6 comment(s)
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    sool state @ 3/10/2007 9:26 PM EST
 I outcry when i read this article.
I never thought a Somali person would work with our
enemy to destroy god sent islamic courts.
I guest anything is possible in this world.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/10/2007 3:03 PM EST
 The only way we knew is the old way. It is time we move with the rest of the wolrd or we will get stuck in our little mad world
    somaalidoon @ 3/10/2007 4:07 AM EST
We sure are in the information age. But sadly, as usual
we are very good at twisting all that is available for us
and using it for the worest form possible. As we have used
qabiil to divide among ourselves, we are using this newly
found technology to widen our already large gap between
us. It seems it is our genes to look at things and find out
the worest use for it and then we excel achieving that.
    shukuman cade @ 3/9/2007 11:35 PM EST
 The world changed while we were asleep, and when awake we were fighting each other.
    beendiid @ 3/9/2007 5:39 PM EST
 And we need to use it for our good! better even than WMD.
Watch: www.youtube.com/qarandoon
    caraweelo @ 3/9/2007 4:26 PM EST
 Very True!!!

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