2 comment(s)
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    hassan omar @ 6/12/2007 4:21 AM EST
 I lost the charactistical of the story. At same time the general bustel is about Jihadism while it's obscurity between the Western and Islam seemed not fully to partake of the prevailing problems in Somalia. The subject has refference to political interest, and the sad mysteries which he hide from own consciousnes, even forgetting that the childern of the world can detect it. please try to describe why America is bombing Somali?  
    Taraawiix @ 6/4/2007 2:40 AM EST
 Ankal-saam wuxuu bumbada/xabbadaha buurha cidlada ah ugu xoo xooraa in ay imaadaan nimanka la sheegaayo oo rabo inaay dhintaan si ay Janada u galaan, sida Ciraaq oo kale, Maskiin soomaali ahna waa ku dhimanaa.

Waxa uu ku leeyahay nimanka dagaalka uu kula jiro -Barxadda is keena-

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