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    simbe @ 8/4/2011 3:00 AM EST

Tank you, I should leave there. I don’t have time nor will to argue this lowlife individual in Ramadan time.

But I should remind this individual and others: free media and freedom of speech is extremely important for the development of nation their societies at the same time can be used as propaganda tool to destroy a nation or regime.

Bickering and bias so called Somali journalist which many of them don’t have even basic education to author anything, such reporting can be dangerous to such volatile places like Puntland and they can be part of the problem not the solution.

The border between hostile propaganda tool and decent reporting is sometimes difficult to measure.

I should say too HOL is website I like and visit frequently and I wish them best.

    Simansime @ 8/3/2011 7:11 PM EST
 Obviuosly, HOL cares more non issue articles at times, but this one I apploud them(Faysal is their own reporter). This particular day is Punland State's 13th inuaguration day and here we are, some of us are bickering a journalist who learnt his lessons in 33 days. Talking about Faroole or his sons by clan driven individuals (like 1Somalia, as usual the name Somalia is draged in when someone is talking about their mudy clannish vision)is irrevelant and we shouldn't waste our valuable time.  
    1Somalia @ 8/3/2011 4:58 AM EST
 You're the one who can't tell his arse from his face.
HOL is well known and reputable online media that caters to Somalis and non Somalis interested in following the daily activities in Somalia and its political affairs.
No other website comes close to HOL, you of all people should know that since you're their number 1 fan. Seeing as how you're comment on every page every day. Most of the fellas here know you, and they also know how your tiny brain operates.

Jailing reporters instead of capturing the assassins who killed and continue to kill many well known businessmen, activists, and other respected civil servants in Garowe, and Bosaaso is not what anyone would define as "facing the long arm of the law in Puntland".

Your nonsense is making me chuckle. HOL reporter was jailed for what? the horseed media director was jailed for what?

Who is running Puntland? Faroole or his son?

Don't come here and bad mouth this website, the likes of you will never prosper.
A loser will remain a loser always.

    simbe @ 8/2/2011 3:23 AM EST
 Wrong, I don’t trust any amatory Somali Website whether its HOL or PL media, to me they are same bias media serve only for unknown interests.

I never examine which one is the leading Somali media because I don’t have that expertise but what I can tell you are: they look same to me.

Remember I use to read HOL and PL media in same manner. I se them as unreliable media, my goal is to read all and fine my conclusion.

You behave like stupid; no in the world reads a website of their clan affiliation backgrounds,
I am not here because they are the best! HOL is one of those places I use to visit.

Look beyond your nose before you wrote plenty of rubbish.

    1somalia @ 8/1/2011 10:49 PM EST
 HOL makes you laugh yet you visit here everyday to read the news you can't obsviously access PL media?
Faysal wasn't the first reported who was arrested by Farole's son without due process, so don't come here with your "long arm of in Puntland" diatribe.

HOL is the number 1 Somali news website with long history of unbiased reporting. MashAllah, there is not 1 Somali news website today that can compete with HOL.
Keep up the great work HOL.
    simbe @ 8/1/2011 5:09 AM EST
 HOL” Mr. Faysal Hassan has been HOL reporter stationed in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland when he was illegally detained by the Puntland Police on June 28, 2011 and on July 2, 2011 a lower court sentenced him for one year after he was allegedly accused of reporting unsubstantiated and biased news.”

HOL you make me laugh, it seems that HOL is lawmaker in Puntland and knew when the law is broken. Stop bias reporting or face the consequence and long arm of law in Puntland.

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