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    somalipatriot @ 8/3/2007 1:12 PM EST
 don't 4 get the last king of scotland! Ok so it's between somali gangs ..where does he come in since he is from uganda? I can't believe somais are killing eachother like this and that they would get help from a ugandan to kill one of their own! oh wait!! isn't that what is happening in somalia right now???I guess the loss of Somali honour has even been exported to the streets of london. To the departed brother Allah Yarhamuh. To his killers may you burn in hell!
    Fiqicigaal @ 8/3/2007 10:04 AM EST
  Like son like father .What else do you expect from the son of cheif , doctor, marshal, haji Idi Amiin Ow Daada ,the butcher of Kampala ?  

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