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    somalipeace10 @ 8/11/2011 7:57 PM EST
 I understand where you are coming from now!!
    momo519 @ 8/11/2011 6:48 PM EST
Somalipeace10, mysomalia,Nuun and Ingiriisi and few other ones that pop out every now and then are all yours.

You and Cige are couple losers that regardless of the name you use, you always write the same garbage!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/11/2011 6:36 PM EST
I knew your views were abhorrent but I did not know you were so confused. The comment you quoted is not mine as you stated it is from "mysomalia". Are you claiming I am mysomalia as well? You will never find a comment of mine insulting a Somali clan. However, you can find my statements pointing out the crimes of warlords and their supporters.
You did not dispute any of the facts in my previous comment, so I assuse that you do not have anything to say. Is that why you always resort to clan issues?
    momo519 @ 8/11/2011 4:36 PM EST
"...some families have identity crises (Darod and Isaaq). None of them qualify
for being arab but sadly they still want to be. One claims from Habashi-Adoon-Yemeni
BOON ah who used to live/to be slave in Yemen and the other a mix of jew..." mysomalia @ 8/10/2011 7:48 PM EST


the above captured comment is yours and it's typical of your changing identity!

Everyone knows that you are the biggest bigot!

Even more importantly, you know that you are qabiilayste Daarood nacayb ay ku habsatay!

Ama wadaad iska dhig amd wadani iska dhig, you'll always be Ingiriisi qabiilayste!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/11/2011 1:53 PM EST
 As I said countless times I am NOT going to talk about clans because I am in way or another literally related to all Somali clans so I belong to every clan. However, I will respond to your attempt to justify Ethiopian crimes. Everyone knows and it is wisely wtitten by Somalis and non-Somalis alike that Ethiopia came to Somalia to destroy the relative peace and stability created by Somalis for the first time in sixteen years. Somalia was divided by warlords, the parliament you are talking about was populated by warlords and their foot soldiers. These warlords from different clans created chaos and killed thousands of Somalis divided the country. In Mogadishu , they divided the city closed the port the airport and make the city  a warzone. When they finally got money from the CIA and started capturing the religious individuals and delivering them to Ethiopia and to the CIA, people fought back. In 2006, all the warlords were chased from Mogadishu and all the Southeren Somalia except Baidoa where Ethiopian troops guarded their puppets. When warlords fled, Mogadishu became peaceful, airport and port was reopened and diaspora started to return to their country in droves. Properties were returned to their rightful owners for the first time since the collapse of the central government. Hope and optimism prevailed. No one is denying that courts leaders made clossal mistakes. However, the positive overweighed the negative. Ethiopa then invaded Somalia illegally to restore its client warlords and instability returned. Meles Zenawi was falsely thinking that he could divide Somalia into friendly clans and target some. But the MAJORITY of the Somali people fought against Ethiopian aggression in one way or another. Ethiopia was forced to flee humiliated thanks to the heroic young Somali people from all corners of the country from Ras Camboni to the Ras Casayr and inbetween. You can try to do the dirty work for our enemy and talk about clans and how they are against each other, but the reality in different. Now the two prominent groups fighting each other over power are TFG and Alshabab and the battle lines are not clan lines. As I said the only work that Ethiopia did was killing thousands of Somali people and displacing hundreds of thousand, destroying hospitals, educational facilities and markets. If you are grateful for Ethiopia it means you are willingly or unwillings grateful for their crimes bacause there is nothing else Ethiopia did in Somalia.
    momo519 @ 8/11/2011 10:11 AM EST
Somali parliament seating in Baidoa has asked the Ethiopian forces for help.

Based on that legal call, Ethiopian forces entered Somalia, liberated Mogadishu, and reestablished the Somali government back into the Villa Somalia!

I'm grateful for Ethiopia for doing that.

Please copy and paste for all to read where as you claimed I have publicly stated that I "was grateful for Ethiopia for killing tens of thousands of innocent Somali people and displaced hundreds of thousands of Somalis."

Without the sacrifices made by the Ethiopian forces, it would have been impossible for Somalis to liberate Mogadishu.

Without the sacrifices made by the Ethiopian forces, Habar Gidir militia would still be holding Somalia hostage!

But thank God and thank Ethiopia, HabarGidir power is neautralized and Somalia has a chance to live once again!

What HabarGidir can do for me is to start healing process where they accept their brutality and ask forgiveness from other Somali clans.

Other clans must accept Habargidir apology and forgive but with one condition;

That Habargidir must stay out of Somali politics for 20 years and must surrender their weapons!

They will not have a seat in the parliament and will not held any government post including armed forces and diplomatic core!

This must be the price they pay for terrorizing Southern Somalia for 20 years!

    secular @ 8/11/2011 3:16 AM EST
 There no sweet way to die!
I rather blame an Enemy for the killing of my people, rather  than at the hands of a Somali fellow!
Call it a DAY and don't allow the discourse to degenerate into silly tribal rivalries.
We are all " a DONKEY & his own ears"!
No one can claim the " high moral ground", when all we see is " what we see on TV these same days"
    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 10:50 PM EST
 I think it is time you understand the ramifications of your statements. You publicly stated that you are grateful for Ethiopia for killing tens of thousands of innocent Somali people and displaced hundreds of thousands of Somalis. I cannot see how a sane individual can behave that way, hence my advice to you to condider seeking help. I asked you earlier,"As I said you seem to have a lot of resentment against Habar Gidir, is there anything they can do to address your grievance, real or imagined?"
    Momo519 @ 8/10/2011 7:59 PM EST
Because I disagree with your views and take an opposing view, I must be mentally sick and be taken to mental institution?

If people disagree with you, send them to the mental institution!

Is that what you learned in your "prestigious Mogadishu" schools?

You remind me of General Aidid.

He had a mental disease and thought everyone who disagreed with him had mental sickness and deserved to be doomed!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 4:33 PM EST
 Evidently you are grateful for Ethiopia for the killing of innocent Somali people and displacement of others. As I said you are really sick beyond any repair. Mental health institution may be the best place. For me warlords are nasty and I do not care the clan they hail from. I believe no one of them represents their clan but are ordinary crimals. They should face the consequence of their criminal acts. In my previous post I told you that "Being bitter, resentful nd full of hetred will not get you anywhere if may only  give you blood pressure and heart attack."
    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 4:32 PM EST
 Evidently you are grateful for Ethiopia for the killing of innocent Somali people and displacement of others. As I said you are really sick beyond nay repair. Mental health institution may be the best place. For me warlords are nasty and I do not care the clan they hail from. I believe no one of them represents their clan but are ordinary crimals. They should face the consequence of their criminal acts. In my previous post I told you that "Being bitter, resentful nd full of hetred will not get you anywhere if may only  give you blood pressure and heart attack."
    Momo519 @ 8/10/2011 4:11 PM EST
I said what I had to say about this article in my first comment.

Te rest of my "erratic" comments are just replies to your hopeless  harangue!

Call it Islamic Union Courts or Hizbullahi or USC or SNA, the fact is that Habargidir remained untouchable and coninued to brutalize  peasants in the south.

It took Colonel Yusuf with the help of Ethiopian forces to liberate Mogadishu from the jaws of Habargidir.

Of course they have used few stooges such as Cabdiqeybdiid and Gacmadheere to do their dirty work.

Gacmadheere is responsible the death and destruction of civilians while the Ethiopian forces were in Mogadishu working side by side with him.

But you don't want to point the finger to Gacmadheere because he is a Habargidir man.

It's easier to use Ethiopia as a scapegoat than to accept the failure and the criminality of Gacmadheere, Qeybdiid,, Furux, Indhacade and many more of your uncles.

    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 1:57 PM EST
 Being bitter, resentful nd full of hetred will not get you anywhere if may only  give you blood pressure and heart attack. For your information, after the collapse of the central government it was the nasty warlords who divided the country into clan enclaves. These criminal warlords belonged to different clans and regions. In 2006 the Union of Islamic courts chased them away and finally peace returned to most of south Somalia. Communities set against each other by the warlords came together and hope prevailed. Ethiopia invaded the counry and brought back the nasty warlords, and secterian violance returned. Then, brave Somali people, mostly young fought with the occupation and defeated them. Your memory seems to be frozen in early 1991 when politcal induced clan hatred killed tens of thousands of Somalis. Luckily most Somalis recovered from that sad page of our history, but you still seem to be bitter and vindicative. Are you grateful for Ethiopia because of thousands of innocent Somali civilians killed or hundreds of Somalis displaced? You must be sick beyond repair!!
    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 1:43 PM EST
 You did not answer my question yet though, apart from your knee-jerk defence of Ethiopian crimes, did you have anything else to say about the article?
    momo519 @ 8/10/2011 12:18 PM EST

"...You seem to mention Habar Gidir a lot and you live in Toronto, many people can guess who you are..."

What does that supposed to mean?

I'm supposed to be scared?


That's not you. That's your habarGidir instincts kicking in!

Be my guest and come to my corner; I'll tell you the same thing I'm telling you now.

I'm grateful for the Ethiopians to balance the power in Somalia!

You can preach all you want your anti-Ethiopian sermons.

You can run away from your clan all you want.

You'll always be Habargidir and I will always be grateful for Ethiopia!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 9:24 AM EST
 You did not answer my question yet though, apart from your knee-jerk defence of Ethiopian crimes, did you have anything else to say about the article?
As I said you seem to have a lot of resentment against Habar Gidir, is there anything they can do to address your grievance, real or imagined? According to your logic Habar Gidir must be responsible for the economic crisis in the United States and Europe!!
    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 9:05 AM EST
 It is waste of my precious time to argue with someone like you. We all know the history of voting systems but my point is how the word is used NOW.What do we mean when we use the word "man" now?As I said you seem to be bitter and harbour a lot of resentment why? It was the Union of Islamic Courts that reclaimed Villa Somalia from the warlords and even rebuilt it. It was also the courts that renovated the Port and the Airport. Ethiopia invaded Somalia and brought back warlords . Luckily Ethiopian bigger project in Somalia was defeated by brave Somali people and was forced to withdraw humiliated. You seem to mention Habar Gidir a lot and you live in Toronto, many people can guess who you are, but I leave that aside by now.  
    Momo519 @ 8/10/2011 8:22 AM EST
Yes. In fact when they said "one man one vote" they were talking about men only.

Women were excluded from voting until recently.

When they said one man's treasure is another man's trash.

They were in fact  talking about men. And the treasure and the trash were meant to be women.

You wouldn't know that because you are Habr Gidir.( fudeed iyo macangagnimo aa dadka idinka reebtay)

Btw, Habar Gidir tried and failed to play religion card.

Now Habar Gidir is trying to play nationalism card and will fail.

Wixii la rabo ha la sheego; Laakiin wadaninimo iyo diinta wacdigeeda Habar Gidir ka dhegaysanmaayo.

I'm grateful for Ethiopia for removing Habargidir jaws from Somalia.

Without Ethiopian forces, Habargidir would still operate it's sbaaro in an aroun Mogadishu.

Because of Ethiopia, Villa Somalia became once again Somalia's house.

So your anti-Ethiopian position and your born-again nationalism is nothing more than your Habar Gidirness trying to find meaning in life!  

    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 7:26 AM EST
 It is sad that how your little mind is obsessed with clan issues. You see everything through clan lenses. Very sad indeed.
    somalipeace10 @ 8/10/2011 7:24 AM EST
 "one man one vote", "one man's trash is another's treasure", are they talking about only male individuals. No one cares about your gender, but your blind support for Ethiopian misadventures in Somalia is what we are discussing. Google does wonders.
    momo519 @ 8/9/2011 5:35 PM EST

Soomaalidu waxay tiri Damiin far waaweyn baa wax loogu qoraa e'

Waxaad ii sheegtaa sababta aad u maleysid inaan nin ahay!

Mise waxaad is leedahay qof dumar ihi nin Habar Gidir ah sidaan ulama hadli karto?

BTW, you said to me that "No one will remember your erratic arguments..."

No one needs to remember my rubbish comments...but it seems that it's unfortunate that you will always remember my "erratic" comments!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/9/2011 6:54 AM EST
For example you can belief that Ethiopia has nuclear weapons but the reality on the ground will not change because of your mistaken belief. Equally, Ethiopia is our enemy and occupies a Somali territory (Ogaden) and your spurious claims do not change these hard facts. You seem to be bitter and amenable to the Ethiopian propaganda.However, the majority of the Somali people will not fall for the insidious plans of Ethiopia. Somali people were united in their fight against Ethiopian aggression, protest demonstrations were held in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.  
    somalipeace10 @ 8/9/2011 6:44 AM EST
It is an accepted method in social science that conclusions can be based on sound observations. I have observed your comments long enough to conclude that you are indeed Ethiopia's man and a petty one at that. In every article you try  to defend Ethiopia even if the subject is not Ethiopia like this article by Prof.Samatar. You write repeatedly I believe this or that, your belief is irrelevant to the reality on the ground. The reality is that Ethiopian regime works day and night to keep Somalia in chaos. Young Somali men fittingly Ethiopian aggression and history will record that as Sayid Mohamed's heroic battles are recorded. No one will remember your erratic arguments to defend Ethiopia. defeated
    momo519 @ 8/9/2011 3:21 AM EST

Your problem is that you make up your realities based on your imaginations!

If things are in your head, they must be true; that seems to be your mentality!

Here are few examples of you making your own conclusions;

1. You said to me that "you are not your own man but Ethiopa's man."

What makes you think I'm a man is beyond my imagination but within your own little mind!

2. You said, "... you claimed that I and Fiqi fight against Ethiopian domination..."

Your thinking that I claimed Ethiopia dominates Somalia is beyond my imagination and within your own little mind.

I don't believe Ethiopia dominates Somalia!

If Ethiopia dominates Somalia, Sheikh Sharif would have gone to Addis instead of Kampala right after Alshabab vacated Mogadishu!

You said that "...tens of thousands of young generation young men ...pouren into Mogadishu from all parts of Somali Wey to fight Ethiopian occupation".

If that is true, why did these young men continued to fight even after the Ethiopians left?

There may be few young boys who were motivated by the Ethiopian presence, but most of these boys were fighting were motivated by Osama Bin Liar to establish Islamic State from Alaska to Chile!

Remember these young boys burned the blue Somali flag and waved their own little Alqaida black flag!

Finally, you said "...thousands of young Somalis  ...constantly held protest demonstrations in all corners of the world ..."

You and I know that no such protest took place in South America and the caribbeans!

And you and I know no such protest took place China, Japan, and Koreas.

Clearly, your imagination that tens of thousands of young Somalis protested took in all corners of the world is just an imagination!

I saw the Ottawa protest and there were few than 50 people(mostly Habar Gidir) showed up to protest for less than an hour!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 11:30 PM EST
Obviously and seemlingly you are not your own man but Ethiopa's man. The reason that I mentioned these politicians is that you claimed that I and Fiqi fight against Ethiopian domination because of clan reasons.  The tens of thousands of young generation young men who pouren into Mogadishu from all parts of Somali Wey to fight Ethiopian occupation, thousands of young Somalis who constantly held protest demonstrations in all corners of the world were not the generation you described or the clans you alluded to. The strangest thing of all is that you seem to be obbsessed with defending the "good neighbour" while not interested in good neighbourlyness of the other Somali brothers. The fact remains as things stand Ethiopia is the biggest enemey and greatest obstacle to peace in Somalia.

    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 10:58 PM EST
Obviously and seemlingly you are not your own man but Ethiopa's man. The reason that I mentioned these politicians is that you claimed that I and Fiqi fight against Ethiopian domination because of clan reasons.  The tens of thousands of young generation young men who pouren into Mogadishu from all parts of Somali Weyno fight Ethiopian occupation, thousands of young Somalis who constantly held protest demonstrations in all corners of the world were not the generation you described or the clans you alluded to. The strangest thing of all is that you seem to be obbsessed with defending the "good neighbour" while not interested in good neighbourlyness of the other Somali brothers. The fact remains as things stand Ethiopia is the biggest enemey and greatest obstacle to peace in Somalia.
    momo519 @ 8/8/2011 8:22 PM EST

Prof Samatar and Dr. Abdiqasim and Dr. Galeydh and the retired politician do not guide my thinking.

I'm my own person and speak of my own mind.

Just because those men regard Ethiopia as an enemy does not mean I should think the same way too.

Those men have many similar traits; they are from the same generation!

My first comment in this page was "Prof Samatar and his generation suffer Ethiopiaphobia!"

It's a simple fact that most Habargidir and most Ogadens have more anti-Ethiopian stand than any other clan member.

I'm not faulting you guys to have that stand and I'm not trying to change it.

I understand why you think the way you think.

My thinking is simple; Ethiopians are our neighbours and will always promote and advocate good neighbourly relations rather than an endless hostility that will not produce any goodness!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 3:26 PM EST
As I mentioned countless other times your problem is you see everything through clan lense. According to your logic, Prof. Samatar, the author of this atricle is agianst Ethiopian negative interference of Somali affiars must be clan X, Nomadic1 and Stickorcarrot among others who has demonstrated nationalist view and oppose Ethiopian crimes must also be clan Y, can you see the limits of your argument. When Ethiopia invaded Somalia back in 2006, almost all Somalis, even those in breakaway Somaliland, opposed Ethiopian attempts to occupy Somalia. The young people from all corners of Somalia flocked to Mogadishu to force Ethiopia out, and finnally they succeeded, humiliating Ethiopian aggressors. Somalia diapora and most intellectuals and former politicians including Abdirizaq Haji Hussein, Abdiqasim Salad and Ali Galaydh, Abdulqadir Massale opposed Ethiopian aggression. Few clanminded and opportunistic individuals supported Ethiopian project. Even Abdulahi Yusuf now recognises that Ethiopia wanted to destroy what is left of Somalia. There is no point of defending the indefensible.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/8/2011 3:23 PM EST

Stop digging your own grave with your panicky poison-pen and get off the subject, you will only make f*ol of yourself and you will sound like a fo*l in love with his enemy.

    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 3:11 PM EST
Well said, you speak for countless Somali people.

    Stickorcarrot @ 8/8/2011 3:09 PM EST

You are defending Ethiopia at the expense of Somali unity.
You are very generous at assigning everybody to a clan depending
on his/her political stand.

Not everyone who is against Ethiopia is Ogaden or Habargidir. That
is a fallacy. Every Somali with any form of nationalism
is against Ethiopia. Obviously, none of the people massacred
in Mogadishu and in Ogaden are your family members and as a
fellow Somali you don't seem to feel their plight.

I have seen your post many times, you are not someone who
feels for victims and oppressed people. You always make
an excuse for the oppressor.

Referring Ogaden as Ethiopia is another example of how un-Somali
you are.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/8/2011 3:00 PM EST
 My clan is Somali, my religion is Islam and my real enemy is Ethiopia.

There is nothing wrong in being clan driven person, it is wrong when you use it to harm others of your kind.

But if mobolising your clan to start with and then calling for other clans to join and fight for their rights, that is a blessing and a miracle to pray for.

I would rather be with a clan driven Somali who is willing to lose everything for the interests  of all Somalis in Somalia/ogaden, who will fight for the rights of his people regardless of ethnicity, who can differentiate his friends from his foes than a traitor who will abandon his country, religion and his self-pride and l*ck the shoes of an enemy that will not spare him if he falls into their hands.

    momo519 @ 8/8/2011 2:03 PM EST


Yours and Fiqi's psoition regarding Ethiopia is clan driven and not nationalism and a search for Somali unity!

Fiqi is Ogaden and is more concerned with the plight of Ogaden-Ethiopians than seeking a solution for the well being of Somalis.

Your anti-Ethiopia stand is driven by the fact Ethiopia is responsible the balancing of power among Somali clans.

Your Habrgidir clan had been neutralized by Ethiopian forces and as a result many Somalis can breath easily without fear!

You both lose objectivity by your clan driven mind!

    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 1:02 PM EST
 What a logical fallacy!! an opinion of an individual who claims that Ethiopia is a good neighbour is valid while the opinion of the majority must be wrong. Ethiopia is working day and night to dismember Somalia, it is up to us to fight its sisnster plan.
    Momo519 @ 8/8/2011 11:47 AM EST
...the majority of Somalis also believe in clanism and corruption!

Does that mean the majority is always right?

Israel voted for Somali independence.

That doesn't mean Israel has love for Somali people!

    fiqicigaal @ 8/8/2011 9:35 AM EST

Very well said.
    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 8:55 AM EST
You claim that European colonizers are responsible for the majority of Somali people's belief that Ethiopia is our enemy. I think that is an insult to the intelligence of the Somali people. In addition, the brute fact is that Ethiopia was one of the colonial powers who divided Somalia. Ethiopian leaders have been claiming Somali territory to the Indian ocean. If one examines the actions of Ethiopian successive regimes it can be concluded that Ethiopia has been a very hostile enemy of the Somali people for centuries. Historical records show that Ethiopia campaigned against Somali independence.Finally, the territorial dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia is not resolved yet. In the eyes of many Somalis, Ethiopia still occupies Somali territory.
    momo519 @ 8/8/2011 8:35 AM EST
I dont buy that Ethiopia and Somalia are historical enemies!

Just as I don't buy Pakistan and India are historical enemies!

European colonizers( who are the real historical enemy) always report that Ethiopia-Somalia and Pakistan-Indoa are historical permanent enemies!

    nomadic1 @ 8/8/2011 7:02 AM EST

You are very wrong to call Ethiopia as our good neighbour.

Ethiopia is is not now and has never been our good neighbour of Soamlia in the past.

Of course both Ethiopia and Somalia have a lot to gain from being good neighbours and have all to lose from being bad neighbours.but as things stand, Ethiopia is Somalia's biggest enemy and history proves that.

    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 6:30 AM EST
In this article Prof. Samatar mentioned several groups who distinctly contributed to the current famine crisis. Unsurprisingly MOmo as usual rushed to defend Ethiopia without checking the veracity of the charges and was not concerned about the charges of the other actors, I really wonder why? You may see Ethiopia as a good neighbour but the reality has been different. Ethiopia has been the enemy of the Somali people for the last centuries and that is a fact. In fact Ethiopia was one of the colonial powers that divided Somalia, as everyone knows Menelik famously demanded his share of Somali territory. Somali people in Ogaden are not Ethiopians and they do not see themselves as Ethiopians nor do the Ethiopians see them as such, so it is strange that such statements come from a Somali individual. The fact is that Ethiopia has not been a good neighbour and it played the biggest role in perpetuating Somali crisis. Do you know why Ethiopia is a "good neighbour" to Somaliland, because it wants to keep Somalia divided. Have you ever asked yourself why Somaliland and Puntland are not good neighbours.  
    somalipeace10 @ 8/8/2011 6:19 AM EST
Every written article has a message in it, it is up to us to understand. Did you have anything to say about the article itself?
    nomadic1 @ 8/8/2011 5:19 AM EST
Enlightening and true to the point!

Well done Professor Samatar!!
I always enjoy reading your nail on the head hard hitting articles.
Please keep up the fight.

Insha Allah, the truth will prevail.
    momo519 @ 8/7/2011 11:29 PM EST

Kur Libaax,

Im not going to debate about the drawing of the colonial map.

Afmadow is in Somalia.

Ogadens live all over South Western Somalia and they are all Somalis.

But those that are born and live in Ethiopia are Ethiopians!

    fiqicigaal @ 8/7/2011 1:19 PM EST
 con..."If Ethiopia violates the rights of Ethiopians, it's the responsibility of Ethiopia and not that of Somali government!". You wrote

That is the dumbest excuse I have read for treachery in Somali history. Don't you know that Ethiopia has the worst human rights record in the continent and you expect it to take responsibility of its atrocities on innocent Somalis?

Mind you, no one is asking you for sympathy to the victims of your Ethiopian friends but do not lie about the truth and do not try to legitimize Ethiopian occupation to deny the Somali inhabitant in Ogaden by calling them Somali Ethiopians. They are not Ethiopians and they will never be forced to be part of Ethiopia by neither you nor any Ethiopian dictator past or present.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/7/2011 9:50 AM EST

Well it may sound blah! blah! to you and to Meles but it is not a laughing matter or something that you can dismiss when the issue here is the rights of all Somalis wherever they reside.

A Somali is a Somali through and through weather they suffer under the harsh and Islamic ways of alshabaab inside Somalia or under the occupation of an oppressive and brutal regime in Ogaden and you cannot ignore facts about the atrocities that has been carried out on innocent civilians on both sides of the border.

Don't try to twist Somali history and the fact that Somalia was divided into five parts. Needless to say Ogaden fell into the merciless hands of a savage black coloniser Ethioipia. Does that make those Somalis in Ogaden Ethiopians? Did it make Somalis under Italian colony Italians? Were Somalilanders classified as British?
    kur libaax @ 8/7/2011 2:37 AM EST
  You said ogadens are ethiopians
but i was born in afmadow. my family is from there which is
in the middle of somali, at the sametime i have uncles,causin,aunts and
alot of my family members that live in ogadenia
so you telling us that part of my family are ETHIOPIANS
    momo519 @ 8/6/2011 9:14 PM EST

blah! blah! blah!


You can give all the harangue and will not change a bit!

Ogadens who live in Ethiopia are Ethioppians of Somali origin.

If Ethiopia violates the rights of Ethiopians, it's the responsibility of Ethiopia and not that of Somali government!

And that is a different subject.

In this case, we are talking about Somalis in Somalia and not those who live in other foregin countries!

    Stickorcarrot @ 8/6/2011 6:39 PM EST
 I don't normally listen SOM BBC. Today I did. They had Prof
Samater who is SA on. He exactly said what he said in this
essay. And of course, he rightfully pointed out what is wrong
with Somalia- Shebab, TFG, Ethiopia...etc.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 2:24 PM EST
 con..we may have different opinions in certain issues, still, I must admit your comments attract my attention unlike some other commentators who don't know their wright hand from their left hand.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 2:16 PM EST
 Good grievance! Why of all people did you team me up with Indhacade? I guess that was  misfired gun.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 2:08 PM EST
 con...I don’t think  your conscience is clear when all you promote is the love for  dictator Meles and his brutal regime  who has one of the worst human RIGHTS RECORD in the world.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 1:25 PM EST
 con.. In Somali/muslim culture it ain't often you see a brother kissing enemy boots but your case is different  you love Ethiopia so much so  you lost  your self in the enemy that you are blinded to see the terrible things it has/is doing to your own kind unless you are not Somali which I can understand
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 1:16 PM EST
 con..or may be you don't see the people of Ogaden as Somalis just like those in mogadisho who were massacred by Ethiopian forces during the occupation?
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 1:13 PM EST
 con..In any conflict zone it is only traitors who protect the interest of the forces of oppression and blame anyone who stands against the deceptive tactics of the enemy and fights for the rights of the victims of the brutal regime led by Meles and his tribesmen who will do everything to divide Somalia into mini enclaves so he can manipulate and exploit them. Is that what you define a friendly neighbour and a decent one? Ask the victims in ogaden who endured life under occupation over half a century and listen to the horrific stories of abuse beyond imagination that they have suffered in the hands of  occupying Ethiopian forces then may be just may be you will understand that Ethiopia is far from a friend and a good neighbour but a monster, a neighbour from hell.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 1:10 PM EST
 con...Ethiopia didn't come to rescue Somalia from extremist elements nor did it intend to save the people of Somalia from themselves. Ethiopia invaded Somalia for its own interests and to make sure that peace and stability never prevail and that there should never be an independent strong Somali government that can challenge it in the political arena.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 1:08 PM EST

You have the audacity to portray Ethiopia as the saviour of Somalia but what you don't want to admit is that Ethiopia invaded Somalia and set its commanding base in Villa Somalia butchering thousands of innocent civilians and forcing hundreds of thousands if not a million from their homes to the wilderness, with no food or medical assistance.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/6/2011 12:58 PM EST
 Hol, can i post a comment?
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/5/2011 3:19 PM EST

You are very vindictive fella. All i said was you are against
this guy for his stand nothing more. And your whole page sermon
indeed proves that is the case. I don't agree with the professor
with some of his stands. However, when it comes his stand
on Somali unity, I wholeheartedly agree with him. And it is obvious
that is the only reason to you he is "hypocrite." To that
I say, Samater for president!
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/5/2011 2:24 PM EST

You obviously know what I mean "mislim groups." The fact
that your "friendly" neighbor sponsored Yusuf and supported
Sherif means they know who they represent. As for Aqasim,
the reason they were against him was, that time, his group
was the closest Somalis came to a government so they had to
destroy it with the help of course of their food soldiers
    Momo519 @ 8/5/2011 1:31 PM EST

I believe Ethiopia can be a friendly neighbour.

And it has shown it's willingness to be a friendly neighbour.

Ethiopia has proven to be a friendly neighbour to Somaliland.

Without Ethiopia, Villa Somalia would still be occupied by Filthy Foreign Fugitives.

Ethiopia has proven to be a good neighbour to Rahanweyn.

Without Ethiopia, Baidoa would still be under the oppression of Hussein Aidid.

Somalis fleeing from other Somalis have been welcomed in Ethiopia as refugees.

Can Somalia be a friendly neighbour to Ethiopia?

Maybe not if Indhacade is in charge or maybe if you were in charge.

    fiqicigaal @ 8/5/2011 8:41 AM EST
 Hol, get out of my way!!
    fiqicigaal @ 8/5/2011 8:21 AM EST
 con..I personally believe Meles and his brutal regime is my enemy and the enemy of Somalia and I will do everything to mobilise my folks in my capacity even if it is through the internet to fight against oppression and occupation.

    fiqicigaal @ 8/5/2011 8:14 AM EST
 Why do alshabaab bandits wear a mask? Are they always in the mood to k*ll, rob and maim?

But that is not my point of discussion. I have a question: Will Ethiopia ever be a friendly neighbour of Somalia?

    biyo-kulule @ 8/5/2011 5:01 AM EST

sxb Runtii wax weyn oo xikmad ah inooma sheegin professorku. Dhibka Somalia haysta in waddammo shisheeye ku lug leeyihiin qof kasta wuu ogyahay. Lkn shisheeyaha waxa keenay waa qof somaali ah ee iskama iman. Dhammaan maammulada ka jira Somalia marka laga reebo Somaliland waxaa tageeray oo wax ka sameeyey ama ugu yaraan qaab siyaasad ahaaneed ugu lug yeeshay waddammo shisheeye ah. Sababta aan SL uga saaray waxa weeye , kolleyse kaa dhaadhici maysee, in SL la aasaasay, lagu dhawaaqay waqti waddanka aad u daneeya Somalia ee Ethiopia uu burbursanaa oo uu ka baxay maamulkii Mingistu, EPRDF-tuna aanay lugaba isku taagin.

Professor-ka waxaan ka rabnaa inuu soo bandhigo fekred iyo qaab qorsheed qoto-dheer oo uu ku bayaaminayo sidii dhibka looga bixi lahaa. Weligay maan arag isagoo wax saadaaliyey. Mutacallinka , mufakirka iyo wax-garadku kuma cel-celiyaan wax mar hore dhacaye waxay saadaaliyaan waxa soo socda.

Dhinaca SL ama Paraiah ku sheeg ama parking-dog ku sheeg runtii inaanu micno weyn ku fadhiyin. Fekraddiisa xor buu u yahay, lkn qayladiisu wax alla waxay SL ka qaadday walee ma jirto, waa nin xaqiiqda iska indho-tiraya. Maalin dood uu ka qayb qaatay la weydiiyey sida uu u arko tacaddigii maamulkii Afweyne u geystay dadka ka soo jeeda SL waxa uu yidhi wax gaar ah looma geysan, waxa la weydiiyey wax kale iskaba daa, dadkii 120ka qof gaadhayay ee laba habeen oo isku xigta laga toogtey xeebta Jazeera ka warran , wuxuu yidhi taas oo kale meel kastaba way ka dhacday oo Baydhabo iyo gedoba USC-da ayaa dad badan ku laysay. Waa mutacallin wuxuu is bar-bardhigayaa dembi hab qabiil iyo civil-war ah u dhacay iyo mid nidaam uu si bureaucratic/systematic ah u fuliyey isagoo adeegsanaya qalabkii, milletary-gii iyo awooddii ciidan ee dalka.

Markay timaaddo Koonfurta Soomaaliyana waxba ma taro oo iima sheegi kartid wax uu u qabtay. Ok xata Puntland ma tago mana ammaano. Koonfurtaa gubatey ee marba mid usoo cimaamadanayo ayaa walee hungri ka hayaa. Haddii uu aragti dheeryahay damac siyaasadeed waxaa kama galeen ee wuxuu isku deyi lahaa inuu dhexgalo oo kala bad-baadiyo taana weligii muu samayn.

Markaa iima sheegi karti wax micnoleh oo uu ku fadhiyo oo aan ahayn inuu ka soo horjeedo gooni isu taagga SL.
    momo519 @ 8/4/2011 1:19 PM EST


You said that I [never want to see Somalia under any "Islamic group"]

You are wrong.

I have supported Dr. Abdiqasim's administration.

I have supported Colonel Yusuf's administration.

I have supported Sheikh Sharif's TFG.

...and they were and are all Islamic groups!

If your interpretation of Islamic groups is Alshabab and Alqaida, then you are right I oppose these filthy groups to exist!

Ethiopia concerns me because I think the prof is wrong to blame Ethiopia on this famine!

    Stickorcarrot @ 8/3/2011 8:46 PM EST

This is what professor Samater said;

"Who is to blame? The Somali people in the affected regions
have been made vulnerable to ecological disturbances because
of several political and military forces. These include the US
"War on Terror", the al-Shabaab terrorist group, Somalia's Transitional
Federal Government (TFG), the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia and its continuous
political and military involvement there, and finally East Africa's Intergovernmental
Authority on Development (IGAD) and the UN."

For all the blameable actors he listed, why only Ethiopa concerns you?

You have stated numerous times you indeed don't care if every
region in Somalia become its own state. However, you never want
to see Somalia under any "Islamic group" is that fair
characterization of your stand? I think it is, and it is
safe to say, for these two stands you and Ethiopia are very much
in agreement.
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/3/2011 7:49 PM EST
Yes the professor is right. Who said he should not have
political ambition? After all he is Somali –a good one too,
what is wrong if he has an ambition? He is gonna be better than
Sherif, Farole and Silanyo combined.  Let’s not concentrate on the
messenger for obvious reasons in Biyo’s case. I know this professor
is a pariah in Shankaroonland and that is why you want to characterize
his motives as personal.  The only crime he committed is to stand
against secession of NW Somali where he himself is from.  He stands on a
higher moral ground compared to all midgets and their subservient.

Aayado Quraan ahna waad noo soo daliishanaysaa ninkana wax kale
ku maagi maaysid oo aan ahayn siyaasadiisa. Xagee baad ku
aragtay munaafaqnimadiisa waa adiga leh "crocodile tears" buu shubayaaye
Isu maah maahe ayaad tahay!


I used to read your post a while ago; you are still in civil war
mode in case you don’t know that. Somalia is for Somalis. No one
is gonna deny your rights for your own home or any other rightful
belongings, however, to say Merca is for Merca people only is very
simplistic argument. The world and most forward thinking Somalias are
past that stage. Are you citizen of a country or city?

    somalipeace10 @ 8/3/2011 10:55 AM EST
 Why am I unable to post?
    momo519 @ 8/3/2011 9:51 AM EST
I see Ethiopia as a neighbour.

I respect my neighbours and promote good neighbourly relations.

But the prof and his generations and many youth who look up to them seem to always try to find fault in our neighbour and I havent seen the prof or his brother promoting or even calling for positive coexistence in the horn with our neighbours.

It seems that they bought the colonial premise that Ethiopia is your permanent enemy for the rest of your lives.

I don't buy that.

The responsibility of this famine rests on the shoulders of Alshabab.

Blaming Ethiopia, the US, and the TFG and the AU is like blaming Somaliland or Puntland for people suffering in Alshbab held territory.

    fiqicigaal @ 8/3/2011 8:41 AM EST
 Oh! how can I forget?

Rammadan kariim to you all bros and sisters whereever in the world you are.

    fiqicigaal @ 8/3/2011 5:08 AM EST
 Well written article.

Although a drought has its origin in a lack of rainfall and it is terrible and cruel to its victims,  but the worse of all droughts is,  when it happens in a war torn poor country like Somalia  where lack of security and accountability can be hindrance to the smooth follow of any humanitarian aid to the needy and the dying.

It must be also noted that neither the corrupted incompetent TFG nor the w*cked cruel men of alshabaab made the situation manageable.
    biyo-kulule @ 8/3/2011 4:40 AM EST
I agree whith you that prof. Samatar is one of thouse blame evertime Ethiopia , IGAD and USA.  He failed to show the people clear and conrete proposals. Ethiopia is like every other country of the world. It can have it is own intrest on Somali policy because of it neighbourhoodness. But it is upto Somali people in general and it's elights in particullar to save Somalia.

I can firstly blame to people of that area and then the rest of Somali people. That part of Somalia , Lower-shabele, Bay, Lower and Mid-jubba are most fertile area of whole Somalia. As I said many times, I was born and raised there, I still have very difficult to accept for how people of those area starve.

Dhibka noocan oo kale ah waxa laga bixi karaa waddaniyad ku dhisan  sinnaan, caddaalad iyo kalsooni. Koonfurta Soomaaliya, wixii ka hooseeya Galkacyo, waxay ahayd 21-dii sano ee u dambaysay meel dilka , boobka , af-duubka iyo argagax-gelintu tahay caadi. Ma dhicin in hal maalin ah laga shaqeeyo danta ummadda ee guud. Madax-dhaqameedka, culimada, wax-garadka iyo siyaasiyiintu dhammaan waxay noqdeen danaystayaan aan is dhaamin. Burburku wuxuu gaadhey 100%. Markaas kaddib aya ALlaah ku ciqaabay sidan. Mana dhowa xaajadu.

Akhri Aaydda ku jirta suuratul-baqarah ( bilowga juzka sayaquulu-sufaha'u). Aayddaas kareemka ahi waxay leedahay " waxaan idinku imtixaami doonnaa wax ka mid ah cabsi, gaajo iyo maalka/xoolaha oo yaraada, nafta/dadka oo dhinta oo madha iyo wax-soo-saarka oo yaraada" ee u bushaaree kuwa samra"

Prof Samatar hadalkiisa waxaan u aqaannaa "ilmada Yaxaaska" Soomaaliyana dan kama leh. Wuxuu ka midyahay dadka ka faa'iidaystay bur-burka oo ee jecel in ay sidaa iyo si ka xun sii ahaato. Carruur iyo caammo ayaa u sacibbiya lkn xaqiiqdu waa sidaa. Why I am saying so, i can explane later.
    shermaki @ 8/3/2011 12:08 AM EST
 I think this is a very well thought out article and the professor eloquently provides a real context for this famine.
While I certainly understand Momo's concern ( people deliberately blaming Ethiopia for Somalia catastrophe), this article  did not come across to me as such. The culprits are many!

Ramadaan Kariim.
    aligaagaale @ 8/2/2011 2:42 PM EST

I did not defend Mr. Samatar nor can i.

But you always defend Ethiopia even if it is not the issue.  The topic is Drought and its cause and you narrowly commented on Ethiopia!!!

No other factors that are budging me and I am not one of those who lost their power because of the Ethiopian presence.

It is just that you portray yourself as lobbyist for Ethiopia and that makes me think that you put its interest before ours.  That is all.
    Momo519 @ 8/2/2011 1:58 PM EST
 Nope. I don't think they need my help.

I haven't offered. In fact, I have nothing to offer to them.

Do you really think Prof Samatar needs your help?

Or is there some other factors that is budging you?

Perhaps you were one of those who lost their power because of the Ethiopian presence?

    aligaagaale @ 8/2/2011 12:58 PM EST
 Ramadaan Kariim
This drought is the product of Tribalist TFG, mercenary AMISOM , Opportunistic IGAD- particularly Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda, Extremist Al-Shabaab, blood thirsty NGOs in Nairobi and the so called International Community-mainly EU and US.

Call it conspiracy or what you want but they declared famine in the greater Horn of Africa Region and it is only Somalis the media covers!

In the middle of Relief Emergency, AMISOM initiates what it calls a Tactical Attack on Al-Shabaab positions and AL-Shabaab intensifies its offences due to Ramadan!  What is more important saving the lives of the poor Somalis first?  MINAA LA YAABO YAASINKA

Solution is cleaning our own backyard: overcome clanism and extremist, and then deal with the external issues.  No other way around it.

    aligaagaale @ 8/2/2011 12:38 PM EST
 How come people in Lower Shabelle go hungry?  It is the richest region in the republic!

Momo519, Dude, do you really think Ethiopia needs your help?
    momo519 @ 8/2/2011 11:56 AM EST

Prof Samatar and his generation suffer Ethiopiaphobia!

Wixii xunba Xaawaa iska leh!

They lose their objectivity and attribute every Somali problem to Ethiopia!

    mercano @ 8/2/2011 11:31 AM EST
Dabkii lagu gubto dambaskiisana waa laga baqaa, The fire that burnt you, its ashes scares you.  To me it is his political ambition that gets me concerned (see biyo kulule comments below), to get to SomaliWeyn, I must first get my MarkaLand under my Mercanos, rather than fall on this guys boobi trap.  After all, he accused us as dumm because consuming soor makes you stupid and be controlled by others.  Under what authority did he say that when he said that, is he a scientist?  Or a political scientists, thus those that create havoc and justify wrong as right?
Do you really believe that he is that naive to think that al Shabaab and TFG (when the real players are in Toroboro & New York)will come together to keep people alive.  Why is no one taking food to Lower Shabelle & Bakool?  They want us to go to Mogadishu, Ethiopia & Kenya so the ferrtile land is evacuated.  Let the strong walk and the weak die behind, it is only a matter of time.
    biyo-kulule @ 8/2/2011 11:14 AM EST

This is not message , it is normal text. The prof. has rewritten some histyry that all Somalis are aware of. He blamed normallly to outsiders, USA, UN, IGADD and so on.

I think no way to blame someonelse. We must blame to ourselves. The prof did not put forward any proposal. He used to take part all such failled reconciliation peace precess held outside Somalia  pretending that he is the only saveour of Somali society. His intresst is well-known, he wants to become like Sheikh Sharif ( Hamid Karzai) but unfortunately lucks enough opportunity to do like Sharif.

He only blames someone but never comes with proposal.
    somalipeace10 @ 8/2/2011 6:27 AM EST
I think no one disputes the fact that Lower Shaballe region is very important, if not one of the important ones. However, did you understand the message of prof. Samatar?
    somalipeace10 @ 8/2/2011 6:10 AM EST
 This one of the best balanced articles written about the Somali drought and famine for it provides the necessary context and background. The reports in the media and the empty appeals from Somali politicians try to let us believe that this famine came from nowhere. Thank you prof. Samatar for your excellent clarification.
    mercano @ 8/1/2011 9:42 PM EST
Though droughts may be common in Somalia, it was Lower Shabella that always bailed the rest of Somalia out of the droughts, today, situation is at Haddii Dabkii Dhaxmoodo maxaa lagu diiriyaa?  When the fire shivers out of cold, how would it be warmed?
Even Bay people were known to come to L Shabelle as refugees, why you mention Bay as most productive. Until what is rightful and just is among the people of lower Shabelle and you all go back home or stay behind in peace, until you also give up your political dream to suck L Shabelle blood, there shall be sufferrings for each and everyone of you.
Dont just see the Moryans that claim to be TFGs, The IC aid mongols, etc., but look at own ambitions, time to look at the mirror bro.

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