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    muraad @ 9/15/2007 1:02 AM EST
 This is the most ridiculous suggestion I have seen in the last 17 years[except during ICU rule] of Somali bloodshed.  This ill informed author is telling us to come under the same UN that allowed the destruction of Iraq, the continues occupation of palestine and Ethiopian invasion of Somalia.  Its simply giving our country to our enemies without a fight.  Thats un-acceptable mr. author and the freedom loving peoples of Somali will resist any occupation be it UN and or Ethiopian.
    samantarsoomaal @ 9/5/2007 10:43 PM EST
 Mogadishu and its surrounding regions,and any other Somali regions that are still unable to administer their affairs are the perfect candidates for trusteeship regime.Somaliland should be the one administering these Vagapond Somali regions under U.N Mandate.This should take a decade or so of mentoring to the Mogadishu people about the affairs of state! If you do not like Somaliland-led trusteeship,how about Ethiopian one?
    Dr Ali @ 9/5/2007 3:52 AM EST

Why don't you call Jewish state looking for land and fool people take over Somalia? U r rare breed among Somali elite defeatist. Keep breaching this troll order. I feel pity for your small brain.

    Dr Ali @ 9/5/2007 3:47 AM EST

Why don't you call Jewish state looking for land and fool people take over Somalia? U r rare breed among Somali elite defeatist. Keep breaching this troll order. I feel pity for your small brain.

    Legend1 @ 9/4/2007 9:31 AM EST
 I believe desperate moments can sometimes lead you to desperate measures but the desperate measures that the author is suggesting are basically backward thinking.  I strongly believe that what our beloved country needs is a revolution, a one that is led by young movements who are not influenced by tribe or self opportunity because when your country completely lacks a true statesman or intellectual leaders who are in a position to have any say in what is going on in the country then all young intellectuals who would put their country first and will keep their patriotism to the end should stand up becuase as far as we can see none of the socalled leaders back home care about what their legacy will be all they care about is some silly title and few bucks in the pocket, therefore all young male and female intellectuals should play vital role in reviving the country from this dismal situation.
    qig504 @ 9/4/2007 12:19 AM EST
 Igeh that is exactly what the colonial capitals are desperately longing to hear. That was the reason Zenawi the dictator of Abysinia was sent as a hired gun. To get the Somalis fall into that trap of a total desperation and hopelesness another word "Psychological defeat". Igeh I am sure you're not doing it for this particular reason. Keep doing it for now for the cessation which another "Psychological defeat". so long
    hamdi @ 9/3/2007 2:00 PM EST
 Cajiib maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa
mid kii hore ka sii caqli xun uun baad arkisaa!
war hedhee, Waqooyi baa regresion gashey oo ku hoos
laabatey habartii ingiriiskoo masruuftaa,
ma waxaad keentay adna south aan trusteeship

war support dowlada. Adoo kale baaa dowlada meel
walba u fadhiyoo warxumo tashiila markaas
baad rabtaa inaad soomalia hoos galiso
gaal, UN  gacantiis.

USC, SNM iyo SSFD waxay maxamed Siyaad xagxagtaanba
ma inay gacantii Ingiriis, Amxaar iyo UN u galiyan
bay la rif rif lahaayeen?
Nacala qushaashak!
    shanta @ 9/3/2007 11:33 AM EST
 Good Idea to outsource our government since we are reluctant to trust one another in hopes of attaining a peaceful end into this conflict.
    Syaad_Xuseen @ 9/3/2007 10:49 AM EST
Remember the biggest corruption institution is the UN agency itself whom we are expecting help off and they know all too well about TFG but they are turning a blind eye to it. Unfortunately someone has to convey the message to the whaling mother holding her infant who’s dying of hunger that the old saying goes ‘iemands dood is een anders brood’ which means literally translated someone’s dead is another one’s bread, or simply one’s loss is another’s gain.

True testimony to that is that Prime Minister Gedi had the capacity to spend $1.9 million on a lavish party for his son’s wedding in Nairobi. Meanwhile the people who he suppose to represent are dying in suffering.. But wait a minute he wasn’t chosen by them so that makes it alright then as long as he satisfies the need of his appointer.

Don’t you just regret the loss of SYAD BARRE???

    shati-aqonyahan @ 9/3/2007 10:47 AM EST
The solution is to rule somalia by Quran and sunnah.
And that will come whether kufars like it or not.

in your article, you rightfully placed blame where it rightfully belongs..at the door of the TFG thugs.
But you never mention the real solution for once. i.e. Quran and sunnah or Full islamic sharia law.
    mooryaandile @ 9/3/2007 10:39 AM EST
 I pretty much drive pleasure and extra enjoyment, whenever a killer or his tools feel/postulate a reality by feeling the heat. You may be right by saying Somalia doesn't have this and that. But you really miss to say broken driven gangs weeping from Asmara and at the other ill-fated hideouts are responsible for the nation's fall. 98% of the culprit warlord you are complaining from compose Hawiye clan. They traded from every good thing we had:

Kill lives, pour blood, trade in religion, devastated the country and sized up public/personal properties! Good that you finally see no future for you except to accept a UN trusteeship plan,simply because you don't want a government. You're wondering gangs government, which Somalis will never approve.

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