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    Motoke @ 3/8/2007 8:11 PM EST
    Motoke @ 3/8/2007 7:53 PM EST
 mewwe, I can't post comment!! plz. help. it says "thanks for posting"
    laylasamatar @ 3/8/2007 12:55 PM EST
 Hawood, a cannibal since 1991, help is available when you admit that you are a devoted member of the animal kingdom.
    laylasamatar @ 3/8/2007 12:54 PM EST
 Hawood, a cannibal since 1991, obviously you have (Juudaan), help is available when you admit that you are a devoted member of the animal kingdom.
    laylasamatar @ 3/8/2007 12:53 PM EST
 Hawood, you have been a cannibal since 1991, obviously you have (Juudaan), help is available when you admit that you have been a devoted member of the animal kingdom.
    laylasamatar @ 3/8/2007 12:52 PM EST
 Hawood, you have been a cannibal since 1991, obviously you have (Juudaan), help is available when you admit you are no longer a human and that you have been a devoted member of the animal kingdom.
    hawood @ 3/8/2007 12:41 PM EST
 Here come Majeerteen and their dabadhilif.
Hagi.yeey.farah, i'm far more educated than
you or any yeey ever could be. I like to show
you but then you might not llive to tell about
it. As for qaxooti, your majeerteen a$$es are
more qaxooti sice we kicked you out of Mogadishu,
something we'l surely repeat.  abdullaahi yeey
can't even sleep in Mogadishu never mind beating
anything. The only thing he beat historically is
Majeerteen behind. Where is he at? Mogadishu,
hahahaaa. Ethiopiand took over mogadishu, puntland
militia couldn't even defend puntland, they had to
cry to ethiopians. What'll you do when they're gonna?
I'm coming for your a$$es.

Shukuman cade, for your information, Abdullahi yeey
runs nothing and no one asks him anything. I'll
deliver your majeerteen a$$es to mogadishu people when
we slaughter you in Garoowe and Boosaaso and let dogs
in Mogadishu feast on their munaafaq bodies.

TFG= Totally Fu#ked Government
DFS= Dowladda Fugaan Soomaalida
    shukuman cade @ 3/7/2007 11:48 PM EST
 Some people are stuck in 1991. Hawood, you have to let go this animosity that is eating and tearing you apart. You had 16 years to deliver something, you failed miserably and the whole world laughed at you. I can understand the frustration, the pain and the agony of having Abdullahi to lead this government.  But whose fault is it? Accept defeat so you might know what it mean to win.  
    hagi.farah @ 3/7/2007 8:15 PM EST
U don't own Mogadishu
you ignorant unajugcated qaxooti
Mogadisho belongs to all somalies,
so u can go back to burco or wich ever jungle u from,
and play with the donkies like you always do.
President Abdullahi Usuf is beating your mooryaan malitias in Mogadishu,
what can u do about it, baisically nothing,
keep crying while we keep climming,
viva to tfg and all puntland worriors who went back and took over mogadishu from those viciouse mooryaan,
    qig504 @ 3/7/2007 7:17 PM EST
 No amount of support will help the so-called TFG traitors with Majeerteen militia and Ethiopia running the show to fix Somalia's political problems. It is wast of time, energy, and money to expect Majeerteen militia and Ethiopia to succeed

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