9 comment(s)
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    @ 12/23/2007 2:59 AM EST
 We (the Somalis) are the root of the problem, we are our worst enemy and until we realize that, the hardship; conflict, confrontation between clans and warlords will continue. In order to get attention and sympathy from the international community our cause, we have to take responsibility for our actions and solve our internal problems.

Also, I would like your feed back on this short maanso below. Send ur comments to [email protected]

Dhul nacaybka soomaali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiiyeey
Dhaqan xuumada soomaali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Dhiig la”ida Somali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Hub laa dhigin dharaar laa isla dhocoo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Odayaal qabil dhagaar ku gala dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Dhalinyaro la dillo dumar la dhibo dhaxaal ayaay usiyeey
Dadka dhaac oo amxarada dhan orod dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey.
    @ 12/23/2007 2:51 AM EST
 We (the Somalis) are the root of the problem, we are our worst enemy and until we realize that, the hardship; conflict, confrontation between clans and warlords will continue. In order to get attention and sympathy from the international community our cause, we have to take responsibility for our actions and solve our internal problems.

Also, I would like your feed back on this short maanso below. Send ur comments to [email protected]

Dhul nacaybka soomaali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiiyeey
Dhaqan xuumada soomaali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Dhiig la”ida Somali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Hub laa dhigin dharaar laa isla dhocoo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Odayaal qabil dhagaar ku gala dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Dhalinyaro la dillo dumar la dhibo dhaxaal ayaay usiyeey
Dadka dhaac oo amxarada dhan orod dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey.
    moodyboy2 @ 12/5/2007 7:20 PM EST
 Allah says in the Nobil Qur'an What ever happing to you is what you did to your self So now what ever happing in somali and out of somalia is what we created long time ago which is Qibil ( qorta hakago'ee) this became to us worse than AIDS and Nutural disaster so.. if we ask our self what is the sulution ? We have to come to the right path which is the comandment of allah and suna of our prophet s.c.w.To love each other not bieng in same Qabil but being in same Religion lets stand together holding our hands to be one people one country one religion with opeying to comand of allah may allah bless somalia. amin amin
mahamud nur
    Camel Girl @ 11/30/2007 10:51 AM EST
 I am sorry to say, it is very sad when the Greece Government is dealing with aftermath of fires and floods (natural disaster) maybe bad luck for the Somali refugees lost and stranded in a world they thought will just be save and get refugee. Nevertheless, did they know many people around the world were uprooted out off their homes and get lost on land or seas? HOPEFUL THE WORLD HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH GET THE MESSAGE

    Camel Girl @ 11/30/2007 10:04 AM EST
 I am sorry to say, it is very sad when the Greece Government is dealing with after mate of fires and floods (a natural disaster) maybe bad luck for Somali people lost and stranded in a world they thought will just be save and take refugee and maybe walkway from sadness but did not know many people uprooted out off their homes are lost in the middle of nowhere. Thanks Hiiraan for bringing this msg. to us. HOPEFUL THE WORLD HUMAN RIGHTS GET THE MESSAGE
    Xumoow @ 11/29/2007 3:41 PM EST
 Shame to out tribal leader. They let our religion and us down.
Sadly, there are others in and outside of Somalia planning to take the lead and carry the traditional traibal mentality.
    jeniharbuqbuq @ 11/29/2007 7:57 AM EST
 no worries don't be heart broken the Jewish
has suffered worse than what we are going through today.
presecution, humulitaion, and killing around the world.
Inshaa Allah there will be green garden after this.

Waan ladoogiye yaan la dhacaroon

    Erigavo @ 11/28/2007 7:46 PM EST
    zak321 @ 11/28/2007 6:05 PM EST
 How shame its to see others appealing for help on behalf of us. God pls help our people.

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