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    mercano @ 1/7/2007 7:08 AM EST
 "@", I am with you sister. You are civilzed unlike the multitude.
    @ 1/6/2007 5:52 PM EST
 One night of anarchy is worse than thousand yrs under the rule of a ruthless dictator. An arabic proverb. What is the proof? Look at Mogadisho, it was destroyed in less than a month. How old is Mogadisho? Can the historians help me ? When did Said Barqash come to Mogadisho?. Look att Bagdad or Iraq as a whole, one of the oldest civilisations i mankind. It leveled to the ground in less than a month.
I agree with Mohamed´s comment. United we stand divided we fall.
While I was i Kenya 1992, I had a conversation with my Keyan landlord, in kamarock, a village in Nairobi. The majority were Somalis in the area. He asked me why Somalis gather in the same area, same hotels, same lodges? R u all från one tribe? He meant Siad´s clan. No,I answered, They r  from all the tribes and everyone fled from the civil war. He wondered then why we were comming together i Nairobi and seemed to be all brothers and systers.  "We love each other", I retorted forgetting the severe war back at home (Somalia). "Then why u r fighting against each other?" he asked. "I don´t know", I answered. He added " u r crazy people". I din´t comment and the conversation came to an end.

ALLAH helps those who help themselves. We r not helping ourselves instead we r killing each other.

         Inaynu noqono kilinka 6-aad miyeysan ka fiicnayn sida aynu ku jirno. Hadii kale waa inaynu Dowlada gacan siina.
    Yousef2 @ 1/6/2007 11:07 AM EST

hmmm... 'to undermine the TFG, eh'. Who could benefit from that? The secessionists! I got the hint.
    Yousef2 @ 1/6/2007 9:36 AM EST
 I heard the main cause why the British gave Hawd to Ethiopia was the clan-wars and the stupidity of the Somali clans. The British got fed-up of their mediation and gave the whole area to Ethiopia. Back in 1963, when the British gave Independence to Kenya, they were prepared to divide the 6 districts of NFD and give 3 of them to Somalia. The 'stupid' Somalis refused and wanted the whole region. The morale of the story is: we make everything a mess ourselves and then blame other people for our own greediness and stupidity. If we continue behaving like this, we may as well lose the small territory that we presently own. If Ethiopia wanted to occupy Somalia why they didn't do it in the 1977-78 war, when our own slogan was 'Harar iyo Hawas-na habeen dambe waan hayaa'. THINK, THINK, THINK, PLEASE THINK!
    Mursal @ 1/6/2007 4:41 AM EST
 Who to blame? Indho cadde and his cohorts. Ayr thugs. Soomaaliyeey... Soomaaliyeey. Is Ayr better than Ethiopia. Hurrah to Geddi and Yusuf to bring peace.
    iila.tali @ 1/6/2007 12:07 AM EST
 Dear Abdi,

We are witnessing anexation, Somalia is Kilka 6aad.
and those folish Somaliland and Puntland they are
sub region kilika 6aad.

By the time Somalis find out this, it's too late.
What is worst, TFG is responsoble for this crime.

    abdik @ 1/5/2007 10:57 PM EST
 Abdi-Nor Mohamed is one of my favorite Somali writers out there. And with that said, I think Mr. Nor is somwhat hinting, if you read between the lines, that Ethopia is here to stay. I don't think so.

Meles made it clear he wants to help the TFG get on its feat and then as soon as AU troops show up he will leave Somalia. And if he does not leave I am sure there will be enough Somalis, and yes including me Insha Allah, that will show him the door. No one will colonize our country 80 some years ago after our great Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan fight against colonizers to free our land. Not now. Never!
    sool state @ 1/5/2007 9:58 PM EST
 who don't think somalia belong to Ethiopia.
I mean we fought all those wars to free our selves and
have independent state but after all we decided that
we actually better of with Ethiopia being our lead
and somalia being state within Ethiopia huh?
i disagree with that but can one person's opinion
count over millions of people?
    wiliwiliq @ 1/5/2007 9:41 PM EST
 It is not dream that is exactly what Minilik demanded from the Europeans, Haile Salasi got concession, he laid claim all over Somalia but got away Hawd and Reserve area in 1954. Mingistu lost Ogadenia in 1978 and gained it again with the help of European super powers. Melese planed it from Mogadishu in late 80's, come close in 1996 by capturing parts of Gedo region and finally unleashed his final plan. He has triumphantly ceased the Somali capital in 2006. Record this in our dark history and we idiots refuse our fellow Somalis to live peacefully as neighbours.
Here you can read the letter written by Minilik in 1891: please paste the whole address to the address bar:
    QE @ 1/5/2007 7:49 PM EST
   Abdi-Noor Mohamed - once again I saluted you my dear brother! My friends and I love to read your articles, and we encourage you to do more. Oh, one more thing Abdi-Noor: you should run President of Somalia. Trust me Somalia needs more people like you.
    keyser @ 1/5/2007 5:21 PM EST
 sxb this is dream and dream can be nightmare. dont only be misguided the situation in somalia, everywhere in the world the muslim are suffering i, you and we niether care somalia: what we do care is our religion, religion is freedom and when we have freedom we will have country. right now we dont have country, freedom and rights except the book of allah and we will fight untill the giama happen.
    Mo_Mohamed @ 1/5/2007 5:09 PM EST
 Abti Abdi-Nur,

I'm certainly delighted reading your precious article that shuddered my current sentiment toward Somalia. As of today, our country closes to be zone 6 of Ethiopia. This is erratic, ache and agony to all of us. We should not put out of our mind and overlook for those who helped Ethiopians made irreplaceable history by setting foot in Mogadishu, our nation's capital.

Abti, whenever I read an article of yours, I glance at the knotty days in Mogadishu. It is somewhat sycophantic if I would illustrate our days in Mogadishu were ‘knotty.’ As Peter Bertocci once said, “To flee from insecurity is to miss the whole point of being human.”

Nevertheless, gleeful was I that you've implied and suggested very wonderful and worthwhile observation on how Somalia was segregated.

I would like to conclude my comments the verses of nationalistic song by eminent singer, Bashiir Ali Hussein.

Soomaali waa mid,
Waa ul iyo meyrax,
Mataana weeyoo,
Meel bey ka wada timid,

Midigey, bidixi ma ka maarantaa?
Madaxow majaha ma ka maarantaa?
Maskax iyo aqoon ma ka maarantaa?

Miidleyda heestiyo,
Murtidiyo ujeeddada,
Jawaabahan mayadaa,
Macnahoodu wuxuu yahay,

Ummadyahay midnimo, ma ka maarantaa?
Maamul dowladnimo, ma ka maarantaa?
Nabad baa macaane, ma ka maarantaa?

Isma kaabsadoo, midigta is qabsada,
Kala maarmi meysaane,
Soomaaliyey midigta is qabsada.


Soomaali waa mid,
Dhaqankeedu waa mudan,
Asalka midabkiyo,
Mad-habtey ka siman tahay,

Mas'uulow, shacabka, ma ka maarantaa?
Maatidey, daryeel, ma ka maarantaa?
Muranow, garsoor, ma ka maarantaa?

Miidleyda heestiyo,
Murtidiyo ujeeddada,
Jawaabahan mayadaa,
Macnahoodu wuxuu yahay,

Ummadyahay midnimo, ma ka maarantaa?
Maamul dowladnimo, ma ka maarantaa?
Nabad baa macaane, ma ka maarantaa?

Isma kaabsadoo, midigta is qabsada,
Kala maarmi meysaane,
Soomaaliyey midigta is qabsada.

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