32 comment(s)
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    magudbe @ 7/2/2011 3:21 AM EST
 Aleylehe la maqal dhulbahantoow saad u dhimaateene, Dhalinyaro iyo waayeel Gus baad wada jaqeeysaane.
This beyt, puts in a nutshell, how your people MO5, are the lowest of the low.Sharmuuto iyo khaniis dhulbahante ayuu isugu biyo shubtay.
Tariikhda Soomalida.. NIN NIN LAGU NIKAAXO DEGAANKA DHULBAHANTE AYEY KA DHACDAY.!!!!! hadaad doontid, car sheeg i dheh.. magacyadii labada nin ee isguursaday iyo lafaha ay ka dhasheen baan kuu sheegayaa.. naag naag dhalay MO5
    Mo5 @ 7/1/2011 8:43 PM EST
 Soomaalidoon, abti waan kaa yeelay waanadaada. Laakiin gabay yar aan mariyo;

Majeerteen dhilliyo ceebi, waa camaladiisiiye,
Cunugtiisa wuu kaa gadaa, caada qaatuhuye,
Colaadda wuu kaa baqaa, carar yaqaanaaye,
Nabadana ciddi dagan,wuu horor cantuugaaye,
Waar waxani ciddee buu galaa,waaa midgaan col ahe.
    magudbe @ 7/1/2011 4:28 PM EST
 Somalidiidka.. I could care less, Adiga laga hayaa alif wax waa leeyahay iyo ma leh.Qabiil cayga ma anigaa bilaabay, mise kuwa xaarkii afweyne ah baa bilaabay. the debate should be based solely on the suject matter. haddi qabiil la caayo.. hadde qofba qabiil buu ka dhashay.. it is gonna be tit for tat.. get it
    Soomaalidoonka @ 7/1/2011 4:22 PM EST
 Magudbe. Hablahaa aa caysid ee dhahaysi "dhadheer oo dhulkii yimi.." halkan aan ka akhriyay oo waxaa la dhahooyay "oo Darood ah" KKK
    Soomaalidoonka @ 7/1/2011 4:20 PM EST
 M05 afxumodaada u fiirso reerkii aad afxumo u soo jiiday. Abtiyaashay caydooda ma rabi doqon adiga camal ah ee dhibka u soo jiiday.

magudbe: Doqon aad tahay adigana aan caqli lahayn. Ninkii oo rag ah wuxuu dhihi lahaa reer ma caayaayi ee qofkan qaldan baanu jaawabayaa. See ku kasee in M05 Dhuloos yahay? Anilee kuu sheegay ka bacdina cay aa reerkii ugu dhaqaaday. Dhuloos dad wacan waaye reerka oo Soomaali ugu Soomaalysan waaye kuwa oo Silaanyo iyo Faroole la jooga kuwa oo ugu xun waaye. Aiga wasmo lee ka sheekaysaaye maxaa dhacay? Da'daada intee waaye?  
    magudbe @ 7/1/2011 4:07 PM EST
 Old habits die hard. ilaa iyo iminka ayaad Silaanyo iyo Faroole fataal u tahay. Somalida qolo kaa liidata ma leh. Fataalnimo is your middle name
    magudbe @ 7/1/2011 4:05 PM EST
 Waryaa MO5, sow adigii Af weyne fataalka u ahaa, oo hablahiina uu la gareyshan jirey.
ma hilmaamtay naag dhaadheer oo dhilooyin ah oo dhuloos ah baa dhulkii yimi.. from hargeys to garoowe to hamar, guryaha geerashka , kuwaaga buuxa.Fataal ibnal fataal
    Mo5 @ 7/1/2011 3:34 PM EST
 Xaal baan bixiyey. Laakiin bal eeg Iimaan,Ayaan,Xaawo Faroole, waa immisa dhillo? Yaa tirin kara?
    magudbe @ 7/1/2011 1:23 PM EST
 Thank you Soomalidoonka..MO5.. ma dhulbahaante ayaa dad dhilonimo ku caayaay?
    soomaalidoonka @ 7/1/2011 1:17 PM EST
 Mise BINTILAND aa dhadaa adi? Afxumo aabihiis aad tahay oo najis ah
    soomaalidoonka @ 7/1/2011 1:15 PM EST
 M05 Laaska aaway? PL maa iibsatay? KKK
    soomaalidoonka @ 7/1/2011 1:13 PM EST
 M05 waa Dhuloos waa mid oo aad u afxun.
    soomaalidoonka @ 7/1/2011 1:11 PM EST
 Adamjama Og maaha waa Leelkase KKK Daarood this Daarood that uu weligiis dhihi jiray xaa daaray? Ogaadeen muss aha waxaase la yaabay colaadiisa oo xun ee majerteen u hiyo. Adi u fiirso mar kastiya majeerteen lee cayiyoyaa. Majeereen wuxuu u gaystay aan kasayn. Ogaden ma aha ninkaas Ogaadeen Daarood aan ahay ma ku faannaan. Waa qolyaha oo cuqdada qaba ee yariiska ah.
    magudbe @ 7/1/2011 1:03 PM EST
 Maya Khanisiintii Ogadeenka aa la soo fasaxay.
    Mo5 @ 7/1/2011 12:58 PM EST
 Ma dhilloyinkii majeerteenkaa lasoo fasaxay?
    magudbe @ 7/1/2011 12:41 PM EST
 Adamjama, you were Afweyn's little pimp, and now you are Ethiopia and Kenya's little wh'ore.
and yes you are an old fagg'ot.
    adamjama @ 7/1/2011 9:04 AM EST
How can I dissappoint you with the mention of your cousin Ayan Hirsi's name?. Why don't you get disaapointed with the filth and sewage spewing out of Magudbe's mouth?. For years I neglegted to respound to your camp in kind. Just re-read your side-kick Magudbe's below comment and let me know how disappointed you get. To me Ayan Hirsi is far more dignified than some of you low-lives. I have been conversing with you for years and I have been disaapointed in many times over and over. Can you respond to the filth from your side-kick Magudbe and then we can talk in a civil manner.
    simbe @ 7/1/2011 3:43 AM EST

You disappointed me I thought you were better than that.

How can you even mention Ayan Hirsi in such contests? At least I am happy that you come out of the closet and know how to deal with you in the future. I don’t mean I will attach all my follow Ogadenis but you misuse my respect towards you.

    simbe @ 7/1/2011 3:22 AM EST
 I still wonder where is my comments and why I can’t say my thoughts when there no offensive words in it.
    simbe @ 7/1/2011 3:17 AM EST
 Mr Bostons freedom of speech is violated by Puntlands authority according HOL and my freedom of speech is violated by HOL according me and others. Nothing has changed the Somali mindset about freedom of speech. The rule is what is fit for me.

HOL you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
    magudbe @ 6/30/2011 11:23 PM EST
 But you as well.
    magudbe @ 6/30/2011 11:21 PM EST
 AdamJama, an old hag and fa'ggot at the same time, this is what happens when you forget to take your medicine. You could hardly differentiate any thing.
You were used by Afweyne, and then thrown out as the dirty towel or fag as you are. The Ethiopians and Kenyans for that matter, not only dig your women, but as well. Cause you are a hag and fa'g
    adamjama @ 6/30/2011 10:04 PM EST
 I am used to being attacked by Puntland females who are notoriously known for cheering Somalia's worst enemies Ethiopia and its lap-dogs Yeey & Faroole. I wonder where are the males who should supervise these confused ladies?. Sister, I survived the test of time long b-4 you materialized from under lord knows where. How is Ayan Hirsi?
    Mo5 @ 6/30/2011 5:28 PM EST
 I dont see any good in Bintiland or in Shankaroonland or even in HOLe-land!!

But Somali media now works your way only when you bribe them or sabjugate them.
e.g. Bbc,VoA, HOLe,Universal Tv and many more. They all changed their way of newscast after their offices were shut down or bribed or in many cases they were threatened by specific groups like Alshabaab,Somalidiidland and Bintilsnd.
This time its HOLe's time and the game has began.
    Mo5 @ 6/30/2011 5:28 PM EST
 I dont see any good in Bintiland or in Shankaroonland or even in HOLe-land!!

But Somali media now works your way only when you bribe them or sabjugate them.
e.g. Bbc,VoA, HOLe,Universal Tv and many more. They all changed their way of newscast after their offices were shut down or bribed or in many cases they were threatened by specific groups like Alshabaab,Somalidiidland and Bintilsnd.
This time its HOLe's time and the game has began.
    Simansime @ 6/30/2011 4:27 PM EST

HOL is not going to do any justice, if they trying to stop the very freedom they are seeking for Faysal Boston. Bogga jecli, xeydha jecli meel islama wada mari karaan.
    Simansime @ 6/30/2011 4:23 PM EST
 At first I was a'pprehensive how the youngester was dis'seminating news from Punt-land. I was wondering when this is going to stop, but Punt-land should charge him first and then bring him before the cou'rts.
    adamjama @ 6/30/2011 3:35 PM EST
 HOL should have realized that Puntland is a tribal enclave with no constitutional obligations or human rights standards. It can grab anyone and hand them to Zenawe without any due process. It attacked Warsangali for no apparent reason. It collected thousands of Southern Somalis and dumped them in the burning inferno they fled. Several ministers and parliament members were shot in broad day light with no repercussions. I can go on all day to teach HOL what to expect from Puntuluqland. My advise to HOL is next time you send someone make sure he is close relative of Faroole the moron.

    Mahare_Is_Here @ 6/30/2011 3:04 PM EST

Yes, where is Simba's comments. It's all about free speach, just when it fitts your agenda!!!
    Simansime @ 6/30/2011 2:28 PM EST
 Hol dadka maxaad cunuha ugu dhegen tihiiin. Aawayse Simbe comment keedi?
    Mo5 @ 6/30/2011 1:39 PM EST
 Good Job Bintilland. Mr. Guure and his HOLe became destructive instead of constructive. His anti- Darod propoganda must be contained. Or at least challenged.

Enough!! Sell out Guure you are either with Somali people or the secesdionist gangs.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 6/30/2011 4:58 AM EST
 It's realy amazing how so called media and journalists use their false titels to distroy a community. HOL hired the boy to use him as a propoganda machine in Puntland. I call it h4tred when all your rapports from Puntland is f4lse, unfounded and pure distruction.
Luckly people know web-owner doesn't mean been a journalist. My neice is seventeen and owns a webside, is that going to make him a journalist.

For Puntland I recomend the following.
Arrest everyone calling him/her self a journalist. Ask them to provide a real journalism certificate or degree. Make them take an assey test to see if they properly finished high school. If they pass let them go free, if not put them behind bars for falsfication.  
I'm sure they will all fail for taking tests because we have all seen how they write.

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