5 comment(s)
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    Fiqicigaal @ 3/25/2007 4:53 AM EST
 This poem is so powerful, educational and at the sametime uplifting.I do not know the effect it will have on those of us who live and breath tribe with it's rules and regulations.How ever iam sure it will raise awareness  and will put moral and ethical code of love before tribe and it's savagery
    qig504 @ 3/25/2007 12:09 AM EST
 I wish so. However at the moment it looks that we are far from it. Let us hope it will happen in 10 years time. Till then keep fighting whoever dares to takeover your home regardless of whether foreign or a local and don't worry about the rest for now
    walalo @ 3/24/2007 6:05 PM EST
 This poem calls for the youth to start working and think about the future of our beloved nation, Somalia. Trying to be a "wassup" or party minded individuals is the downfall of the rich herittage of the somali people. Strugle today enjoy forever!
    muhsin @ 3/24/2007 5:40 PM EST
 I mean may ALLAH take away their evil minds and physical attention from somalia and its people
    muhsin @ 3/24/2007 5:38 PM EST
 mashallah I felt it was myself asking all those question at the same jumping with happiness hearing all those moral-building words-inshallah all will be true..shukran brother for that.May ALLAH CLEANSE OUR HEART AND DRAW THE ATTENTION OF THE ENEMY AND LOVERS FROM OUR PEOPLE AND LAND..AMEEN

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