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    Waqoye65 @ 1/14/2011 1:28 PM EST
 War heedhee yaa u sheega, isma ogee, yaa u sheega! Weli aqalkii bay goglaysaa, ismana oga! Walaalayaal, waxa laydun maskax-buuxiyey in dagaalka ka socda Soomaaliya uu yahay mid Al-Shabaab iyo Dawlad ka dhexeeya. Qolona dooneyso iney dalka diin ku xukunto, tan kalena dastur ay dad khas ah sameysteen. Balse xaalku intaa wuu ka duwan yahay, oo waa sax in diinta Soomaalida la soo fari geliyay, haddana waxa ku xigta shakhsiyada Soomaali oo dag laga galay, waxaana dabka hurinaya dano shisheeye oo adeegsanaya dhalinyaro hungari u geeyay iney diinta ku gabbadaan, iyo kuwo ka soo horjeeda oo African kale ku gabbanaya. Natiijaduna waa dal iyo diin in la waayo, dagaalkuna weligii joogsan inta lacagta urtay la daldalanayo ee Xag Eebbe ka inkaarsan iney wax nafac ah keento.
    badiyoberi @ 1/13/2011 1:58 AM EST
 I have a habit of reading the first and the last paragraph of any article I come across before undertaking any through reading and should the need arises comment on it, however, since brother Abdullahi  notes that there will a partII to this article, I will  wait until he post it.

That said, however, implicit in the hypothetical question that the author poses in the first paragraph is the notion that Islamic Law restricts every aspect of the lives of those that live under it whereas secularism is the polar opposite!

Want to say more about it but will wait the rest of your writing, brother, Abdullahi.

    danan70 @ 1/12/2011 6:56 AM EST
 If you are going to explain Islamic government in view of tolerance or in base of different sects or schools, then you are not allowing discussing Al shabab phenomenon and its causes. In fact, the solution is democracy only! Mr. Warfa.
    kacaandiid @ 1/11/2011 9:32 PM EST

Walee ishaad ka riday! Somalidu maanta waa: Akhasu Naas.
    fiqicigaal @ 1/11/2011 5:54 PM EST
Somalis are like a suicidal who has gun on his head and yet he wants to say a prayer for being suicidal, can you believe it?

    fiqicigaal @ 1/11/2011 5:49 PM EST
 Nonsense, nothing will satisfy mad Somalia whether it be secularism or whether it is Islamism as it approaches to its twenty first year of anarchy with no end to it in sight.

And why people are pretending to seek knowledge when they are living to fight not fighting to live?.
    danan70 @ 1/11/2011 1:59 PM EST
 We are not religion scholars or theologian, but most of the Somali people are Muslims who believe Islam as it has been taught by the Quran and Prophets’ sunne. It is too wide that it is more than any definition. We have seen socialism, warlords and phenomenon of Islam as Al shabab and company presented the last years. Waiting your next article may be you justify that Islamic government is a mandate to our evolution in the future.  If so, which sheikh you will suggest to assimilate?

    mysomalia @ 1/10/2011 3:50 PM EST
 Magudbe. What is ''Seddex Geedi''? Never heard it before. You guys seem to have
personal issue with each other. Try not to go deep inte the clan stuff.

Where are other guys like Lama, Hawd, Stick and Egeh. I wanna hear what they
have say about this. I already know what Lama would say but Iam interested in
what others have to say.  

Long live secularism, sick and tired of Gardheere wanna be arab.
    Magudbe @ 1/10/2011 3:18 PM EST
Try again, u r neither Marehan nor Habarsd Gedir ,But
A low life Seddex Geedi, If the Somalis would
have used the Caste system,yours would be the Untouchables
or a harijan . As you name "seddex Geedi"
denotes... Others move away from you , to a
Three days walking distance .
Besides, why invoke Siyad (aun)Barre's name,
Let him rest in peace.
    Siyadist2 @ 1/10/2011 2:14 PM EST
 why did you attack your own country?
    siyadist2 @ 1/10/2011 2:10 PM EST

I am not mohamed ingriis, I dont like the boy. I am habar gedir and not marehan

Dont call it radio kulmis but its true name qudhmis radio and qudhmis SSDF

Why did you attack your own country?

why do you give onlf to etiophia?

are you not somalis?

why are you aganist father siyad?
    magudbe @ 1/10/2011 1:59 PM EST
 Siyadist2.. or Mo-mohamed?.. identify your self?I am not going
to lambast the Marehans.. simply because a ja'ck a'ss like you presume their identity.I do not
like guessing games? we can talk about Radio kulmis et al, though that was not the topic.
But igno'rance and stup'idty knows no boundaries
    nomadic1 @ 1/10/2011 12:48 PM EST
 “The proponents of this camp base their argument on that only ALLAH is the creator, sustainer, and master of the universe and of all that exists in it.” <<< I am not aware of any camp that does not ascribe to these three fundamental principles.
I agree with somalileace10. The author seems to lack deep knowledge of the subject he is writing about. His arguments don’t make much sense.

It is poorly written and poorly argued article.
    Siyadist2 @ 1/10/2011 12:27 PM EST

    fiqicigaal @ 1/10/2011 12:06 PM EST
 So far so good and I, for one, can't wait to read his next article.

    khakliif2003 @ 1/10/2011 10:51 AM EST
 Somaliapeace I just received email from Warfa after I asked little back ground about him and this is his feedback :

Warfa was born in Hargaisa, studied college and University level at University of Riyadh, fouclty of Shari'a, he has done his master of economics at the birbick university ( London University)., he is doing now another master on peace ,conflict studies and human rights.

He used to help students of economics but never lectured at university level.often people mix him with his Bro Dr.Nasir warfa a senior lecturer at the Queen Uviversty or Dr.Abdi Warfa, Life science lecturer at Metropolitan State University in Minnesoto. you can reach him at his [email protected]
    Magudbe @ 1/10/2011 9:55 AM EST
 I will wait to comment on this issue, till I see the next article.
I must say though ,the author comes across as someone
Well versed in Islam,in my opinion.
    somalipeace10 @ 1/10/2011 9:50 AM EST
 My point was not about the merits of the argument of the "article".However, my sole aim was to point out the obvious, that the 'writer' lacks general understanding of the issues he intends to discuss.
I thought he had already received masters in economics almost 10 years previously  and was lecturing at universities in UK!
Or is it another Abdullahi Warfa? Anyone with more info, please come forward.
    Hargeysa-men @ 1/10/2011 9:10 AM EST
 southern somalis should get peace first instead of talking about what kind of government the want......
    khakliif2003 @ 1/10/2011 8:19 AM EST
 SomaliPeace I think you are paranoid person , Islam is not property of particular person, Islam is for everyone.Bro Warfa as mySomalia said is telling us both sides and it our choice to follow the proper one.Plus , I personally know Mr Warfa he interestingly graduated from  King Malik Saud university and he is doing MA in Peace and conflict at UK university, really he is friendly Sheik open minded. he told last time I met with him that is publishing a book about Islam and the political systems. I can not wait to see that book to read.
we must be proud of to have young somali like warfa, who is able to speak loudly about the Islam.    
    Siyadist2 @ 1/10/2011 8:10 AM EST
 Just look at how great Somalia was under father Siads securlar rule and how much we pogress as people and nation.
    mysomalia @ 1/10/2011 7:50 AM EST
 Somalipeace. What is the big deal about this article? He is telling us to see both
sides and choose the one we like. Iam sick and tired of ppl like you who always
seem to get offended when ever someone mensions the word ''secular''. We have
been muslims since 900 century and we have never had one goverment or adminstration
based on islamic relgion. Does that mean we have been living like infedels? Get a grip
boy. We want to have a secular goverment and adminstration and if you fancy Gardheere
then you r free to move to Afganistan or Saudi Arabia.
    Siyadist2 @ 1/10/2011 7:13 AM EST
 I am a black african somali and proud of that! securlar nation pogress must.
    mysomalia @ 1/10/2011 7:04 AM EST
 Siyadist. Agree with you. Let us have a secular state free from Gardheere
and I-know-what-God-wants. Let us choose our life and the way we want to be.
Simple is that.
    somalipeace10 @ 1/10/2011 7:03 AM EST
 I have seen several articles by this individual, and my preliminary conclusion is that he copies ideas from different books and puts them together without properly understanding the concept and I dare say without knowing what he want to tell his audience. My honest and brotherly advice to this gentleman is: take your time, try to understand the issues involved in the topics you want to engage and then decide what is that you want to get across. If you try to comments on issues that you do not understand, your weaknesses are easily exposed.
    danan70 @ 1/10/2011 6:56 AM EST
 First of all it is good to understand if we need islamic government. As we see today, and what is happening in Somalia. System of Islamic government as we see today in our country is far from that of our prophet Mohamed (NNK), they are fighting for power,  the same what is happening in the arab world. To preach very hard or not is not the question, but to consider how we can develop our technology to solve the problems of our daily life. Fisrt of all is to think of the well being of the people and what we see today is totally different.
    Siyadist2 @ 1/10/2011 6:46 AM EST
 We want a securlar somali nation free of islamism!

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