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    wiliwiliq @ 1/5/2007 8:23 PM EST
 Somali citizens please read the letter from Minilik in 1891 to the European colonisers in Berlin meeting.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v174/faisa/appendix-1.jpg?t=1168043701 paste the whole address to the address bar.
    mercano @ 1/5/2007 6:57 AM EST
 Ayoub, grow out of Tigrey, Amara, Oromia.  Think out of the shell, Africa, Humanity and to impact the lives of the children of our future. History tells you that there are not only one Meles, One Haille Selasi, One Mangistu, One Siyaad Barre, One General Amin.  You get rid of one by blood, you will only start with another one that would require much more blood to get rid of. We seem to be walking the same circle...
    wiliwiliq @ 1/5/2007 3:51 AM EST
 Ayoub, you were talking like an ethpian through out your comment until you changed it at the end. Are you trying to trick us where you belong? I though Nile comes from Egypt before it reached Sudan and Ethpia?  If ethpia is good as you say, it is not bad news to us because they are our neighbour, good luck to you. All we want is that they leave our country asap for they invaded it illegally. You are talking like arrogant Amhara when you said Somali did not exist before 1960. I though you meant to say Somalia was not free nation before 1960 when it gain its independent from the European colonies. Somali is truly younger nation than Abyssinia but it existed a long time as a people with existing territory. Incase if you don’t know then our territory was mark wherever our herd could grace, that was all the way to Herer. Was there any Amhara or Tigre settlement in Ogadenia region before 1954? No, and you know where your territory lies. You may rejoice today your army presence on our cities but I see it a fatal mistake that need urgent reversal.
    Ayoub @ 1/5/2007 2:46 AM EST
 aliha, yours is the usual arab league propaganda. Ethiopia for your information is an African country, just because Ethiopia got invaded by italy 3 times and defeated it, does not mean Ethiopia was at the berlin conference. The "berlin conference" was strictly to the european devil. For your info. there was nothing called somalia before 1960, somalia is a creation of england and italy. Before the europeans broke it away from Ethioipa yes the land was ruled by Ethiopia. The term "oromia" got created in 1991, it never existed before and it will be burried with meles zenawi, who created it. aliha, Ethiopia is a naturally blessed nation, Ethiopia is the one that feeds the people of Sudan and Egypt with it's NILE RIVER and FERTILE SOIL, Ethiopia is also the one that feeds us remember Shebele and Juba river that flows to us from Ethiopia? The Ethiopians do not need anything from somalia, somalia does not have oil nor diamond. Mark my word the Ethiopians will leave once UN and AU peacekeepers are ready to take over.
    Ayoub @ 1/5/2007 2:33 AM EST
 momo, no one would be proud to have a child killer like meles zenawi as a prime minister. As far as the Ethiopian people are concerned meles zenawi and his mafia family are officialy voted out on May 15, 2005.  Ethiopia will not be like somalia, eventhough Ethiopias historical enemies have been predicting that since the laste 1980s. Ethiopians unlike somalis or any other Africans are die hard and patriotic, that is why they reamined FREE while all of Africa got collonized by Europeans. As for the "we are the world" nonsense that did nothing to save the people of Tigray that were caught up in war in 1984, the leaders of the "we are the world" countries were openly supporing meles zenawi and isayas afeworki. Ethiopia is the cradle of man kind, the Ethiopians lived long long before england (the mother of america, cananda, australia and new zealand. The Ethioians are also mentioned in the Bible, Quran and Torah many times. God always protects them from the devil that rules this world.
    mercano @ 1/4/2007 1:02 PM EST
 Aliha, I am a history teacher. You info is not accurate.
    aliha @ 1/4/2007 10:18 AM EST
For your own information the Berlin conference you mentioned that the Europeans divided Africa for colonization the Ethiopian have participated to get their share of division of Africa and their share was half Somalia and Oromia. The only reason it did not get other half was because the Europeans wanted the coastal areas and know it has it will not let go without a fight
Many of you seem to believe that Ethiopia will leave Somalia take my ward for it they will not go anywhere unless they are forced out as they have always claimed their border was the Indian Ocean. Advice to all Somalis know your history and the struggle our forefather faced in dealing with Ethiopians a must read book to all Somalis is written by John Drysdale in 1960’s the Title of book is (The Somali Dispute)
    momo519 @ 1/4/2007 8:53 AM EST
 Better of with Meles than Colonel Yusuf and his clowns: The blind leading the deaf is not in US, but also in Somalia. Ethiopia should be proud that they have somthing. If they want to become like Somalia, be my guest....they would not survive. Somalis, unlike Ethiopians, are diehards who can survive in the poorest conditions. BUt Ethiopians will need anothe "We're the world" and Michael jackson cries! :)
    skinny @ 1/4/2007 8:26 AM EST
 good article demissie only the genius can understand the context not the fools,unpatriotic,leaving in the dark somalis cannot understand.i think everybody is a hero on his own ways whether its writing his point of views or on the point of a barrel which ever ways it works.but i wonder if somalis are really brave,patriotic and can demostrate any signs of fightings or insurgencies which i doubt.so its for there best interest to be under meles.if they are raelly men let them show like iraq and afghanistan.,
    mercano @ 1/4/2007 5:38 AM EST
 Aklilu, look forward and think constructive. engage in grassroots efforts to make Africa a war free continent and stop beating war drums under European causes of divide and rule.  Where does Somalia start, and where does Ethiopia end.  Who decided that?  Certainly, neither my granpa, nor yours and was done in Berlin, The Partition of Africa. Seek repatiation from the Europeans who claim to have long gone and left this mess behind. It is time to contempulate and start looking for real and lasting solution to the problems in the regions.  Perhaps, not by me and you, perhaps your grandchild and mine.
    qig504 @ 1/3/2007 5:22 PM EST
 On the new year's eve Aidiid the cornhead told a gathering of his tribal supporters in Mogadishu that the sovereignty of the Somali Republic doesn't matter any-more, and the border demarcation between Somalia and Ethiopia has to go. Since the parliamentarians in Mogadishu have located that MAP from the office of Geedi the freak I knew what the TFG was about. Now we all know Somalia Republic is gone temporarily.

It is time to speak out and say no to this. Do it whichever way you can. Mortar attacks in the dead of the night. RPGs flying around without prior notice. Their heavy Tanks and armour vichles busted and upside down in the streets of Mogadishu and elsewhere. There is a lot we can do to fight back to regain the Somali Republic before they start distributing an Ethiopian Passports and Identity cards to the 13 Million Somalis in the republic. Do it for your country because without it you're just a number and not a person
    george bush @ 1/3/2007 4:45 PM EST
 Well expressed.

I am sure sooner later the Ethiopians will overcome this brutal repressive regime, I saw some horrendous pictures on the BBC and that testifies to the crimes he committed against his people. I hope you get rid of him in a controlled manner unlike what we did in Somalia in a volcanic eruption that destroyed everything on its way.

Africa will remain the shame of the world as long as we have dictators like Zinawi, let the struggle continue until we get the leaders we deserve.

    wiliwiliq @ 1/3/2007 4:22 PM EST
 The problem in ethpia is having so many ethnically diverse communities who compete to rule the country by any means. Amhara were the in power most of the time and Tigres are now trying to hang on there for any possible means. This Meles seem to have the support of his ethnic community but oppresses others. If he is really genuine helping Somalia why he had not improve the infrastructure of Ogadenia region or zone five and equally distribute the countries resources to all regions. Ogaden is the 3rd largest but least developed region in Ethpia. Unfortunately it has recently become source of Militia recruitment for the Tigre rulers of Ethpia. Internal uprising is necessary to uproot this evil dictators before he spread his distractive policies in the whole region.

    gargaare @ 1/3/2007 3:42 PM EST
 I agree with the writer of the aricle. Certainly the Ethiopian people don´t enjoy democracy as such. But a tyrant dictator is better than anarchy.
    Yousef2 @ 1/3/2007 12:29 PM EST
 Mr.Demissie, the present day Somalis need a strong dictator; a Somali version of Zennawi.

    QE @ 1/3/2007 12:25 PM EST
 Aklilu, your article is an outstanding my brother! I believe people of Horn of Africa, or Africa in general, will overcome ruthless dictators one day.

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