9 comment(s)
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    shanta @ 10/2/2007 1:46 AM EST
 All she wants to do is “provoke a thought” perhaps change Islam-as she stated in one of her interviews. Impoverished life is what she has at the moment and her 15-minute fame is coming to an end.  I wonder what a Godless person would accomplish?
    Nuurbiid @ 10/1/2007 9:29 PM EST
 Simple, renounce and yes you don't need security. God forgives I know for a fact, will your Family, Somalis and greater Muslims forgive, I guess.  
    hashi86 @ 10/1/2007 7:18 PM EST
 Ayaan lost everything support from those who wanted
her to continue the Blame to islamic religon
even her nearest friends who stood with her defended
her belives sure this is the end of who lies and
plays with Islamic faith ayaan after all this its
sure that Somalia is waiting you allah knows if you
will be forgiven if you return from all this turmoil
    Sayyid @ 10/1/2007 7:12 PM EST
 gaalo raaca oo dhan(haddii aysan toobad keenin) sidan oo kale ayaa sugaysa.
    ceelxaar @ 10/1/2007 6:52 PM EST
 Waligeed ninkii isku taag diinta sharafta badan waxaa u danbaysa dhuumaalaysi adunya ilaa marka danbe uu hooskiisa ka dido aakhirana ciqaabtii ilaahay may ku waana qaadato shaydaanka (salman Rushdi) iyo ciqaabta aduunyo ee uu ku jiro.
waxaa u banaan laba arimood : 1 dhuumaalaysigaa ku jir marka ugu danbaysana nafta markaad nacdo isdil jahanabana gal ama 2 haday dariishadu kuu furantahay ee RABBI usoo noqo, ILLAAHAYna mar walba ood usoo noqoto soo dhawayn qaali ah ayaad ka heli.
    adamjama @ 10/1/2007 4:04 PM EST
 Ayan fell down on her own sword face down & it will only get a lot worse. Knowing the West, they will start kiss & tell stories about her very soon.
    Arraweelo10 @ 10/1/2007 3:16 PM EST
 Ayan Hersi Magan! good riddance, you deserve to be expeled and face the music in Natherlands again. Even her former residence in Amesterdam had filled lawsuite against her and she had to leave after she had lost the right to leave in that building. You had become a liabilty everywhere, I believe one of these days, the only place left for you would be Somalia, kkkkkk.
    Fiqicigaal @ 10/1/2007 2:57 PM EST
 Oh! ayandaran look what they are doing to you! haahaaaa or i would rather say woe betide you for the infidels have you used you to abandon your religion and your people including your own family and then not surprisingly dumped you . See ayandaran , that is what happens to those who smear their faith with propganda full of false arguments and unfound  acusation even against our great prophit Mohammed( saws ). Ayandar islam is a tolerant forgiving faith so i urge you to repent and ask for forgiveness or you will suffer till the day of judgment and only Allah knows your fate here after  
    ooyaaye2007 @ 10/1/2007 1:24 PM EST
 Gabartaan Ciqaabtii Ilaah ayaa u bilaabatay, gaaladii u sacaba tumaysayna waa taa ka wada hartay, Dhib weyn ayay Islamka u gaysatay been badan bayna ka sheegtay si ay magac iyo lacag badan u hesho Ilaahoow Ciqaabtaada u ziyaadi bishaada barakaysan fadligeed iyo inta muslimiin ee dartaada u sooman.  aamiin


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