking about lead by example, and let the rest of your commentators see you in the field.
Altenatively, you can talk peace with yourself before reaching out to the media. The fact is Somalis cannot help themselves and they are not ready to accept help from others though they get it anyway.
    hope07 @ 9/28/2007 10:46 PM EST
 Insha-ALLAH Somalia will find peace when ALLAH ordaines that peace. Yes someone needs to change and correct the mistakes of these corrupted TFG and who ever does has their work cut out for them. Keep praying brothers and sisters regardless of some of these atheist opinions.
    meymuna @ 9/28/2007 8:12 AM EST
 Sheikh Jaamici, thanks alot  muslim brother.....may Almighty Allah shows us the rite path...aamiin
    Dr Ali @ 9/27/2007 10:11 AM EST
 Forget about this Araweelo hololeey cry. She is nothing but Amhara lover through her cousin ina yeey. I Want to ask Xasan Jamici why his group refuse to fight Amhara and its slaves? They refuse to take part of liberation movement by adopting kumbayaa business. Organize your home before crying for liberation. Talk to Cali Dheere in Mogadishu Univeristy who kiss American/Amhara legs. If u divorce them then Somali liberation will welcome you albeit from your Tower in MNPLS
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/25/2007 2:09 PM EST
 Brother Samiir, I 100% agree with you.
    samiir @ 9/25/2007 9:39 AM EST
 Dear sir,

If you think more killing is the solution, then more power to you.

Also when did the title "sheikh" became synanomous with bloodthirstiness, it's a sad state of affairs for Somalia.

    Legend1 @ 9/25/2007 8:22 AM EST
 It is so apparent to some of us to me most certainly that the moderators have clearly demonstrated their double standard approach to what is suppose to be a fair and balance on freedom of expression.  The irony here is that you allow people like araweelo to say as she pleases yet you always deny me the same rights, this only explains your bias towards certain groups and your dislike for those who criticise the TFG. Having said all of that I'd like to suggest that you do a proper re-evaluation on what is considered to be fair and balance media channel.  
    Legend1 @ 9/25/2007 7:23 AM EST
 Great response.
    sayyid @ 9/25/2007 6:58 AM EST
 Well said br. Hassan and thanks for your contribution.
    @ 9/25/2007 6:01 AM EST
 Well said br. Hassan and thanks for your for your contribution. Indeed, there's no other choice than fighting a fire with a fire.
The Asmara Group (AG)has made a strategic choice,which is the liberation of Somalia by all means possible,
armed struggle is one of these means. More importantly, the Asmara Group has made it clear that their goal is liberating the
country from the Tigrean occupation. The AG has, therefore, made its agenda transparent and beyond any doubts.
What is needed now is more people like br. Hassan Jamici to stepp into the forefront and assuming the leadership role of
of this legimate and noble cause of liberating and Saving our people from
the Tigre oppression. I believe most Somalis support this struggle. What they need is someone who can articulate their grieviances
and aspirations well. like Sayyid MA. Hassan. War has many fronts and different means,instilling people with pride, courage and self-sacrifice in the
noble cause of liberating their land from (Gumaysiga iyo Dabdhilifyadiisa)is the foremost art of war. The GA need to find, search for, and even head-hunt for people
with a sicerity and poetic gift who are able to articlate their messaage. So that the message reachs and appeals to the nomad and the urban, the the educated and the unalfabet on equal terms.
I geuss br. Hassan is one of them and his voice highly valued.  
    lula @ 9/24/2007 7:43 PM EST
 Thank you,my brother Hassan million of Somali educated
are thinking the same way.Freedom is not Free.
This week end I had in my house 100 Somali diaspora woman
that think like you,Somalis are united more than ever
Freedom at last freedom at last. Nowbody can slave Somali
not tegress not Arab not UN or US.Somalia need only Somalis
true patriotic like you thank you.
    shanta @ 9/24/2007 7:23 PM EST
 War is not answer! Let the people of Somalia decided their destiny by allowing them to vote for a system of governance that suits their desire. If the good Sheik wants to defend the Asmara Group that is his right but he must understand the ramifications involved in endorsing the leadership of Aided and Indhacade-which defeats the intend of such benevolent organization.
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/24/2007 5:21 PM EST
 Ethiopia had got Carte blanche from many Somalis that got tired of the anarchy and mayhem, including a good portion of 275 Parlamentarian and many other entities. But the Asmara groups or similar had got support by whom, one clan or sub-clan who we all know what they are fighting which is basicly clan occupation, is that all. It is common sense that Liberators can't be occupiers at the same time. Hell no.
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/24/2007 5:07 PM EST
 huhuh!! unite all of our forces under the umbrella of who??? mooryaan muqaawama thugs or the disaster-prone Asmara group who were changing hats the last 16 years, apart from ONLF issue. Every area in Somalia have different challenges and before we fight anybody, we need to clean our internal issues that had plagued this anarchic country.
    adamjama @ 9/24/2007 4:40 PM EST
The challenge that is facing the Asmara group & the rest of us is to educate our nomadic people on the nature & scope of the hurricane that is sweeping across our land with the most simplistic & effective language they understand. We have to explain to them that this has nothing to do with Hawiye, Daarood, Isaaq, Digil, or any other tribal conflict. It is more Deeper,complex, & sinister than that .
The issue is the nation that houses all those tribes & more is under Ethiopian occupation & exploitation.
This scheme is over 30 years old, it was conceived in Addis Abeba to divide then occupy Somalia.
Ethiopia was arming & financing all the civil wars in Somalia regardless of who was killing who & for what for over 17 years & more. What we are watching today with horror & disbelief is the implementation of the last stages of that occupation scheme. TFG are simply one of many tools used over the years to prepare the nomads in accepting occupation & humiliation without any resistance or questions asked. The life cycle of that scheme from its inception, duration, & conclusion have obvious & predictable tale-tale signs all over Somalia & beyond.
What you see today in every city & settlement in Southern Somalia is fighting between two Somali tribes & the only place you will find fighting with the Ethiopians is in Mogadishu & Ogaden, because it is part of the scheme to keep every Nomadic tribe busy at where they are to avoid united Somali front . Puntland & Somaliland are not any better because they are fighting for the control of Dhahar & Abeesooleey of all places while their ports are being used by the Ethiopians without paying any taxes, fees, or even the wages of the poor dock workers. That is why Djibouti port & rail-line is going bankrupt. Ethiopia can cross the border in broad day light and grab anybody from any city in Somaliland & Puntland without any permission from anyone. We either unite & kick the Ethiopians out of our country or we will be going to the slaughter-house one group at a time like the cattle in line at beef processing factories. Are we waiting until the Ethiopian tanks side with either Yusuf or Geedi in another war lord instigated fighting for power? Are we waiting until the Ethiopian tanks side with either Somaliland or Puntland in their useless wars? How many catastrophy do we have to witness to wake up & smell the coffee? Here is a poem for you & me from Abdullahi Macalin Dhoodaan thirty years ago.
Ninkii libinta soo hoyin lahaa,hiilkase u baahday.Habar wacad kuwuu ula tagee hilibka soo mooday
Ee horweynta seey ula dhacshaan , kaga hadhee diiday
Halgaadii isaga loo wadiyo, hootadii nimanku,
Qoonkii hagradey maalintay hanatay eey leysay
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/24/2007 3:03 PM EST
 1)"I believe someone should have stood up to challenge the mistakes of  TFG.  I think Asmar conference is one means to correct the mistakes of TFG" Mr Jaamici are you hallucinating like the Asmara group, cause strategicaly and logisticaly their mission is impossible, as former speaker had lamented on VOA sometime ago.

2)"There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends, brothers and freedom lovers to fight our battles for us." Brother Jaamici Allah hadn't been on the side of those who you are advocating so far, unless you change your tactics of encouraging kids and civilians to be slo"ughtered for your doomed project. Since December 2007, there is no victory on the horizon for these idealogicaly bankrupt bunch.  

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