11 comment(s)
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    STEVEN1 @ 2/5/2007 3:02 PM EST
    mmuse @ 2/4/2007 8:15 AM EST
 Ustaadka Thanks a lot man
    samatalis65 @ 2/3/2007 12:39 PM EST
 Waad ku mahdasantahey Ustaad Saciid talooyinkaas wax ku oolka ah. Waana mid aad loogu baahanyahey. Halkaas kasii wad.
Allaha kaa abaalyo!
    abdik @ 2/2/2007 8:50 PM EST
 I agree with you rocketlaunch. I thank HOL for posting this great brother's advice and I hope people do listen to him.
    sool state @ 2/2/2007 8:13 PM EST
 Siciid Cali waad sheegtahay intiba, laakin waxad
iga ilowday inay dadkan luqadado isticmalan markay
yagu isla hadlayan oo waxyabaha ama ereyada xun xun
iska ilashan. waxakale oo jirta siba dalalka
maraykanka, ingriska, iyo kanadiskaba isdhagasi ama
lala aqris aay dawladu samayn karto (wire taping) ama
(global tel detector system).
Marka is ilasha oo isku daya
wax aad hadhow difici kartit in case oo qofi ama
organization ka shakidayan oo aay danbi kugu so ogdane.
    RocketLaunch @ 2/2/2007 7:15 PM EST
 Thanks, This dude is thinking about the wellbeing of Somlalis unlike some other people here at HOL forum.
    FIQICIGAAL @ 2/2/2007 10:44 AM EST
  Good stuff! thanking you
    hawood @ 2/2/2007 10:26 AM EST
 Thanks for the info brother.
People need to understand be
careful about what they write.
    abdik @ 2/2/2007 9:40 AM EST
 Thank you.
    max_sheikh @ 2/2/2007 12:12 AM EST
 thanks for the advise, although I'm IT student my
self and know the game! but yet this sort of info is most
welcomed in this day of age! to the people who are unaware
of the game!

Many thanks again! Great advise
    cadeeycadow @ 2/1/2007 11:21 PM EST
 Thanks for your advice wallalkiis

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