9 comment(s)
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    baghdad bob @ 4/24/2010 2:01 PM EST
 good work sister. Iron discipline and much dedication will take you far not forgetting to pray for the blessings of Allah.
    wiifgarow @ 4/24/2010 11:55 AM EST
 Well done Amina. Be thankful and loyal to the Country that saved your people and that is the USA. Consider yourself American first and American second. Forget about Somalia.
    nomadic1 @ 4/24/2010 10:35 AM EST

The = You
    nomadic1 @ 4/24/2010 10:34 AM EST
 Well done sister Amina.

The did the hard bit so its time you reaped the benefits of your dedication by going to University.

    Discover24 @ 4/24/2010 9:37 AM EST
 Amiino  boqorada sanadka  sas ayaan karabaa  walashes.
aqonta waaa  furaha  adunka, "aqoon la'aan waa aftiin la'aan"
Dadaad  walashes  heer jamacad isku day waad awoda. aad iyo aad ayaan ku farxey markaan arkey
gabar Somaliayad ah oo  uu dadashey  waqti yar gusihisa mark  waxaan ku leeyahey guul guul
    sheikh @ 4/24/2010 9:16 AM EST
 First of all Congratulation Amina. Let me tell you this
if you were in Somalia you would never get this attention
just because of who you are.

My advice to you and all Other people who were not given
any chance in Somalia, this is the free Country you live
in take the advantage and move on. I want to see you as PhD
MD, Professor and so on. I am sure you can and you will be
the true hero of all Somalia who migrated this great Country.
    Jayte Yare @ 4/24/2010 5:44 AM EST
 Hi Amin I am very happy what you have done, Congratulations.
We're all happy. I hope your dreams come true. We wish you all the best..

Thank you.

Jayte frm Amsterdam
    Jayte Yare @ 4/24/2010 5:41 AM EST
 Hi Amin I am very happy what you have done, Congratulations.
We're all happy. I hope your dreams come true. We wish you all the best..

Thank you.

Jayte frm Amsterdam
    AXYAA @ 4/24/2010 5:12 AM EST
  AMINO  MUUSE   marka   hore  waan ku faraxsnahay  guusha aad gaartay iyo da daalka aad da daashay walal halka hawsha kawad  jaamacad aad    meesha aad lee dahay kenyan adayaa   dheh waxan adaya somaliya  iyo dhulkii hooyo si aad u caawisid kuwa kula mid ka ah ee dhibin  aad melaha  nabada  ka jirto ee somaliya   sida  gobalada waqooyi hargaysa burco boosaaso garawe iyo malaha kale eenabada ah  by walal amino  

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