10 comment(s)
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    som @ 1/29/2009 4:02 AM EST
 Hey k'naan you are my favorite. Yes You did it. I dont care the clan you come from but i care the flag you carry all the time and the way you make somalia still alive in the music industry. I love it. As for Ilka Case pliz grow up. MO5 if at all magol was his aunt what does it have to do with him? also grow up
    @ 1/28/2009 11:23 AM EST
 It is 2009 When will Qabiil won't matter When will
Somalis see the light ...Technology is beyond the limit
in western world and our people are suffering dont have
water to drink and food to eat and if someone does something
we critisize....am refering this note to those who still
mention Qabiilism...Allah Bless Somalis
    @ 1/28/2009 11:23 AM EST
 It is 2009 When will Qabiil won't matter When will
Somalis see the light ...Technology is beyond the limit
in western world and our people are suffering dont have
water to drink and food to eat and if someone does something
we critisize....am refering this note to those who still
mention Qabiilism...Allah Bless Somalis
    @ 1/28/2009 11:21 AM EST
 It is 2009 When will Qabiil won't matter When will
Somalis see the light ...Technology is beyond the limit
in western world and our people are suffering dont have
water to drink and food to eat and if someone does something
we critisize....am refering this note to those who still
mention Qabiilism...Allah Bless Somalis
    ilka-case @ 1/28/2009 12:25 AM EST
 he nothing, but qaniis habargidir
    MO5 @ 1/27/2009 9:10 PM EST
 K'naan is Moryaan,because his aunt Magool was Mooryaan.
    hymohamed @ 1/27/2009 4:38 PM EST

Qarjajac baad haysaa.  Waan amaanay markaa idhi "waayo wuxuu qaadayey hees hip hop ah oo uu kaga hadlayey Ethiosku markii ay caasimada Muqdisho qabsadeenwaayo wuxuu qaadayey hees hip hop ah oo uu kaga hadlayey Ethiosku markii ay caasimada Muqdisho qabsadeen.".  That statement is a proof that he has done something good for his country thru his lyrics.   But to be honest with you, I am having difficulty with his Somali vocabulary but that could be due to him being an artist and musician.  

Not only the South but all Somalis should stop hating each other including notherners.  
    Appalled @ 1/27/2009 4:27 PM EST
 HyMohamed: You have the audacity of making fun of k'naan's
Somali when you yourself are struggling with it. I mean
what do you possibly mean by "Kolay dadka qaar waa dhaamaa"?
Is'nt suppose to be "wuu dhaama" or "waan dhaama" depending
on whom your referring to? Word of advice to my south Somali

    hymohamed @ 1/27/2009 2:06 PM EST
 Ninkani waa heesaa oo weliba qolada casrigan ayuu la haystaa laakiin aniga wuxuu dhib weyni iga haystaa vocabularigiisa and it is not the "age" thing.  Yaa garanayo cid sharaxi karta vocabularyga uu ku heeso ama meel loo guuro oo laga barto vocabulariga?  Kolay dadka qaar waa dhaamaa waayo wuxuu qaadayey hees hip hop ah oo uu kaga hadlayey Ethiosku markii ay caasimada Muqdisho qabsadeen.  
    kormar @ 1/27/2009 1:39 PM EST
 keep it that way bro you doing it good.
real somali is you and i wish you good luck.
ppl like you is what we need so bad nowedays,
keep advocating for somalia the world must not forget us.
a day with out sun is a day lost .you the sun for somalia keep shining bro thaks.peace to somalia.

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