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    gargaare @ 6/20/2007 2:44 PM EST
 My comments are out of the above topic. But I would like the dear commentators to answer my questions below.
Marka hore waxaan Marxuun M/weyne Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan ILLAAHAY uga baryaya inu janadi Fardowsa  ka warabiyo, ummada soomalidan samir iyo imaan gudahaan, gaar ahaan reerkiisii.Inta ka dib
Warbaahinta soomalida waxan beryahan ka maqlaa wax kasta oo dalka soomaalidu lahaa oo loogu magac daray Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan. Sida garoonka Diyaradaha Muqdisho, Kuliyad wax laga barto iwm. Tii ugu darnayd maanta 20th june-07,waxaan ka maqlay BBC da, 14 hrs programe Inusan dalka madax ka noqon karin mustaqbilka nin aan ka soo bixin kuliyada siyaasada ee Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan.
M/weyne Adan wuxuu ahaa nin masuul, madax ah oo muslim daacad ah buu ahaa, siyaasadana ka fariistay marku madaxtinimada ka degay.
Suaál 1)Goáamadan oo kale dawlad iyo baarlamaan soomliyeed oo matela ummada somalida oo gaari kara goáankaas oo kale ma jirta?

     2)Ma nin baa aroortii marku soo kaco bedelaya qaranimada Somaliyeed?
     3)C/qaasim iyo C/hi Yuusuf waxay noqonayaan xubin joogta ah oo baarlamaanka. Nimaankaas dorashadooda ummada soomaliyeed uma dhamayn, dad iyagu isqor ah ayaa doortay. Hase yeeshe waxaan ku ogolaanay inay dib u heshiisiin iyo nabadgelyo ku soo dabaalaan Dalka.

     4) miyeysan haboonayn in la sugo inta ay ka iminayso baarlamaan iyo dawlad umada soomalidu u dhantahay?
    @ 6/20/2007 2:34 PM EST
 My comments are out of the above topic. But I would like the dear commentators to answer my questions, below.
Marka hore waxaan Marxuun M/weyne Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan ILLAAHAY uga baryaya inu janadi Fardowsa  ka warabiyo, ummada soomalidan samir iyo imaan gudahaan, gaar ahaan reerkiisii.Inta ka dib
Warbaahinta soomalida waxan beryahan ka maqlaa wax kasta oo dalka soomaalidu lahaa oo loogu magac daray Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan. Sida garoonka Diyaradaha Muqdisho, Kuliyad wax laga barto iwm. Tii ugu darnayd maanta 20th june-07,waxaan ka maqlay BBC da, 14 hrs programe Inusan dalka madax ka noqon karin mustaqbilka nin aan ka soo bixin kuliyada siyaasada ee Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan.
M/weyne Adan wuxuu ahaa nin masuul, madax ah oo muslim daacad ah buu ahaa, siyaasadana ka fariistay marku madaxtinimada ka degay.
Suaál 1)Goáamadan oo kale dawlad iyo baarlamaan soomliyeed oo matela ummada somalida oo gaari kara goáankaas oo kale ma jirta?

     2)Ma nin baa aroortii marku soo kaco bedelaya qaranimada Somaliyeed?
     3)C/qaasim iyo C/hi Yuusuf waxay noqonayaan xubin joogta ah oo baarlamaanka. Nimaankaas dorashadooda ummada soomaliyeed uma dhamayn, dad iyagu isqor ah ayaa doortay. Hase yeeshe waxaan ku ogolaanay inay dib u heshiisiin iyo nabadgelyo ku soo dabaalaan Dalka.

     4) miyeysan haboonayn in la sugo inta ay ka iminayso baarlamaan iyo dawlad umada soomalidu u dhantahay?
    gargaare @ 6/20/2007 1:18 PM EST
 My comments is out of the above topic. But I would like the dear commentators to answer my question.
Marka hore waxaan Marxuun M/weyne Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan ILLAAHAY uga baryaya inu janadi Fardowsa  ka warabiyo, ummada soomalidan samir iyo imaan gudahaan, gaar ahaan reerkiisii.Inta ka dib
Warbaahinta soomalida waxan beryahan ka maqlaa wax kasta oo dalka soomaalidu lahaa oo loogu magac daray Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan. Sida garoonka Diyaradaha Muqdisho, Kuliyad wax laga barto iwm. Tii ugu darnayd maanta 20th june-07,waxaan ka maqlay BBC da, 14 hrs programe Inusan dalka madax ka noqon karin mustaqbilka nin aan ka soo bixin kuliyada siyaasada ee Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan.
M/weyne Adan wuxuu ahaa nin masuul, madax ah oo muslim daacad ah buu ahaa, siyaasadana ka fariistay marku madaxtinimada ka degay.
Suaál 1)Goáamadan oo kale dawlad iyo baarlamaan soomliyeed oo matela ummada somalida oo gaari kara goáankaas oo kale ma jirta?

     2)Ma nin baa aroortii marku soo kaco bedelaya qaranimada Somaliyeed?
     3)C/qaasim iyo C/hi Yuusuf waxay noqonayaan xubin joogta ah oo baarlamaanka. Nimaankaas dorashadooda ummada soomaliyeed uma dhamayn, dad iyagu isqor ah ayaa doortay. Hase yeeshe waxaan ku ogolaanay inay dib u heshiisiin iyo nabadgelyo ku soo dabaalaan Dalka.

     4) miyeysan haboonayn in la sugo inta ay ka iminayso baarlamaan iyo dawlad umada soomalidu u dhantahay?
    Camel Girl @ 6/15/2007 8:23 PM EST
 There are those who are changing and who are setting to be victims. Fellow Somali move on (change or be changed).  How you choose to respond to it. Think be a leader or a follower. Determine your growth. Do not only see what it is, see what it could and can. Let us not get stuck in reality.
    laylasamatar @ 6/15/2007 12:41 PM EST
 Abdinur Walaal, you made me cry, there you are in the middle of the havoc and madness standing holding your head high full of hope and believe in your people, the Somalis.  You represent the Somalis wherever they are in this rights and wrongs, finger pointing, ignorance and above all arrogance of the few who continue to hold us to ransom, don't know for what forgetting that Somalia is above them and me and you.  We shouldn't make deciesions that suit us, they should suit one thing and thing only that is Somalia, Somalia should be first and last.  I genuinly support the TFG because I want a government, a passport, and an identity.  I am a Somali above anything else and would like to preserve that.  I support law and order, I would not comprimise that for individuals I might not like in the TFG, because I know that they are not fixed and I know that when their time is up, noone in this world will support them to rule the people by force.  Anyway they have a year and so to go, those who disagree with them I would suggest that they use their votes to demonstrate that not guns.  I hope that a new dawn will begin in Somalia where we all denounce voilence and tribalism.  I hope the time will come that Somalia will have pass equalities laws that will ensure that people have equal access to resources, employment, education...etc.  I hope the time will come that Somalis will realise that we are all equal no matter whose qabiil you belong to, people should be judged by their merits, they should have access to resources because they are Somalis not because issues beside the point such as being related or the qabiil of someone in power.  I hope the tomorrow where Somalis will hold and cherish these laws and protect them and hold them close to their hurts and make them the principles that guide and presents the Somalis.  The believ in equality is must, people should have the right to be, love, to dream, to hope to change their conditions because this is a god given right and they should not be deprived of it because someone somewhere believes he/ she is more valuable than the rest of us. AbdiNur, I am dreaming and hoping that this day will come, sooner than we expect.  
    QE @ 6/15/2007 11:55 AM EST
 Abdi-Noor – once again thanks for your strong patriotism! I strongly believe if we have two people like you in the so-called TFG, Somalia and Somalis would be better position today. Stay strong as you always do brother because that is all we can do for now.

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