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    mali00 @ 2/11/2007 1:01 AM EST
 wether u say republic of somaliland or not u will still be under the country of SOMALIA As world recognizes it. as u can see plz dnt try to challenge someone who has a complete facts. i know u want to be divided and are ur main wishes, hunger and thirst for tat. tatz y self called s.landers(isaaqs and madibans and some gedibers) wants to create destruction in somalia so they can have a good reflection towards tha world of u guyz becoming state and can manage their state. am soree sir MOqadishu is now thank to ALLah is captured and mixing with tha rest of SOMALIA. AND TATS IT U GUYZ(SELF CALLED S.LANDER) WILL AUTOMATICALLY FALL INTO THA MOTHERLAND(SOMALIA) MARK ME ON THIS IT WILL HAPPEN JUST NEEDS TO FIRST CLEAN THA MESS UP IN SOME CITIES AND REGIONS IN SOUTHERN SOMALIA. NO HARD FEELINGS BROTHER. SOMALILAND+PUNTLAND+MOGADISHU=SOMALIA AS THA WORLD VIEWS IT. DONT BE SELFISH.
    TOOS @ 2/4/2007 6:19 PM EST
There are differences between the land of Somalia And
THE REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND, which stands for democracy and rule of law


    Gacaliye@ @ 2/4/2007 3:47 PM EST
 With all respect for everybody's right to express his/her views, I am saddened to know that bluule Calankeena with its beautiful 5-pointed star has been burned on the same spot (Beerta xoridaa) it was first raised on 26.06.1960! Bluugle is the highest symbol for all Somalis, including Cali Waraabe. As somebody said, Somaliland= The land of the Somalis. Mogadishu is Somaliland, Bosaso is Somaliland, Galkacyo is Somaliland, Hargeysa is Somaliland, Burco, Kismayo, Berbera are also in Somaliland. Beause of Mogadishus 16-year old shameful activities I can understand if our people in the north and the east take a time-out instead of sharing "boat" with such beasts like Qanyare, Qaibdiid, Indha Cade, Qalbi Madoobe etc.
    egeh @ 2/4/2007 9:35 AM EST
 You have been trying for the past 16 years but you always failed because you neither have the honesty nor the brains to build the nation your are talking about I, therefore, suggest that you listen to us and learn from us.
We are willling to educate you and  give you free advise. It is high time you swallow your false pride and seek the help you need from your wise brothers.
    kucadaye @ 2/3/2007 5:51 PM EST
 Egeh, you don't belong here.  This is a Somaliweyne
website.  Those who believe in the fundmental goal
of restoring law and order to our beloved country,
may differ in how to get there. But we share one

We are trying to re-build a nation while your goal
is to destroy it and cut it apart.  Therefore, you
don't belong here.  Go back to your 'Somaliland'
Ghetto forums, where converted are trying to convert
each other and no pro-unity voice is tolerated.


    egeh @ 2/2/2007 10:01 AM EST
 Hiiraan online you allow the posting of Mutawali's trash and to add an insult to injury you deny us the opportunity to respond.
Is this part of your campaign against Somaliland? In your opinion is this a fair play? If you have no intention of letting any of my responses posted you should deny me the access in the first place in another words you should BLOCK ME altogether  to avoid wasting time.
    mutawalie @ 2/1/2007 6:08 PM EST
 Hargeysa Garoob “Singal Mam”

In 1960 when the ceremonial of the Marriage of Hargeysa luul and  Mogdishu xamar married,  there was two Qaadi  from British and Italy, those Qaadi was the witness, and agreement was sign,  the agreement said if in case Mr. Mogadishu get sick “Suufi” or get Madhaleyse,

beautiful girl Hargeysa  will not get divorce, according to Islamic law if the Husband get sick  the law said  women can not be divorce,  we have to wait,  

There was another agreement in case Mr. Xamar die  beautiful girl Hargeysa will be dulaal  by the bother of Mogadishu,  Prince Djibouti,  but my question is a Single Mama can be Princess,   the roomers say the Single Mama Hargeysa is in love with the “Habasha” Ethiopian

My Question is pour Single Mam Hargeysa can be divorce or Not ?  That is International law can divorce Hargeysa in order to separate Mr. Xamar.
    egeh @ 2/1/2007 5:22 AM EST
 I smell partners in crime! you attack me and Hiiraan protects you by rejecting my response.
    somaalidoon @ 2/1/2007 2:03 AM EST
 I thought if you ever come back you would do so with something logical.
After a week of nonsense and illogical argument from you I should have known better.
“Somaliland” was not and will never be separate country mark my word. Every entity ruled by its own clan can claim independent e.g. PL and SL, but they will never be separate from Somalia. Have you noticed Warabe being Warabe yesterday after the slap on the face in the OAU meeting? That is 16 years and counting and it is just about the time when you desert from Hargeisa and you come to Mogadishu begging for forgiveness. That is all I have to say and from clean heart Somali man to a slightly sick Somali man I wish you well and speedy recovery. Take care and no ill feeling from me I hope the same from you. bye for now CAFIS IYO MISAAMAX
    egeh @ 1/31/2007 11:56 PM EST
 Somaalidoon, In case you don't know the whole reason why humans are different from the animals is that the God Almighty has given the humans brains basically to reason logic and that is what you appear to be lacking and because of your apparently missing brain you are unable to comprehend the fact that Somaliland has been a separate country for the past 16years. Now for your own good may I suggest you seek help from  god knows who, to hit you on the head and force you to open you tightly shut eyes to enable you to  come to your sense and see the reality.
    somaalidoon @ 1/31/2007 2:24 AM EST
 If I am sure one thing about you, it is that you are sick and full of hatred based on Qabiil. It is obvious and easy to tell from your writing how Qabiil is the driving motivation of your response. Yes it is true you don’t publicize and exaggerate your Qabiil at least so far, but you would love to make our argument one based upon Qabiil. You have done your utmost to figure it out where I belong to so you can argue Qabiil rather than the real issue. Just to get the real picture anyone can go back and read our correspondence and one can find that you are desperate to find my Qabil and then maybe your argument would have made a little sense. I am sorry to see your last posting and you bringing my grandmother into this argument. All I am saying is that says a lot about your background and only makes you a man with no ideas to share but in desperation insulting everybody who does not agree with him. What exactly do you mean “pretenders like you who have no place to call home…” It is just another example of how handicapped the fact that you don’t know where I hale from made you. I don’t have to go as low as you are, but I am telling I am content of where I belong to and I am really in good shape. But on top of that, I am proud to say I am Somali man who is happy being Somali. I have noticed that you think Mogadishu people don’t care Somalia being divided. That is a lie and wishful thinking. Mogadishu people and people in S Somalia are committed keeping Somalia united, and this twisted thinking you have is not working out in here. If you have an issue to talk about or the utopia in your backyard, I am happy to inform you, if not keep dreaming maybe one day your dream would be real in asleep.
    egeh @ 1/29/2007 11:25 PM EST
 Somaalidoon for your information all the true southern born and bred Somalians do not  object the existence or the separation of Somaliland. It is only the pretenders like you who have no place to call home who are making all the fuss, so I suggest you to go to Mogadishu  and conduct a survey. I am sure you will be amazed when you find out the absolute majority of Mogadishu people supporting the separation of Somaliland  and the establishment of bilateral relations beneficial to both parties.
    egeh @ 1/29/2007 11:04 PM EST
 Somaalidoon what is this phobia? Now if your own grandmother responds to you, your dillutional mind will tell you it must be Egeh. You are sick and it is high time you seek medical attention. Lately, only one thing comes out of your mouth and that is Egeh you are tribal minded! Egeh you feel your tribe is superior etc. That is the figment of your imagination only. I never talk about my tribe instead I talk about Somaliland but it is your sick mind that tells you Somaliland means a tribe.
Now if you are able to stand the head let us debate real issues with open minds and accept the facts and the hard truth. Let us agree on what is right
    egeh @ 1/29/2007 10:48 PM EST
 Kayse you lied through your teeth and no matter how much you say Walaahi nobody will believe and the majority are laughing at you. Open your eyes to see Somaliland like the rest of world.Geedi said this and Geedi said that is not important since saying without backing with action is just barking llike a dog.
Geedi cried and we shut him up by keeping our airports open and working and every intelligent and decent Somali knows that, but do we take the liars seriously? No we don't so keep on spreading lies all you want and all the good people will keep laughing at you.
    kayse @ 1/29/2007 4:06 PM EST
    egeh @ 1/29/2007 9:49 AM EST
 Somaalidoon the devil is working with you.My response has been censored /rejected.
    somaalidoon @ 1/29/2007 1:48 AM EST
 Somalilander? Is this Egeh in his tribal uniform?
Whoever you are, you are just another low life who thinks
the best thing happened in the world is colonial powers to
divide Somalia in 5 parts.
    somaalidoon @ 1/29/2007 1:33 AM EST
Here we go again. Tribal argument seems is in your blood and you just love to talk about it, for your own sake get over it please! It is not ok S Somalia to be under occupation but stooges who think they would get their desire are responsible Ethiopians to come and occupy S Somalia. In case you don’t know, these stooges are not only from Mogadishu but from all over Somalia including “Somaliland” and we are not welcoming the occupiers with roses but we are fighting against them, just read the headlines. I don’t know what state of mind you are in when you are accusing me wishing to wipe tribes from the face of the earth and replace my own! What a twisted way of thinking how do you figure that one out? You just cannot get pass that issue there is life after tribal feud incase you don’t know.
    somalilander @ 1/28/2007 5:48 PM EST
 Just in case you didnt know the so called flag you talking about was giving to you by Somaliland.
How can you talk about flag when your just another state of Ethiopia?
You killing your selves, betrayed your people, and allowed the enemies to slaughter them, and you talking about flag as if you care. Woow as if anyone would believe you really care>
Ethiopian soldiers use it as a toilet paper.
    @ 1/28/2007 1:18 PM EST

  Mr. Somaalidoon so what message are you try to convey? Aren't you in fact telling that it is ok for the Ethiopians to occupy Mogadishu? Do you know what this occupation means for the residents of this city? You claim that Hargeisa was under occupation for 14 years! How? and who are you trying to fool? Where is your sense of pride,nationalism and patriotism? I suspect you are one of those wish and are praying for the Mogadishu clans  to dis-appear from the face of the earth and be replaced with your own otherwise you woudn't triviliase horrible invasion, aggression,subjugation and humiliation the residents of this city are facing at this point of time.
You must understand the extent of the violence Your brothers are facing and if you are not helping them at least stop laughing at them and making mockery out of their miserable situation.  

    egeh @ 1/28/2007 11:24 AM EST
 Mr. Somaalidoon so what message are you try to convey? Aren't you in fact telling that it is ok for the Ethiopian to occupy Mogadishu? Do you know what this occupation means for the resident of this city? You claim that Hargeisa was under occupation for 14 years! How? and how are you trying to fool? Where is your sense of pride,nationalism and patriotism? I suspect you are one of those wish and are praying for the Mogadishu clans  to dis-appear from the face of the earth and be replaced by your own otherwise you woudn't triviliaze horrible invasion, aggression,subjugation and humiliation the resident of this are facing at this point of time.
You must understand that extent of the violence Your brothers are facing and if you are not helping at least stop laughing at them.  

    somaalidoon @ 1/28/2007 2:09 AM EST
 Egeh. You must have misunderstood my posting. I never said I was
for Ethiopian invasion, or you just think if I am against
secession I am for Ethiopia? All I said was, "in the south we had warlords
for 10+ years and we are under Ethiopian occupation just
4 weeks but Hargiesa was under occupation for 14
years" As far as Mogadishu goes, it is the capitol of our nation
and everyone belongs to our capital all Somalis are welcome.
Just because Hargeisa is exclusive and non local members you either
imprison them, send them to Ethiopia or burn them alive, does not
mean Mogadishu is like wise. So if you come tonight with the intention
of being part of a Somalia we will welcome you.
    @ 1/27/2007 2:15 AM EST
 Mr.Somaalidoon, come on! every dignified, proud and freedom loving natural person in Somalia finds the Ethiopian occupation abhorent, disgusting and below their dignity and are ready to defend their land and to free themselves at any cost.They are not at all prepared for any modern day colonializtion. Yes I concur, the Ethiopian are under constant threat and the reason, in case you don't know, is that the brave people are resisting and fiercely fighting against this nasty occupation. They are not in any way or shape like you, welcoming the Ethiopians with open arms. You are the only one who believes that those so called Somali warlords are compared to the Ethiopians much worse and denying the crimes the Ethiopians are committing against them.
For you information my friend I wish peace and prosperity for Somalia and my stomach turns when ever I see and Ethiopian tank in the streets of Mogadicio which I am sure you do not belong to because your the contents of your posting betrayed you.

    somaalidoon @ 1/27/2007 12:53 AM EST
 Who are you, Egeh?
Any proof that Ethiopians are raping Somali women, or killin
innocent Somali people? Ethiopian troops are under constant
threat and they cannot wait to leave...please stop posting
hear say and talk about facts. Somalia would be back
and no more utopia and regional madness SL and PL must
report to MOG ASAP
    @ 1/27/2007 12:02 AM EST
 Mr.Somaalidoon atleast the warlords were your very own people sharing with you customs, culture,language and religion and since your country has been without government for a long time they filled the void, but the Ethiopians the real enemy of the Somali people for many centuries have not only come for occupation,direct ruling and to instal a puppet government, always at there services, but they have also come for doing the maximum destruction they can do to absolutely ensure no future threat or challenge from this occupied country.
YOu know they are now engaged in the systematic looting,raping and the elimination of innocent Somali citizens.They are using, at will, tanks, heavy artilary and air power to destroy this poor country's infrastructure. Your so called president has invited them and is condoning their barbaric actions.Somalis have never been humiliated like this before and all you can say about this tragedy is (Your stooges are overdoing everyone else)! how naive!  
    somaalidoon @ 1/26/2007 6:30 PM EST
We do have warlords and you can say we are under occupation
for the last 4 weeks. How about being under occupation for
the last 10+ years? Please i advice you not to talk about
Ethiopia because your stooges overdo everyone else
    egeh @ 1/26/2007 10:22 AM EST
 Somaalidoon how can you call the other Ethiopian agent when in effect Zenawi is literally the head of Somalia  with absolute powers and Yey is nothing but an stooge. Isn't that what honest people call hypocrisy.
    somaalidoon @ 1/26/2007 3:39 AM EST
 JigJigawi, you are suffering from infiriority complex huh?
Who cares where you mother came from? Talk about Jig Jiga
and your never ending spy web that serves for Ethiopia.
We are talking about Somalia here, not agents of Meles
like you. We have one Somalia and unlike you we have
the confidence to dream big and bring OGADENIA under the
umbrella. (i know you are sick and you don't like
that name!)
    @ 1/24/2007 9:22 PM EST
 Here we go again, obsessed people full of envy, jealousy and hatred toward Somalilands remarkable acheivements.  The flag burning was limited and it was commited by hooligans, how could you pretend defending the flag when you don't even know what this same flag stands for.  You ruined your country's infrastructure and sell it to your enemy forget sake.  How could any fair-minded peope focus all of their energy just to deny someone else's rights.  Your house is on fire forget sake, your people are in dire need of peace, dying for malnutrition, cholera, desease and violence and adding insult to injury, your number one enemy is parading in your ruined capital.  This is clearly wag the dog scenario to deflect the current situation in Somalia.  I don't think Hawiye is damp enough and be mislead.  
Bal eega maatadaa aqaladoodii uu Tigree ku xasuuqaayo markaa Ina Yeey iyo daba dhilifkiisuna ay doonayaan iney dadka xaqiiqda ka sii jeediyaan.  ILaahayow u dadkan tabaaleysan naxariistaada u fidi.


    Abdulkadir @ 1/24/2007 8:28 PM EST
 Dear @, you have asked a good question and you are seeking facts regarding the conflicting information about the north.  Here are the facts.

450,000 people in the north have voted to control their own destiny.  Few, perhaps 500 residents of Somaliland, were not satisfied with the outcome of the elections. They have decided to oppose it.  These 500 individuals and their supporters in Puntland are in the USA, and in Europe.

They formed what is called the NSPU.  Lacking, support from the north, they came with a new strategy.  The strategy is to create mistrust and confusion between the people of Somaliland and the Somali people of the south, hoping that they can excite the people southern Somalia against the Somalilanders.  

The NSPU held a meeting in washing tom DC and came up with a new strategy to attain their nefarious ends.  They decided to spread a false propaganda in the websites.

In this website alone, four of the last five articles are written by the participants of the NSPU meeting in Washington.  They decided to create mistrust and discord between the people of the south and the people of the north.  

This is an orchestrated propaganda campaign.  This propaganda campaign has too objectives: The first objective is to hide the infamous decision of the TFG to invite the Ethiopian army into our homeland.  
The second part of their orchestrated strategy is saw mistrust and discord among the people of Somaliland and the people of the south.

Reality, however, disputes their false propaganda.  Somalilanders did not invite the Ethiopians to Somalia, nor are they interested in invading Mogadishu, Beltweyn or another southern town.
SomaliLanders simply decided to run their own affairs.  The TFG, the NSPU and the Ethiopians do not like people governing themselves, and hence all the propaganda.  Do not be fooled.
    Abdulkadir @ 1/24/2007 7:59 PM EST
 The NSPU, the TFG and the Ethiopians army think that they can create mistrust and discord between the brotherly people of Somaliland and the people of Mogadishu.  They believe that they are smarter than others and that they can fool both people so that they can benefit from the old policy of divide and rule.  The people of Somaliland and the people of the south are smarter than that.  They can see false patriots when they see one.

The NSPU and the TFG think the people of the south are stupid.  They think that all have to do is all to gain their interest is to wave a blue flag and the people of the south will help them in Somaliland.  

The fact is:  SomaliLanders are not the ones in Mogadishu.  The people of Puntland are in Mogadishu.  They have no business being there.

The people of Somaliland are in hargiessa and they have no interest in subjugating their brethren in Mogadishu.  Thank heavens, we got our land back from the tyrants and we have no interest in colonizing other people.

The NSPU and the TFG should stick to their own land rather than using Ethiopians to conquer other peoples land.  SomaliLanders will not go to Mogadishu, nor will they  allow other fools to rule them.  

The NSPU must stop thinking the people of the south are unintelligent and they should focus on developing their own land.  Flag waving will not fool any one.
    @ 1/24/2007 7:47 PM EST
 Eventhough I do not know a lot about the issues in the north because I never been there,and by the the way I left Somalia 1979 so a lot had happened since then.
My genuine question is why the people who live together in the region called Somaliland ie Isaaq,Dhulbahante,warsengeli,Gudabiirsay,and some Isse and others get together and decide the destiney of their future?
When you talk to different people from different tribes of the north,you get conflicting versions of the reality on the ground.
Somebody in this forum might be able to shed light on the real issues in Somaliland and their grievences.
    ismail125590444 @ 1/24/2007 6:10 PM EST
 Waa ruwaayadii la magacbaxdey(MA QUUSTE):

Bari hore waxa jirey bulshooyin meel wada yaala. Bulshooyinkaa nin walba magac buu lahaa laakiinse nin baa isagu lahaa naaneys aan loo aqoon laakiise u qarsooneyd. Naaneystiisu waxa ay aheyd (ma quuste). Hadaba hada si aan u ogaano sida ma quusto ku fashilmey waan inaan soo tixraacnaa bilowgii bulshadaa:::::::

Ma quuste waxa uu dadkaa had iyo jeer ku wacdiyi jirey in uu nin aad loo aamini karo yahey. Hadaba maadaama ay beelaha kale ka xeel dheeraayeen xirfadaha kala gaarka ah xoogna aaney u daneynayn dhinac(maamul qabad), waxa la gaadhey wakhti any maamul dowladeed la soo gudboonaadey umadaa. Isla markaa gar ayaa la qaadey oo waxa la isku raacey loona dhaariyes in uu xilkaa guudeed qabto isagoo aan ku baxeynin dhaarta iyo isagoon iloobeyn baryadii uu u soo maray iyo aaminaadii la aaminey. Hase ahaatee Ma quuste waxa uu noqdey nin aad iyo aad u dhago adag oo masuuliyaadii ka soo bixi kari waaya dadkii u dhiibteyna faraha ka qaniina. Dan uu u ilaaliyo daaye wuxu ma quuste bilaabey inuu xasuuq iyo wax dhac bilaabo taasoo socotey mudo. Maquuste waxabu is moodey in aan halka u marayo iyo maalka faraha badanle ee gacanta u galey ay u suuro galin karto in uu waligiiba isagu uu u sareeyo dadka intiisa kalana ay musqushu uu ku kaadsho ahaadaan. Kadib markii la ogaadey dhabtii inaanu ma quuste rajo laheyn ayaa markaa dadkii bilaabeen kacdoon kama dambeyna isaga oo aan marnaba is laheyn cid baa iska kaa caabiyeysa. Hadaba ma quuste isagoon marnaba waxba iskula hadhin ayuu hadana ku guul dareystey inuu sii xajiyo nimcatul xaaraamtii uu ku dul fadhiyey sidii waraabe gaajeysan oo neef baruurbadan helay. Kadib afka udhicii waxa u xigey in ay inkaartii ku dhacdey oo marnaba aanu ka faaiideysan xoolihii umadaas meel walbana ku haraadanyahey. Hadaba iyadoon u madii wali ka soo kaban ayuu waxa uu isku dayey in uu umaduu jabiyey ee qayrkeed ka reebay maantana yidhaahdo idinka midbaan ahey oo sidii barigii i aamina oon anigu hogaan idiin noqdo. Sidaas baana naaneystiisu ku soo baxdey oo lagu taagey (Maquuste). Hadaba waa ayo qofkan dhagaha xiran ee indhaha xiran ee ma quuste u soo gurguuranayaa. Idinkuba u taliya!!!!!!
    hassanfi @ 1/24/2007 4:07 PM EST
 mar hadii calankaad sheegaysaan lagu gubay meeshii ugu horaysay ee laga taago (that means the end of labadii somaliyeed ee shanta ka hadhsanaa)
waxaase farxad ii ah maanta mar hadii ay taagan tahay oon soo gaadhsiinay waar noo reeba Garoowe iyo laascaanood ogow taasi dhici maysee barina waxaan gaadhsiin doona Boosaaso noo reeba hadii  ale yidhaa(waa la toloow oloshay).
remember also the border of SOMALILAND is crosing the midle of the Growe town.
waxaanse idinkula talin lahaa iska daaya xumaha aad la wareegaysaan eed umada ku kala dilaysaan idinkoo maraya maanta meel ilaahay xaalkiina ogyahay ood isku adeegsateen xabashi si aad isku muquunisaan idinkoo u kala dheeraynaya xumaha,sad.
waar ilaahay ka yaaba oo ubadkiina u tudha,oo aayahiina ka tashada iska daaya waxaan waxba idiin kordhinayn.Somaliland,na ilaahay ayaa idin badaye laabta u sii daaya una arka inay tahay wadan kursi ku U.N.ta markaa dadka afsomaliga ku hadlaa waxay yeelanayaan sadex kursi(THAT IS NICE)dhinacaa ka eega,ha u qaadan inaad adigu ii hayso oon ku waydiisanayo.(aqli gaab).
ujeedadaydu waar aynu wanaaga isku ogolaano xumahana iska reebno(that is what I mean).three chairs!!!!!!or more
salaamu calaykum.
    aliyare @ 1/24/2007 3:55 PM EST
Calankaad u ooyeysaan itoobiyaankaa xaarka isaga biiya. Itoobiyaanka yaa keenay markaa. I don't buy DAROd propaganda. I think every somali bet it North or South understands the DAAROOD agenda. You can fool people some time but you cant fool people all the time. DACAWO halkey macal ku dhadhamisey macaluul ugu go'daa. Xoolihii umada soomaliyeed wey dhamaadeen. Meelo kale wax ka raadsha.
    @ 1/24/2007 12:07 PM EST
 Thanks NSPU for enlighting us with mere facts about the situation. This myth (Somaliland) is heading to nowhere. It’s total waste of time and energy. This land is Somali property and not Britain or French. These Europeans got the land they inherited from their fathers and we’ve got the land and culture handed down to us by our fathers.

The secessionist mob has not identity. They are shame to our fathers, culture, and civilization as they open their butts wide for the imperialist and colonialist theories that so long denied freedom and dignity to our fathers.

The Somali land is for Sayid Maxamed, A. Gurey, Xalane, Bashiir Geeddi Raage, Cumar Samatar, Sh. Yusuf Kownayn, Gahayr, Cabdullahi Suldaan Tima Cadde, Yassin Xaaji Cisman Sharmarke, Xaawo Taako, Hadraawi, Mustafa Sh. Cilmi, and their children. Secessionists I said to you kiss ass. You don’t have a case. You are bunch of dumb fools giving our nation’s purity and secrets out and serving the imperialist agendas. Mogadishu will be shining again very soon and it will be as beautiful as ever.  
    Abdulkadir @ 1/24/2007 10:02 AM EST
  The ultimate betrayal of Somali dignity is to see the Ethiopian flag flying in our land. People in the north and south have died to ensure that such an infamy never happens in our land.  The NSPU and the TFG are responsible for this ultimate betrayal, which is comparable in scale to the Judas’s betrayal of Jesus.  No amount of red herring will remove this stain from you.

If the NSPU is desperately attempting to hide this infamy by crying about a harmless flag burning in Hargiesa, they must think the people of Somalia are so unintelligent that they can be manipulated at will.  I think, this untimely, insensitive, and insulting manipulation of people feelings will back fire on you, and expose you for what you are – a propaganda front for the TFG and its Ethiopian masters.

Thanks you for the article

    egeh @ 1/24/2007 9:40 AM EST
 Too blind to see the reality,too deaf to hear the facts and too dumb to understand the situation. Since 1991 you all kept on denying the existence of Somaliland non stop. For a change you now need to check your heads. Psychiatric evaluation, attention and serious treatment may help you overcome this sick obsession. Sooner or later time and the circumstance will force you accept the reality of Somaliland.
    @ 1/24/2007 9:20 AM EST
 Who cares what a groub of disgruntled outcasts seeking cheap publicity by trash talking about Somaliland say.
Ma afkay ku ciil bixi cidlay ka hanjabaayaane.
    shukuman cade @ 1/24/2007 9:16 AM EST
 Ignore them and they will come, pay attention to them they distance themselves. The west has rejected them, AU refused them, the Arabs denied them and Somalia still wants them. Our love for you will never die.
    nadia @ 1/24/2007 9:04 AM EST
 I thank the author for outlining the facts 3/5 regions in the north of somalia are against the separatist idea I AM DEFENITLY ONE OF THEM. The soonar they drop the bogus ideat the better for all of us! ONE CLAN can not fool the rest of the world to recognise them.
    sool state @ 1/24/2007 8:53 AM EST
 Like i been saying over the years, i will take
somalilanders and faisal ali warabe to U.K to get
him the recognition card, however, they must to state
their border with somalia. claiming caynabo, arigabo,
buuhoodle, borama, and yagori as their breaking away
territory will not earn them recognition. hargeisa,
and berbera is their cities do they want it or not?
give me yes and we will take next flight to their
worshiping place london to get them going as a
nation. also yea you all need to come up with a name.
somaliland= land of somali people. so your not telling
me mogadisho is not somali city, ur not telling me
hargeisa is not somali city. so come up with a name,
if you can't think we got some smart fills for you
people to come up with names like harland, or awalland,
or gaal jecel land somthing that applies to you all.
because certainly somali-land belongs to us and we
can't share names when your yehuud like warabe said.
    wariahe @ 1/24/2007 6:50 AM EST
    @ 1/24/2007 6:17 AM EST
 Secessionists or not, Take close look at the current demographics in Somaliland, there are approximately 120k-140k Ethiopian origin, primarily Oromia and some Tigrei, living and working there, they have their own families, banking system, housing, stores, etc…

They are the work force for Somaliland, working as foremen, plumbing, electricians, mechanics, telecomm, construction, etc. Increasing at an alarming rate of 2-4% weekly.

I let you do the math of where Somaliland’s future is headed.
    Abdiqadan @ 1/24/2007 4:08 AM EST
 It should have read will NOT be resurrected.
    Abdiqadan @ 1/24/2007 4:02 AM EST
 Whilst I agree with fact that we are all free human beings and can express our views, I really cannot imagine that there are some Somalis, like the author of this article, who are still living in a dream world. The 'union' he is talking about has long collabsed and been buried and does not exist. Not in even in papers for the papers in which it was written on have long been looted in Mogadishu. What makes me laugh is how this blatant clanist and his accomplices came up with so called 'Northern Somalia'. Where is this territory called Northen Somaila? Can define it?.  I am a Somalilander who worked in Somalia (in Mogadishu) for years and I honestly believe that the union that you are refering to will be resurrected. My advice to you is to think of how you are going to bring the peace and stability that the people of Mogadishu and other parts of Somalia need desperately.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/24/2007 3:20 AM EST
 Soomaaliyeey caadifadda iyo seef la boodnimadu ma fiicna, calanku waa maro haddii la gubana ninkii soo gatay uun baa ku khasaaray. Imisaan gubaynay calammo wadamo kale oo aan anagu soo gadanay? Ciyaal baa gubay calanka dhashay 1990kii iyo wixii ka danbeeyey, ciyaal suuq ficilkood looma qaban karo umadd dhan.
    maxamad khadar @ 1/24/2007 12:49 AM EST
 Assalaamu Calaykym Waraxmatulaah
Salaan kadib qorahu wuxu halkan ku soo bandhigay maqaal aad u fiican oo wax tar leh.waa nasiib daro manta in lagu gubo calankii Soomaaliaya ay dhiga u soo daadsheen abaayashen in farabadana ay u dhinteen.runtii wa nasiibdaro haysata maanta dadka Somaaliyeed oo dhan,waxaana taas laaga gudbiga karaa in lawadahadlo oo miska lasoo wadafariisto,taasina waxay imanartaa iyada oo lahelo maamul iyo hogaamiyaal fiican,la'aanteed wax hagaagaya majirto.kuwan aynu arkayno maanta ee haysata Somaliland iyo kuwan d.k.m haysata waa niman cadowga itoobiya faraha ka saaray wadanki.maqaal halkan lagu soo qoraa u noqonmaayo badbaado dadka Soomaaliyeed ee waxaan Ilaahay karajanayna in u Soomaalida dhibka ka saaro.sxb aad ayaad markale ugu mahadsantahay maqaalka wanagsan ee aad soo ortay.Wa Salaamu Calaykum

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