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    fatu @ 9/27/2007 11:12 PM EST
 I am absolutely outraged at the continued abuse of women, children and the vulnerable all over the world but in particular in Somaliland.  It is unacceptable and the government should not perpetuate this kind of behaviour.  I agree men who do this are bullys and are abusers and accordingly should be held accountable for their actions!  I am challenging anyone out there to tell us which part of the Quran or Sunna states that no one is allowed to sell food during this holy month?  Secondly, i suspect that there are more serious bridges of Islamic laws that are happening in that city that might require these men's immediate attention, like for example the blatant use and abuse of jaad in the community... Jaad is harmful to their health, migre wages as well as family structures...so boys or men go after the more serious issues and leave these poor women and their vulnerable children alone!
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/25/2007 5:25 PM EST
 I agree with you brother the powerless and the volnurable shouldn't be punished for feeding their kids at this time in Somalia. Today in Hiiran they had put in jail 20 women who use to sell Khad. The reason we can all understand, it is shame full, this is no different than cutting the hand of the poor man who was stealing one kg of basta or one bread.
    Camel Girl @ 9/23/2007 11:31 AM EST
 Thank you for posting.  The world Muslims this is hungry families and how do they deserve to fast in the first place. (No offense to Ramadan). You can live in hosted countries but no body will go to heaven better than they the most vulnerable will.

    reer raamsade @ 9/23/2007 8:17 AM EST
 I wanted to disagree with you on the introduction but the body of the article explained a lot and I see you're point brother. It is not the same sircumistances for everyone Specially the poor and rich, Children and Women. you are right

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