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    odogleh @ 4/2/2007 6:28 AM EST
 people should not lose their sense when live a while in foreign country.
we must live in those countries that host us according to their rules and regulations.
we must abide by their systems any way.
we get fed up of the usage culture-- which will never be acceptible again .
the heavy load we are hauling is enough and no more
thanks. Oogoduul
    odeybiiqe @ 4/1/2007 2:05 PM EST
 I believe there are two schools of thought about whether Muslim in a foriegn country can haul an alcohol-carrying-passenger or not. Are we saying that the pro-alcohol-totting school of thought is out of the Islamic domain.
I doubt. Therefore, these cabdrivers should learn FIQH before they make judgement on certain issues.
    RocketLaunch @ 3/31/2007 10:37 AM EST
 What is typical Somali mentality? Please don't generalize all Somalis.
    Fiqicigaal @ 3/31/2007 7:58 AM EST
 Typical Somali mentality . This has nothing to do with religion or morality for that matter because you chose to serve the public and get paid for it. Now if you are not able to accomodate your beliefs with your work than surely you need to quit it and look for something you can handle

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