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    waaberi2 @ 3/20/2007 12:36 AM EST
 somali who?
    sonamo @ 3/16/2007 11:59 AM EST
 Somaalaay oh Somalaay
Away ye’ve turned
As dogs with tucked tail

Somaalaay oh somaalaay
Dastardly cowards
Ye weep and wail

Somaalaay oh Somaalaay
No heart have ye
Who throw stones

Somaalaay oh Somaalay
Ye left yer homeland
Ye abandoned mothers

Somaalaay oh Somaalay
Yer fathers air weepin’
Ye’ve shamed yer brothers

Somaalaay oh Somaalay
Craven and spineless
Not man enou’ to fight!

Somaalaay oh Somaalay
Yer nation’s blight!
A curse on ye turncoats!

Somaalay oh Somaalay
Dare ye come home again
Ye’ll meet Ethiopian noose

Somalaay oh Somaalay
Dare ye call yerself men?
Abominations all!

Somalaay oh Somaalaay
Better ye were dead
A curse on yer head!
    stickorcarrot @ 3/15/2007 1:49 PM EST
 Way to go Ilham!

The people of your generation is the only hope left
the country. The generation before you are contaminated
and there is no hope to cure them. I hope your generation
get's the chance to come in time and salvage what's left
of that country. Keep up the good job
    cali dheere @ 3/15/2007 12:42 PM EST
 I love you Somalia I'm From that land too
    raage @ 3/15/2007 3:56 AM EST
 that is prfct Illham i wish you will be rewarded just the moving poem you have compsd i wish u will see your country after few months every thing will B ok insha alaah lets ask allah unity and the stright path to peace
    zulekha @ 3/14/2007 8:06 AM EST
 Mashaallah,Illham,that is a moving poem,indeed your pain is shared,as for some of us,Somalia was the land of glory,we have never seen our motherland,yet we hold it close to our hearts,the pain of observing the chaos is sometimes overwhelming.
May allah guide us through this darkness,I definetly believe we have angered allah considerable with our petty tribalism,isnt Allah our creator?

anyways, keep up the good work,you seem to be intuned were many had choosen to ignore or add more fuel to the problems.
    realwadani @ 3/13/2007 9:03 PM EST
 Ilham Maanshallah. May Allah help you through this period of pain and suffering for the Somali nation worldwide and guide you on the right path to a successful life in this world and hereafter - for all of us. Ammiin. Just keep up the torch, NO disheartening!.
    darwiishsomali @ 3/13/2007 9:33 PM EST
      This, has moved me!! it has moved my heart, it has moved my emotions. tier is running down on my cheack. this explains what we had, how our country use to be and how we last every thing. I am feeling so sad!!!!!!!! we fail our country and our ppl. plz be united, because divided you fall.
    am @ 3/13/2007 8:10 PM EST
 I am from that land too. LONG LIVE SOMALIA!!!
    daljir @ 3/13/2007 7:17 PM EST
 what a perfect composition
may allah bless you
and bless our nation and its people.
O allah save our president and our nation
from the shayaadiin among the moryaans.
Viva Somalia!!!!!
    hamdi @ 3/13/2007 5:55 PM EST
 ooooops I am sorry I meant Ilhaam! these Arab names confuse me lol
    hamdi @ 3/13/2007 5:54 PM EST

Ikraam maansha Allah that is beautiful.
    amilah @ 3/13/2007 3:55 PM EST
 ..hassancosobleh, walaal it is not for
for you to correct the young gal..for she never saw Somalia
this is just another example of our people's ways criticize without
merit and constructiveness..just stop for a sec and
THINK..I told you what in my opinion was lacking in your
response and some pointers to stop and THINK..Please do da same
for yourself when responding..be constructive and appreciative walaal

Ilham..I congratulate sis..bestest in this world..May Allah guide you macaanto..
    Yosra @ 3/13/2007 1:45 PM EST
 This young girl is feeling the pain of occupation.
    Hassancosobleh @ 3/13/2007 1:34 PM EST
 There are no wolves in Somalai as far I could remeber. This is very misleading. Seconldy , you should have said; I m from a space between nations, since our nation doesnt exist at all.
    aligaagaale @ 3/13/2007 1:22 PM EST
 Atleast we have hope...future leaders like ILHAM ABUKAR DAHIR are well aware of their homeland more than we older people do.  Lets crreate more leaders like this young Somali Girl.

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