26 comment(s)
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    Iyaah? @ 3/30/2007 6:10 PM EST
 I was in tears. Tears of joy for my brother in faith.
Muhammad Abdul Aziz. keep it up bro...
    Iyaah? @ 3/30/2007 6:09 PM EST
 I was in tears. Tears of joy for my brother in faith.
Muhammad Abdul Aziz. keep it up bro...
    waxgarad waalma @ 3/11/2007 8:13 PM EST
 Mashallah, Mohamed may Allah guide you and your family  for right path.
    SuleeqaSagal @ 3/1/2007 1:49 PM EST
 Manshaallah My Brother! We welcome with open arms.
    sumeya99 @ 2/25/2007 7:47 PM EST
 Manshaallah welcome to Islam brother Mohamed and May Allah increase our faith.
People like you represent Islam great way because many don't know what Islam is
and inshallah by your continues mention of Islam and Allah they will have open mind to our deen.
We don't all have to be scholars in Islam but our actions are what will bring others to Islam.
Brother and sisters please let us not attack each but work together to bring others to Islam Inshallah.
    wariahe @ 2/25/2007 1:44 PM EST
    sool state @ 2/23/2007 7:30 PM EST
 Ceelbuh amiin walaalo and good suggestions as well.

Rocket launch you need to change your attitude when
it comes to posting messages or else shut up.
    RocketLaunch @ 2/23/2007 11:47 AM EST
 What a punch of hypocrites! practice your faith first and then wish it for others okay.
    angellove @ 2/23/2007 6:38 AM EST
welcome brother Mohamed to Islam may Allahs mercy be upon you n your family. May Allah show us and your brother the right way. As for those who are judging and pointing fingers to who should be a muslim or not, may Allah show them to look with in themselves-listen to M.Js song that says "look in the mirror" no one knows who is going to jannah or not. Calling M. J a rapist did you witness it can you stand before Allah and say you saw him doing it. Everyone is welcomed to Islam and islam is peace so let everyone enjoy the peace and love of islam.
    ceelbuh @ 2/22/2007 8:55 AM EST
 sool state, being Muslim you don't have to write books or be in the media at all. As a new Muslim, you want to get educated about Islam and know it very well before being in the media and not being able to defend yourself. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't answer Islamic questions if you don't have knowledge and you should say God knows the answer. I didn't listened to the audio of the brother but I hope he is not in the nation of Islam. It doesn't look like it but I just want to state that. I hope and pray that we all increase our knowledge and Iman by learning and practicing our religion. Amin.
    tarona @ 2/22/2007 6:54 AM EST
 wel-come Jermaine jackson it is wonderfull when people do things according to their will and observation.you know brothers and sisters I am myself only considering to be or about Muslim/Islam but much wondering was what some ill mannered people have written about others like on Michael Jackson, saying his rapist, we don't want him bla bla bla bla. Who are you to say to people come to Allah or don't come to Allah. May the mercy of Allah be upon you  
    Terminator @ 2/22/2007 2:39 AM EST
 Well done brother Mohammed and may peace be upon you for the rest of your new journey in Islam.
    Gardaro77 @ 2/21/2007 9:33 PM EST
 RocketLaunch who are you to deny for Nonmuslims Convert to Islam, beside  
    RocketLaunch @ 2/21/2007 6:43 PM EST
 We don't want a child rapist in our religion. i.e. Jacko!
    FIQICIGAAL @ 2/21/2007 11:49 AM EST
  I welcome you to the best club in the world with open hands  brother Mohamed!! Iam sure you will enjoy your new life style
    sool state @ 2/21/2007 2:50 AM EST
i don't whether your man or women so brother/sister
i have no problem the guy becoming one of us, but
i been hearding all these blacks becoming muslim
yet i never heard from them again.others like
Europeans and other ethnic even asians become muslim
especially popular once they write books, they talk
on media, they write article etc. But our black
folks you never heard from them so that's why i said
that not because i don't want the guy
to be one of us.
    SOMALIUNIT7 @ 2/20/2007 10:45 PM EST


We are all Adoon Ilaahey , I mean what bothers you
about someone accepting Islam,
Your Satement below speaks loud about your character.
My advice to you is not to belittel fellow muslim , for
they may be better in the sight of Allah than YOU.

JERMAIN MAY ALLAH increase your knowldge about Islam
and keep you on the right path.
    birliqe @ 2/20/2007 8:21 PM EST
 Maasha Alah All I am saying to you is Welcome brother and I wish all the best
    sool state @ 2/20/2007 2:58 PM EST
 madow ama addoono waxaan isu sheegano ayaa iska yar.
    jayklen1 @ 2/20/2007 12:42 AM EST
    sweetheart @ 2/19/2007 10:14 PM EST
 mashallah am sooooooo happy to hear that u convorted to islam and i hope that the rest well be easy mashahllah again my Allah help your my muslim brother
    hurdaye @ 2/19/2007 1:12 PM EST
 masha-allah! i must say welcome to islam brother Muhammad Abdul Aziz aka Jermaine Jackson.
    samawad @ 2/19/2007 12:52 PM EST
 Congratulation Mohammed we all proud of you. And hope u will find more happiness and peace .
    Gaadh-haye @ 2/19/2007 12:52 PM EST
 Maansha'Allah, Allah (swt)works in worderful ways.
    mohamud1988 @ 2/19/2007 12:47 PM EST
 am really glad you convorted to Islam and Allah bless you
    sihaam @ 2/19/2007 12:26 PM EST
 alhamdulilaah congratulation for becoming muslim good to hear and now start how u can get more education about muslim religion again congratulion.

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