73 comment(s)
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    caaqil @ 4/18/2007 8:50 AM EST
 Civil thanks for that information, hadiiba ay jalbaab xiratay oo kamiro gashatay, tan in la dal dalo ayayba istaahishaa baqtida.

 Qofka soo sedexeen doono waa caraweelo, soomaha nayaa?
    civil @ 4/17/2007 2:28 PM EST
 Before we condemn or support this woman we have to understand her meaning and clearly she said - i believe some of the holy Qur`an, that means not all  that is not funny if some of you can understand norwegian plz read her  http://where-2-go.no/arkiv/374320 ama afsomali ka aqri halkan http://www.deeyoo.com/qadra.htm  
    hmmm @ 4/17/2007 1:48 PM EST
 is she ayaan sis.
toloow yaasoo sadexanydoona.....kkkkkkkk
tention raadis hadii lawadanoqdo waadhib
    Dhool @ 4/14/2007 3:48 PM EST
 Ma waxaad ka hadashaan baad weeydeen mise hadalkii iyo waqtigii baa idinka batay? War bal kaalaya!!!! Isku xishooda, khusuusan raga meeshan ka hadlaya guditaanka iyo wax lamid ah. Mida hore, raga Soomaaliyeed laguma aqoon (unless something has changed and I've missed that memo) ineey ka naadeeyaan arimaha guditaanka dumarka. Wuxuu ahaa mawduuc dumarka ku xiran oo aysan ayaguba meel walba ay ka naadin.  Mida labaad, kuwa meeshan ku af lagaadeeynayaan gabadhaan Soomaaliyeed oo nasiib darada ku dhacday, shame on you!!! Who made you a judge and jury? Hadaay gabadhu tiri hala fasiro diinta, ma ay ka wado hala badalo  the "actual" interpretation of the Quraanka. You know that is not possible. What she propably meant was: people need to "correct" their "miss-interpretation" of the Quraan, or how they "miss-use" the religion out of ignorance.  
    hanna @ 4/14/2007 1:18 PM EST
 I am so sorry what happen to you Kadra, FGM it is
crime. Which need to be expose to the world. I have been
circumsion but it was sunna, I still remember when I
was in refugee camp 12 years ago one of my friend
told her mother I want be circumsion. I didn't know
why but she said I wanted to be like other girls in
Camp. what I am trying to say is that some girls
want to be circumsion.
thank you for posting this article.
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 12:12 PM EST
 Kudos, all the individuals who objected and denounced violence against women, which ever form it comes.

Special thanks to: Ali72 & xiinfaniin.
    xariri @ 4/14/2007 11:29 AM EST
 Violence has never solved a problem, unfortunately some fellow brothers think that killing and eliminating opposite view can bring possible outcome.
    ali72 @ 4/14/2007 9:13 AM EST
 Islam forbids female circumcision. Somali guys such as cuckold Rocketlaunch don't represent majority of Somali male, anyone who does understand Koran is very much aware how illegal is, not to mention inhumane conditions our women suffer.
The question is how come we treat this bad to Kadra? What crimes has she committed?
If you think circumcision will prevent anything that women wants, then as they say you are in loony colony.
Guys remember, when you circumcise a female, you are against Islam, so are those idiots who beat a female. Since we don't suffer amnesia, It's shameful (CEEB) to hit a women regardless of her crime, this case Kadra is innocent, she is not Ayan Hersi who knows how to butter her bread, which reminds me the funny story about late singer Sammy davis Jr, he converted to Judaism, on his death bed, he cried as red blooded Baptist " Jesus help me" Not Moses, so Ayaan is normal Somali pirate, not much different those who brought us Ethiopians to force us subjugation and misery.
I advise you guys to respect women, unless you are proven cuckold or funny.
Those of you who wants know what Islam thinks about women genitals, it supposed enjoyed by the owner and who she lets to enjoy with her, not unattractive cuckolds who insult women under immersion of Islam.
Prophet Mohamed said " I like three things in this world:
1- Worshiping (Salat,Fasting and Etc)
2- Women.
3- Perfumes ( Catoor)
Anyone who don't understand women does not deserve them.
    caaqil @ 4/14/2007 8:23 AM EST
 Who knows caraweelo is circumisized?

 RocketLaunch that's ur assignment dude.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/13/2007 8:59 PM EST
 Othmani, thanx brother, since this morning I didn't check this site and was suprised to see soooo many wonderful comments and some heated debates.

By the way, note to all the brothers/sisters we should consider creating a website to educate one another.I see many somai sites that are too boring and cause harm to suffering to our fellow Somalis. Some of these sites are toward one qabil or a city and etc. I think HOL has been productive and wish they accepted comments/feedback from us...
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 7:00 PM EST
 simansima soomaalidu waa isolated lakiin reality ayaa
dadka hur dada ka kicindoonta waase goor magacaynu
uu la mid yahay boosaneero!mida kale diinteena waxaa
lagu xantaa inay dumarka u daran tahay,markaan gabar
soomali ah feeraha ka jejebino maxaan u shegaynaa dumarka?
qaas ahaan dumarka yar yar ee qurbaha ku nool..diinteena
waa inaan difaacno oo wanaageeda muujina..ma aha inaan
anaga meel uga dhacno anagoo og in diinta islaamka
mar marsiyo loo raadsanaayo!
    othmani @ 4/13/2007 6:40 PM EST
 Somalia1977 @ 4/13/2007 9:21 AM EST
Khadra's remarks would distraught every muslim. No one should be disrespecting their own religion and say Allah's words are not correct. At the same time, instead of causing haram to her one should have educated this sister in case she didn't know!

May Allah guide us all to the true path.

Mashallah u said 100% right words in this situation may allah help us all
    simansime @ 4/13/2007 6:35 PM EST
 Sonamo, mahadsadsanid laakiin waxa ay ahaataba maxaa Soomalida iyo muslinka qaarkii
ay fatwa iyo dil ula soo boodaan qofkii juuq yiraahdaba, kana dhigay inay dilaan
gabar yar habeen barkii, maxaa ka soo baxaya haddi qalad, qalad kale lagu saxo,
weliba aan joogno xiligii post 9/11. Maxaa loo jecel yahay dil iyo tacadi, anagoo qaxooti ah.
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 6:30 PM EST
 magac iyo adress cusub
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 6:26 PM EST
 simansime baroortu orgiga ka weyn gabadhan waa siyaasiyad
dumarka qaarbaa sideedaba la moodaan inay teen age yihiin weligood
waxay hada ka hor tiri "waa in qor aan ka dib loo fisiraa gaar ahaan
wax yaabaha quseeya dumarka"taa aad baa looga dooday norway
plus the cam thing in year 2000 hada waxay leeyi hiin
waxaa la siiyey magac iyo adeer qarsoon waxay wareysi
la gashay poliska oslo,lakiin ka filo inay tan noqon doonto
ayaantii labaad ,waayo waa siyaasiyad nishkeedu yahay
famanism iyo islam its the same thing as ayaan,i feel
sorry 4 the somali community in that country they will face some
    starofsomalia @ 4/13/2007 6:26 PM EST
 1. if god created women's bodies a certain way, who can dare
mutilate and deform that body?
2. what kind of men can gather around a lone woman in the middle of the night
and beat her so badly that several of her ribs are broken?
3. why can't people see that without the ability to
say what we really believe without fear, we will all
live under the domination of the strong and violent?
    simansime @ 4/13/2007 6:08 PM EST
 Somamo, video ga ma noo micneyn kartaa, sida aan ka
dhadhansaday waxay lahayd shaydaan bay iigu yeereen markay dilayeen,
inta aysan oohinta bilaabin, waa gabar aad u yar sida ka muuqata.
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 5:51 PM EST
 walaahi soomaalida norway waa u dhamaatay!hadana
tv ugu weyn bay kasoobaxday oo iska oo hisiisay belo
war goormay naga soo dul dhici doonaan reer norway?
ila fiiriya video gan http://webtv.tv2.no/webtv/?progId=157798
    hillac @ 4/13/2007 5:50 PM EST
 Dr.Ali and Somalia 1977,thanks for the encouragement,as Somalia 1977 says there must be some words the watch-dog reacts to,have posted comments before with the name of a powerful state mentioned and got the cold hand,not once but several times,a shame,cheers to the both of you.
    simansime @ 4/13/2007 5:35 PM EST
 Rocketlaunch, yes heavy gun shots were heard evening times. So, I am just wondering why HOL is not updating their info.  
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 5:32 PM EST
 soo joog ninkii laga waayo soo jiifso ayaa laga helaa
gabadhan markii horaba siyaasiyada ahayd waa ka faa iidaysatay
oo maqaal kale ayey durbadii soo daabacday oo ay ku leedahay
ragii aniga i dilay si hero ah ayey somalidu u soo dhowaysay
marka maadaama hada ka hor mid waalan uu dhowr qof midi la dhacay
oo gabar reer norway ku dilay qaar kale kufsi iyo dagaal/mobile xadis
badani jirtay,waxay ila tahay mar dhow in iswiidhan inay
noogu imaam doonaan iyagoo leh norway soomalidii waa lagu nacay sida
denmark oo kale,war dadkaan sida dameerka oo kale ayey
gaanjo afka in laga geli u baahan oo la hogaamiyo xoolaha
sidooda oo kale !halkaan ka aqrista maqaalka dhowr daqiiqadood
ka hor soo baxay => http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=171184
    RocketLaunch @ 4/13/2007 5:30 PM EST
 Ladies and Germs, plz don't waste your time with this trash.

SIMANSIME: Is there late breaking news from the capital that you have for us?
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 5:08 PM EST
 Waxaa u baahan in la iska qabto rag ku sheega nimo/naageesh ka ah oo dumarka ku abuse gareeya xornimadooda iyo haddalkooda, waa waxyaalaha ay Ayaan Hersi ay uga faa'iideystay inay diinteena cayso waxa u wacan ragga cunsurka ah, oo ku wada dhaamaan doona xabsiyada qurbahaha ayagoo noqon doona dumar lagu haysto xabsiga, you go ahead beat the crap of a woman, nimanka ragga ahoow. Walee xaniinyo siibkiii ay Caraweelo qaarkiin ay idinka cafisay ka filo, xabsiyada waa weyn markaad la idinku xiro.
    adamjama @ 4/13/2007 4:58 PM EST
 Gabdhaha Soomaalidu way ka badanyihiin kana nasabsanyihiin Ayn Xirsi iyo Khadro waji muufo.
way xishoodaan aduunkana ugama sheekeeyaan waxa u qarsoon.
Marka waxaan ku talin lahaa in dhowrka naagood ee dharka soo dhigtay la iska qabto.
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 4:51 PM EST
 Correction: hamdi hadalkaaga waxaad post gareysay 4 jeer, ee maaha seddex. Maxaa ku qaaday oo aad u fududaatay qareen raggeed miyaad isku bedeshay, ragga waa kuwan halkan ka wahwah leh habeen iyo dharaar(caqlilaawe iyo caaqilba), ee asxaan kaagama baahnee, ka soo jawaab waxaan ku weydiiyay adigoon u gafin dumar oo idil, kana badalin mowduuca kor ku xusin, haddaadaan ahayn dameeri dhaan raacday.
    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 4:44 PM EST
 First dib u eeg qofka qofka ka daba qaatan, anigu
ma arko naag kale ood meesha jooga adigaa naa
bilaabey reerbaadiye iyo nacnacda. Marka kugu soo
jeesteyna waan niic leedaheay.
aan su'ashan dib kugu soo ceshee
ma saxbaa in dad lagu dilo in ay qataan
dowlad ayan rabin?
I don't see you protesting about that
why is your defense so selective?

Either human rights should be respected at all times
or it should not? one person or whole population
one must stand for justice everytime not when
it sooths them.  
take a good look in the mirror and answer your
own question.
another question Caraweelo, why are you the odd one
out always?

as for this yahoo, there is more that meets the eye.
Caraweelo, stop defending the indefensable.
naa have good weekend, and I hope you should take
stock of your deeds.
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 4:43 PM EST
 waa savage fooqal savage !ma waxaa la arkay dad year 2007
gudniin fircooniya u dilaaya gabar soomaaliyeed ?
mala ragan falkaa ku kacay waxay ka yimaadeen qoysas
dumarkooda sida dameeraha oo kale hangool la iskaga garaaco?
waxaan garka booca samaystay ee foodlayda feeraha ka jebinaaya
may soo baxaan maxay gor gorada hooyadood u hoos galeen?
wuxuush waa xoolo ilaahey e ha HOGAAMIYO !
    simansime @ 4/13/2007 4:43 PM EST
 Who is Kadra? we just have partial information in this article,
I would say there is no enough info to bash or to defend this woman.

what is the matter with HOL reports, there is no cease fire in Mogadishu tonight.

It is Friday the 13th..  
    adamjama @ 4/13/2007 4:33 PM EST
Thank you for standing for the decent Somali girls. way to go...
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 4:27 PM EST
 HOL has been blocking me every word I wrote, since the last posting of the below person, is there something they trying to tell me?.hamdi, ma aadan ka jawaabin su'aasha aan meesha soo dhigay, adigoon ka ekaan ka daba qaadashada iyo qiiq isku qariska. Hana iska dhigin, inaad mas'uul ka tahay sumcad Soomaliyeed iyo mid diineedba, ee marka hore taada ka soo bax. Su'aasheydu waa ma saxbaa in gabar lagu dilo waxay ka hadashay gudniinka fircooniga ah, oo ay su'aal waydiisay imaamk magaladeeda, madaama dad badani uu qabay in gudniinku yahay wax diini ah, oo aan ahayn dhaqan xumo la xalaaleystay.

    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 3:05 PM EST
 HOL my opoligies, for the tripple post, Mea culpa ;)
    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 2:14 PM EST
 Naayaa Caraweelo waadiga meeshan dulin-dulcoonayee
kaba dhamaan la'a qolkane, naa naagtu ma inadaarta
Ari baaye baroortu orgiga ka wayne maad noo sheegtidh?

Naa hunqaaco iyo matag dhanaan meel walaba waxaa
la taagan waa adiga iyo Nooca kula midka ah,
ee doonaya inay Sumac xumo walba ku hoos qaraabtaan
soomaliy baan ahey.
Ka bilow Odayga Xunee beerka Khaayisey halkan har iyo
habeen aan la balac balac leedahy supportikisa

Hooyo Kharaba dhasha gabar kharaaba. Naa nagala
kor tag argumant xumada idha iska soo tuurka ah
waa ba'iineeye iyo hoogiinii la idinku bartee
waxa xun ee dadku ka caroro waligiinba waad ku faantaane.

    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 2:13 PM EST
 Naayaa Caraweelo waadiga meeshan dulin-dulcoonayee
kaba dhamaan la'a qolkane, naa naagtu ma inadaarta
Ari baaye baroortu orgiga ka wayne maad noo sheegtidh?

Naa hunqaaco iyo matag dhanaan meel walaba waxaa
la taagan waa adiga iyo Nooca kula midka ah,
ee doonaya inay Sumac xumo walba ku hoos qaraabtaan
soomaliy baan ahey.
Ka bilow Odayga Xunee beerka Khaayisey halkan har iyo
habeen aan la balac balac leedahy supportikisa

Hooyo Kharaba dhasha gabar kharaaba. Naa nagala
kor tag argumant xumada idha iska soo tuurka ah
waa ba'iineeye iyo hoogiinii la idinku bartee
waxa xun ee dadku ka caroro waligiinba waad ku faantaane.

    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 2:13 PM EST
 Naayaa Caraweelo waadiga meeshan dulin-dulcoonayee
kaba dhamaan la'a qolkane, naa naagtu ma inadaarta
Ari baaye baroortu orgiga ka wayne maad noo sheegtidh?

Naa hunqaaco iyo matag dhanaan meel walaba waxaa
la taagan waa adiga iyo Nooca kula midka ah,
ee doonaya inay Sumac xumo walba ku hoos qaraabtaan
soomaliy baan ahey.
Ka bilow Odayga Xunee beerka Khaayisey halkan har iyo
habeen aan la balac balac leedahy supportikisa

Hooyo Kharaba dhasha gabar kharaaba. Naa nagala
kor tag argumant xumada idha iska soo tuurka ah
waa ba'iineeye iyo hoogiinii la idinku bartee
waxa xun ee dadku ka caroro waligiinba waad ku faantaane.

    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 2:13 PM EST
 Naayaa Caraweelo waadiga meeshan dulin-dulcoonayee
kaba dhamaan la'a qolkane, naa naagtu ma inadaarta
Ari baaye baroortu orgiga ka wayne maad noo sheegtidh?

Naa hunqaaco iyo matag dhanaan meel walaba waxaa
la taagan waa adiga iyo Nooca kula midka ah,
ee doonaya inay Sumac xumo walba ku hoos qaraabtaan
soomaliy baan ahey.
Ka bilow Odayga Xunee beerka Khaayisey halkan har iyo
habeen aan la balac balac leedahy supportikisa

Hooyo Kharaba dhasha gabar kharaaba. Naa nagala
kor tag argumant xumada idha iska soo tuurka ah
waa ba'iineeye iyo hoogiinii la idinku bartee
waxa xun ee dadku ka caroro waligiinba waad ku faantaane.

    Anti-traitors @ 4/13/2007 2:01 PM EST
 Caraweelo gudniinka fircooniga waa khalad taas yaa isku heesta atleast we can agree with that. . Dhaqan iyo caado waad  difaaceesaa gudniinka fircoonigana  waad diideesaa. meel halaguu raaaco huuno. Fircooni========Caado. waliba caado xun.I know you trying to defend those munaafiqiin and you dont know how to defend them because you are contadicting your self.
    burhan_jamac @ 4/13/2007 1:53 PM EST
 Before it was Ayan, and now it is Khadra woow
What is these ladies getting lying about their religion
and making false statements about their own religion,
Do they think they gonna get better welcoming or better
welfare check? Or both or even better to get a seat in politics
If they say they are Muslim then why are they making false statement
about our religion, My opinion is anyone who Makes fun of our religion
or puts it down is not a true Muslim there fore please this is our religion
by insulting our religion your insulting us, You practice what other
religion you choose and leave us alone simple as that, Thank you.

P.S why are we dicussing this Article and why is this
article posted in here?
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 1:50 PM EST
 Alla maxaa seef labood meel walba ka soo shaqo tagay. Diinta, dhaqan iyo caadada dadkeenu isticmaalayeen maxaa isaga gadhiisha. Gudniinka waa qalad, qofkii ka hadlana ama diida falkaas maaha qof kufri ah. Markaa haddaad og tihiin inuu xun yahay, maxaad dadka u xagxagnaysaan hadday ka hadlaan.
    Anti-traitors @ 4/13/2007 1:38 PM EST
 Hamdi  those kufars and their munaafiqiin want make you or a good nonmuslims believe our great religion teachs (Fircooni staf). We all know firooni  have nothing to do with our religion. Its our culture and I dont know where we got it from. We gota know the diference between  our culture and our  great religion. Our religion is 110% great, but out cultur may be 85% is great. The kuffars and their munaafiqiin take some of our bad culture and associate with Islam. That is their main goal, and itis not only about circumicsion case  itis about attacking our religion left to right.
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 1:27 PM EST
 hamdi, waa haddaad qof dumar aad tahay, sidaa hunqaaco uguma aadan wareegteen. Diinta iyo magaca Soomalida qadirinta aad u haysid ii sheeg markaad dumar fara badan aad sidaa u caynaysid, oo ka hadlaya gudniinka fircooniga ah, xagee lagaa hayaa oo aad nimanka cusnurnimada laga gaaray aad dumar badan oo ka dhiidhiyay rafaadka iyo darxumada lagu hayo aad uga hiilisay, oo activist ah aad afkaaga aad kula dhacaday, sidii wax wareersan, waxaanse adiga iyo inta kula midka ah ee maangaabka ah idin waydiiyay maxaa qalad ah oo ku saabsan in gabadhaan ay weydiisay imaamka magaaladeeda waxa uu ka qabo gudniinka, maxaase ka galay Ayan Hersi oo diintii ka baxday qadiyada ay gabadhaan wadato.
    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 1:12 PM EST
 Naa diin meesha laguma heyn ee naagahan
waashey ee markay mid walba oo waji moosa
doonto inay magac raadiso ku hoos
meereysata Gudniin iyo Iman. Gudniin iyo
Iimaan maxaa isu geeyey, xagey diinta kaga
qoran tahay Gudniin Fircono baa sax.

Diinta iyo Gudniinka iyo Magaca Soomali naagaha
kaalaxiinta ah ee uskaga iyagaa carrada la cararaya
From Ayan Hirsi, Waris( dessert thorn) iyo kuwo
badan oo nacnacleh. Nacnacda iyagaa bilaabey
dhurbaaxona waa laga daba geyn iyagoo
sur mindi ah leh, si ayan kaalaxad kale
oo iyagoo kale ah ugu waano qaadato,
magaca umada soomaliyeed iyo kan muslimaka
maaha inay ku burburiyaan hoostooda qadhmuun
naa hooyadoo iyo abahood baa ka musuul ah
in la toltoley, hadey ciil qabaan ha kula dhacaa
umad dhan oo soomaliyeed inay xagxagtaan maaha
islaam inay xagxagtaan maah.
nimandka soomaliyeed maha cida rabta toliin
run aan isu sheegno waa hooyooyinka iyo
ayeeyooinka iyo abayaasha, nin raba ma leh
meel la soo karkarey inuu arko. runta aan isu

Dadkoo dhan waa ka soo horjeedaan gudniinka
fircooniga, lakiin dadku si sharaf leh
bay wax u kala tabiyaan. naagtii xunoo
ku qaraba hoosta dumarka iyadoo wax u dhimisa
sumcada, karaama iyo masiirka  dadka soomaliyeeed
laad iyo feerba in laga daba geeyo waa istaahil.
uskag bilaa edeb! alcoholic walbaa meel bey
niic leedahay.
naa dhiidhiibsada fur iyo xanjo la idinku owdye
    sahalsiidi @ 4/13/2007 1:06 PM EST
 It is sad to see, that some of you are purely attacking this Somali Woman because she was downtown Oslo at 3:00am, forget about other accusations. Somaalida qaar ma seef la bood bay wada noqdeen.  
    adamjama @ 4/13/2007 12:30 PM EST
 I feel sorry for the guy who circumcised this dispicable creature.
Perhaps at 3:00 AM in downtown western town, she was thinking about revising the Quran.
People will do anything for recognition when they cannot achieve it with qualifications & above average accomplishments.
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 12:30 PM EST
 Alla maxaa nacnac la isku madadaaliyay oo la isugna markhaati kacay, oo la iska dhigay dad muslin ah aqoonta adduun iyo mid diimeedba ay ku dheer tahay, iyadoo ay cayda iyo anshax xumada ay halkaan la joogaan aysan ka ahayn raali diinta ay leeyihiin waan aaminsan nahay. Xiinfaniin waad mahadsan aqoon celinta aad u samaysay reer baadiyaha ama dad aqoon xumidu ay dilootay oo rag iyo dumar isku sheeg ah.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/13/2007 12:20 PM EST
 Dr., and Hilac: The censoring issue is one that I can explain (possibly). HOL wrote some ASP.NET which goes through and scans our messages and they have some keywords that it checks against. Well, sometimes it denies if you use one of those words. I tested their system and whenever it denies I change some of the words I suspect to Somali and it works everytime.

So, my message to HOL change your WONDERFUL code to allow all messages. This seems like a dictatorship!!
    Dr Ali @ 4/13/2007 12:15 PM EST
 Hillac its not only you who were censored in this playground. Many people including me were censored just we've had different opinion than Hiiraan online diaspora warlords. Somali real warlords is much better than this poisonous warlords.  For Kadra hoe, she is really lucky cuz if I was there she would die like a dog without 911.
    Dr Ali @ 4/13/2007 12:08 PM EST
 Hillac its not only you who were censored in this playground. Many people including me were censored just we've had different opinion than Hiiraan online diaspora warlords. Somali real warlords is much better than this poisonous warlords.  For Kadra hoe, she is really lucky cuz if I was there she would die like a dog without 911.
    MAHAD25 @ 4/13/2007 12:04 PM EST
    galhareere @ 4/13/2007 11:41 AM EST
 i love it kick some ass .so athers take as leson
    hillac @ 4/13/2007 11:40 AM EST
    ilyas365 @ 4/13/2007 11:37 AM EST
 I honestly believe that our Somali Girls are beautiful, but there are some Ugly ones much like Ayaan Hirsi or this xhore looking creature, Khadra. I wonder why a decent Somali girl would wander in downtown at 3:00am? Plz Somalis answer to me!
    RocketLaunch @ 4/13/2007 11:08 AM EST
 Guys plz, leave the apostates alone. We Muslims are giving them so much attention that they don't deserve. The Tunisian apostate who was on Al-Jazeera has become so famous because so many Muslims are watching her video. Plz, don't let these apostates make you angry and take matters in to your own hands. Allah will take care of them. It is sad to watch it but the best we can do is to shut them off and never engage them. I swear to you if the Muslims just didn't pay attention to these individuals they would have been marginalized. Its us who are making them famous so my word to you in the West is to just let it go. Lets solve our nations problems first and than we can show them what we are all about.  
    RocketLaunch @ 4/13/2007 11:02 AM EST
 My Tunisian girl is very horny because she is acircumsized, She likes it but I don't want my wife to be not circumsized. A word to any future Somali prospects.
    hamdi @ 4/13/2007 11:00 AM EST
 Waji moos Somali traitor!
these self promoting wenches we are giving
us bad names. Yuck Waji moos Ayaan hirsi wanna be
the Somali name is being attacked at all sides
and we are sick and tired to see Somalis who
help the tarnishement of the somali name.

Naa meel fadhiiso balo hoosta kaa gashey
    TheCleverOne @ 4/13/2007 10:57 AM EST
 It seems as though the answer to everything, according to Islam, is to beat or kill. I think this religion has no place in modern times. This is truly an appalling act and my heart goes out to that innocent lady.
Those who blindly follow this religion are eager to attack whomever they disagree with!
There are those of us who do not wish to associate with Islam, we've gladly left the Muslim world and have settled in non Islamic nations where we have freedom(s) and it's terrible that Muslims (who themsevles would not live in most Muslim nations, i.e. Saudi Arabia) have followed us here and are intent on attacking us after we speak.

I don't mean to create problems but people need to understand that Islam is not for everyone. We gladly use the Islamic greeting to avoid harrassment and/or attacks to please Muslims and their beliefs because it's treason to oppose Islam!
    xiin-faniin @ 4/13/2007 10:47 AM EST
 circumsized, sorry
    ali72 @ 4/13/2007 10:45 AM EST
Rocketlaunch,words of advise, your future wife will be more fun if she is not cut off part of her body, besides, most women do not get horny gazing at you.
Instead of Malls try find a decent women at some other place, the time of insecure little ( I mean best sense of the word)Little men to subjugate women is over.
If you want to know what happens to man such as you, take a look the word Cuckold or Cornutto.
    xiin-faniin @ 4/13/2007 10:44 AM EST
 Rocket,u can't be serious!all FGM does is mutilate the body and increase the chances that your wife might die during child birth. If you are worried about your wife cheating then make sure you stay home and take care of business.I am sure that loose women like Ayan Hirsi were circusized and it did them no good. A woman's chastity is a matter of personal choice, self-respect and faith in Allah, no amount of FGM can change that.
    cxasan @ 4/13/2007 10:41 AM EST
 not so long ago, that the uncircimcised women was a great shame and totally unacceptable in the Somali culture, but these days things are changing so fast due to the mass immigration. I think the circumcision has bad and good!
    CXASAN @ 4/13/2007 10:17 AM EST
 Someone talked about his woman getting "horny" could that be the original reason for the introduction this circumission?
    Rocketlaunch @ 4/13/2007 10:15 AM EST
 Revise the Quran? may be Khadra should revise her story. I think Ayan Hersi beat the crap out of her.
    caaqil @ 4/13/2007 10:10 AM EST
Somalia 1977, totally agree with you, though i was 1 year behind 1978 :-)

 I need NOT say more.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/13/2007 10:05 AM EST
 In these days anyone who wants to get attention and to be treated well by the western society one goes out of their way to contradict the sayings of Allah. A Muslim should never support someone who doesn't agree with the Quran and Allah's message. One who claims the Quran is not authentic and value their STUPID opinion instead of the quran then this could take you out of the religion.

There are many things in the Quran that sciencists proved years and years later, so the Quran the Sunnah should be our way of live.
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/13/2007 10:03 AM EST
 Kadra is following the foot steps of her mentor Ayaan the girl from hell. I do not advocate violence in any shape or form but i beleive there is a cause for concern of what she stands for and the sensitivity of the matter. I would rather wait the other side of the story  
    Odeybiiqe @ 4/13/2007 10:02 AM EST
 Rocketlaunch, you are fast and swift in posting comments and changing positions. To become horny doesn't depend on whether the woman is circumcized or not. Don't you know she can "do" around any time she wants? You need trust 101, man.
    caaqil @ 4/13/2007 9:54 AM EST
 I sometimes wonder why is this happening to Somali community?
    Odeybiiqe @ 4/13/2007 9:50 AM EST
 Rocketlaunch, I agree with you that the Muslim faith become vulnerable these days, but these franchise groups who are taking the matter with thier hands without any religious base is another set back for the community. I know Islam doesn't condone the Pheronic circumcision, which means both the naive young lady and her masters are beating the bush. But can we stop these young freelancers?
    Rocketlaunch @ 4/13/2007 9:47 AM EST
 I support female circumsition. I don't want to see my future wife get horny while I am gone and do something that I will regret. I don't want to explain the femal organ but uncircumsised ladies get horny alot and we see that in the mall.
    xiin-faniin @ 4/13/2007 9:45 AM EST
 Maybe she went about it the  wrong way but ultimately, FGM is Haram. It's a pre-islamic (Pharo's time) tradition. I will spare you the list of the many negative consequences of FGM, but no one should be attacked in this way.
    Rocketlaunch @ 4/13/2007 9:44 AM EST
I can't believe I am disagreeing with Caraweelo, our queen but no one kows who did this to her and never trust an apostate.
    caraweelo @ 4/13/2007 9:42 AM EST
 What a disgusting news, Kadra is getting attacked beacuse she denounced female circumcision which has nothing to do with religion, but it is purely sick prefabricated ritual to submit women. Shame on these gangs, shame on the so called imam for perpetuating violence, where dialogue was needed. That is why a lot of Somali men are confused what is religion, what is pharaonic ritual.  
    Rocketlaunch @ 4/13/2007 9:39 AM EST
 Another apostate! we know she wants to degrade the faith for a meager price but let her do it because Allah will protect his faith. We are not sure if the story is true or not. May be her boyfriend beat the crap out of her or they are self inflicted wounds to harm the Muslim community.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/13/2007 9:21 AM EST
 Khadra's remarks would distraught every muslim. No one should be disrespecting their own religion and say Allah's words are not correct. At the same time, instead of causing haram to her one should have educated this sister in case she didn't know!

May Allah guide us all to the true path.

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