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    bukharino @ 10/12/2006 4:13 PM EST
 i realy agree  with u guys , beacase am from kenya but not born there  , i was born in somali but got education in kenya since1990to2000, and am sue sevral somali youth had the same prevelage so we need to respect kenya because they really welcome us while we reffegees and  homeless, i appreciate all that basic education  i  got  from  kenya and now  in  minneapolis mn usa,do  my phamacy degree program .
    qig504 @ 10/11/2006 9:08 PM EST
 Well said Ali. The common sense and logic must take priority in both countries. I hope Ethiopia uses its common sense and does the same as well.          
    Spiritual_leade @ 10/11/2006 8:50 PM EST
 We agreed , kenya is friedly nation to us, our people don't suffer in kenya as they do in ethiopia, and the whole world has one land not many, it does not matter where people live they must live peacefully, ethiopan government is the enemy of somalis, and they won't leave us alone even in our own country, and you are talking about the land that they took from us, Allah's willing we will shine over them

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