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    kucadaye @ 12/4/2006 11:33 PM EST
 The real losers are the secessionists who are panicking
because there case for separation and recognition is
weak and is laregly built on manufactured fallacies.  
The only truth is that the Isaq people were the receivers of the
oppressive actions of the Siad Barre regime. However,
will separation heal their pain? Will separation guarantee
that another government will not oppress its citizens?
The answer is resounding NO.  What will bring closure to
the people is unbiased pursuit of the perperators of
these crimes irrespective of their clan affiliation.
The secessionists should also admit that war criminals
were among those who committed crimes against innocent
citizens from other clans, such as the Awdal people.
And they should be brought before justice.

Unless you approach the issue from a justice point of
view, you are pursuing vandetta based on chauvinistic
clan basis.  To our brothers in the secssionists camp
come back to your natural family.  We all suffered
although some suffered more than others.  The only
way we can survive as a nation is if we stick together
and build a society based on justice and equality.

    abdik @ 12/4/2006 5:39 PM EST
 We know you are not from Somaliland Hawiye boy. Have a nice day as well.
    Abu Muslim @ 12/4/2006 5:30 PM EST
 Sorry I missed the not, so I am not from Somaliland but I believe they should be compostated for what had happend to them as well as other Somalies who suffered from that rajiom
    Abu Muslim @ 12/4/2006 5:25 PM EST
 Hay brothers, although I disagree with the writer and I  am from Somaliland, I believe the northen people decieve an apology and composasion from the next elected government of the united republic of Somalia.  But they shouldn't keep up rebeating the Southerners have bombed us in 1988 because the Ziyaad government have killed the people of nourth east of Somalia before the north west and then the middle region.  That government was among them the current leaders of Hargaysa because I was 13 years old that time and I used to hear Jaamac gaas mucaawiya as well as so many leaders as people telling me now Mr riyaal was among NSS.  However, we should now leave this issue until the next government and defend the land from Ethoibia because if ethoibia take over the Southern part of Somalia it will complete the job by adding the Northern part.
    fiqicigaal @ 12/4/2006 1:59 PM EST
 Mr adamjama thanks for the wisdom  in your comment i nearly fell off my chair because l had the laugh of a life time. As for mr Gabobe you are just a sad ugly creature with a suspious  mind. You need to grow up mate
    adamjama @ 12/4/2006 12:41 PM EST
 Gaboobe is out of touch with reality.
By reading Gaboobe's remarks,I rememebered an experience I had many many years ago.I went to London for a visit from the United States back in 1984.one day while walking with my cousin in the streets of London we were approached by four elder Somali men in the street and my cousin immediately told me not to say a word she will handle the men.the first question they asked us was 'waar qolamaad tihiin?she immediately said Mareehaan,and they kept walking.I asked my cousin since she was Isaaq and I was Ogaadeen,why did she said we were Mareehaan.Her response was the only thing you gain from this guys is 'qabiil iyo qurun'and at best they might ask you questions that are extremely outdated and useless such as 'qolo hebel ka waran iyo dhulkii roob ma ka da'ay.She told me this guys are seamen who jumped of a ship 30 or 40 years ago who are not in touch with reality.So my suggestion to you guys is let everybody tell Mr.Gaboobe that we are Mareehaan... the lesson my beautiful cousin taught me 22 years ago and that will shut him up.
    abdik @ 12/4/2006 10:02 AM EST
 I do suggest we need to have some healthy discussion on the issues the writer raises. So Let's have a more civilized debate on Somaliland. And let's have more civilized debates on all the issues that divide us as a people in general. If not, lets do what we do best. Exchange rants and trash talk back at each other to see who can screamed the loudest. After all don't we all have a geel jire mentality?
    @ 12/4/2006 9:05 AM EST
 Mr Gabobe (decayed, oldies’, frail) has tried to be kind of 1988 SNM rebel hardliner somewhere in Hawd with lone Kalashnikov and you people, bashed him badly.
One may think; he deserved it, however let us not pretend that Somaliland do not exist or will never exist. They do exist as a people with functioning government with some shortcomings. Somaliland or Northern Somalia enjoyed relative peace and made progress in many areas in the last decade when chaos and tragedy was daily life in most of South Somalia including Puntland.   All of northern regions perhaps did not get balance share of the success and fair justice to all inhabitants wasn’t fulfilled however they did very good progress in terms of establishing good institutions and social infrastructures they somewhat bridged the gap to the south. Although not support their so called independent any Somali with good intention should congratulate them for such achievements.

His article has done little to promote his ideology and some of you accused him of being primitive clannish minded person however it isn’t true that some of you are just doing the same? Who has responded to his article, in all honesty for the sake of Somali unity?
I guess very few! Most of you are attacking this guy just because of his firm opposition to your own clan, that you have read between the lines of his article. Let us be fair about this? He has published his name and his ideas but do we know who you are people? No! Possibly some of you are members of the group he singled out. I am not Somalilander or northerner and I appose most of his ideas in the article but it is obvious from what you wrote that you are doing exactly the thing you are accusing him. Just read your comments one more time and assess it fairly.

Wax Rag aad ku riix leedahay rabbi hawga fogaan!
    Gacal @ 12/3/2006 9:58 PM EST
 Mr. Gabobe,
Everybody knows what happened to the people in the Northwestern Somali; the aggression they received from Siad Barre, but who did not. It is time not to cry over spilled milk. your talk is as ugly as you are.we can see the Foam out of your mouth like a mad dog

Please stop airing your dirt laundry in public.
    waaberi2 @ 12/3/2006 7:08 PM EST
 Abdikatir u need to go to community college, at least they teach u how to write, and may be next time who knows u may teach there too
One love
    abdulkadir @ 12/3/2006 3:25 PM EST
 Mr. Gaboobe, you are right. the underground ODESSA has decided to become public.
I must tell you: By responding to their inconsequential meeting, you have done more for this non-entity than they could do for themselves.
you have given more attention than they are worth. I did look up at their website and you are right, the
list of speakers are former Siad Barre ambassadors who have recently been suuporing YUSUF but could not get along with Geedi. Also therer are the usual figures with academic titles.
These academic titles are what I consider " titles in steriods".  Most of them are
teach in community coleges and junior campuses of famous universiies in departments that are
mostly designed for farsical studies.  these chaps never publish original work in peer reviewed academic
journals. I was also told these group have been meeting regularly in coffe shops in Virgina and now decided to take their show to a fancy hotel
Ultimately, somalia's future will b decided not by operatives meeting some low level state department official in DC but by events on the ground in Mogadishu and Hargeisa.
the evidence for this assetion is the fact that Aweys, the least lobbying person, is in charge of mogadishu and not the TFG or any of the ambassoders in DC.
this business of lobbying, US, Arabs, etc  is over rated.  
    lola @ 12/3/2006 1:39 PM EST
 sharmarke if i remember this correctly somali, Mogadisho had the biggest universtiy in the horn of africa, we have hospitals and all the other things you listed as well,and that is not the issue. the issue is isaq and their so-call independent land. their are lot of people who don't agree with them and if they speak against them thrown in jail. today itself commanders in somaliland are going to the south. why because isaq we never prosper and with the help of UNITED NATIONS we will be united agian.
    shabeel @ 12/3/2006 12:55 PM EST
 Even though i despise the partition, division and the seccession of my country,I strongly abhor those hypocrites who deny the facts that Somaliland did great by establishing a system of peace and stability...they have shortcomings and weak in terms of justice and efficiency. the government there is sham and is run by the same stooges mr. Gaboobe is condemning and insulting here. Both camps are loosers, the winners are the people.
    yasincade @ 12/3/2006 12:44 PM EST
 Mr. Gaboobe or shall I call him THE EXPIRED ONE, you seem to be daydreaming one single clan, can never rule. Making a fake flag which looks like an IRANIAN flag doesnt make you free. You will always remain part and percel pf Somalia.

    sharmake @ 12/3/2006 12:39 PM EST
 Can anyone on this website truley say that Somaliland
will never become independent? Since my many visits to my
homeland, I had seen the unity and pride the Somalilanders
have gained due to their common goal, which is that of
succeding. This feeling is held right down to the youth of
somaliland, you may say this is due to parents imposing this
'somalilander' veiw on them but really and truley its due to
the difference in the south and the north.

Universities,Hospitals,Airports and a working government for
the people and by the people. Many may assume that whomever
supports Somalilands independance is un-patriotic, but in my
mind i believe that they are against Anarchy and for peace and

Some times i ask my self, have we somali's ben reduced to being
symbol of African poverty and mad, corrupted leaders who care
about self gain rather than the country and its people, their
people? Have we somali's devolved into Cavemen again? But then
i see pictures of Somaliland and in some cases the ICU's achievements,
and strife to make somali or somaliland a great nation.

I am proud to say that i am 16 year's old and have a goal to become the
president of my beloved nation. I will one day God willing try my hardest to
do what my parents generation failed to do, and that is take somalia forward,
and make it a symbol for a great Islamic, African nation.  
    lola @ 12/3/2006 8:05 AM EST
 greedy, violent, vengeful, self-destructive, pitiful, old loser like you shouldn't be allowed to piblish an article. everybody know the so-call somaliland is based on one tribe only. they took lands of their tribes and violeted their rights if they speak agianst they somaliland government. as long as their is somali people somaliland will never be a country but a region. and as for your language i suggest you go back to school and learn more appropriate language.
    George bush @ 12/3/2006 4:16 AM EST
 His sudden outburst vis-à-vis the current Somali political situation is akin to a fossil bone that emerges in the wrong stratum and destroys a geological theory. I believe he is caught up in a time capsule a fate suffered by many in the diaspora believing that the SNM and the barre wars are still raging but that is a common pastime for many.

    skinny @ 12/3/2006 3:11 AM EST
 mr gabobe is way behind the real world.he loooks like a victim of power and tribe.all is wrong with the south but anything from meles seems right.somalia will be there whether you want it or not.but be carefull when writing bigotry stuff.
    waaberi2 @ 12/3/2006 2:38 AM EST
 This guy fall in love the ward loser, next time u write article use another ward beside loser by the way if u only need hargaysa that is fine with us, but don’t generalize to say Somaliland, because isaaq are not the only tripe who reside there.
    iila.tali @ 12/3/2006 12:51 AM EST
 Mr. Gaboobe, look like you are angry SNM fighter,
who lost the fight, beccuase the same group you are
critizing are you current leaders, including
Dahir Riyaale, you current president.

say whetever you want, but how foolish
you are you shoot on your own foot again,
stop calling names to other people in Mogadisho
and region 5 of Ehtoipia that has nothing to do
with this event.

Infact for the sake of Somali, we would welcome any
one seeking unity, and remember there are equal if not
more in northern region that want unity.

ilaahay u toobad keen adeer.

    kibogoyo @ 12/2/2006 8:47 PM EST
 For God sakes can you use appropriate language (the last paragraph is pathetic). I can make an educated gues from your picture that you can be someones grandy yet clan mentality degrades you below average. Your article is just full of hatred and grudges. Anyway is it Somaliland or somaliclan? if you want to succede from Somalia then find a different name. There is no need for you to think the way you are thinking it seems Somalia (mother of 'somalilander/clan') is your biggest threat, which implies that you just don't want Somalia to have peace. I asure you just incase you forget that there will be no Somaliland/clan without Somalia. Did they shut you out of their meeting or what? Probably because you are a spy (7th paragraph) as you already suggested in your article. Sorry for my language.  
    somaalidoon @ 12/2/2006 6:29 PM EST
 Mr. Osmann, people like this man was not brain washed by the west, but it is driven by primitive clan affiliation and they never get tired of using the victim card. Somalia was in a chaos since 1977. People were being massacred both in the north and south, and it went both ways. But apparently some people forgive though not forget and move on, and I hope the rest of us do the same. This man has deep animosity for UIC, TFG as well as any other form of governance that may come from the south of Somalia. It is about the time the people of the North-West Somalia stop Somali bashing and become part of the family as there will never be a Somaliland other than “the real Somaliland” that is, all the land the Somali people reside.
    Sheikhnor @ 12/2/2006 4:48 PM EST

You're making brazen statements against men of audicity
who decided to rehash the Somali unity. Some Somalilanders
pander about secessionism, but I've never seen a fever
so high and so rambling as you're.

As your name implies, "the decayed one", your ideas are
hardly better than that.

You're in Seattle, for havens' sake, not in Saylac.

    FAH1223 @ 12/2/2006 3:20 PM EST
 The last thing the Islamic world needs is more division. And Nationalism is destroying everything.

The white man's residue on Somalia should have been gone a long time ago.
    Nationalist @ 12/2/2006 2:50 PM EST
Mr. Gaboobe sounds like a Vindictive 17 yr old writing about a rival football team. I guess he is entitled to his opinion, and i wish he would refrain from the name calling. If Somaliland is a forgone conclusion and a "fact on the ground", then what in the world troubles you my child?

Somalilander and a Libertarian
    abdik @ 12/2/2006 12:42 PM EST
 Mr. Gaboobe, adeer I have one question for you?

Doqonimada soo lagama gaboobo? You really are the loser here refering some of your old friends as losers and "new faqash" just because they disagree with you and your seccessionist campaign.
    osmann @ 12/2/2006 12:10 PM EST
 Mr Gabobe your article is full of hatred. But I would like to ask you one single question:Have you ever seen or heard a nation based on one single tribe, as the so called Somaliland is? The answer is no. Thus, the so called Somaliland has never been independent, is not currently independent and will never be independent. I say is not currently independent, because the regime there is a puppet regime and is controlled by Ethiopia. All the lands of Somalia are one,the Somali people are one and they should never be separated. People like you are brainwashed in the west, who follow the old trickery of "divide and rule", paticularly in the islamic world. Unity is strength and seperation is a weakness. Therefore, everything that you say should be ignored as it is non-sensical and non factual.

Peace to all of Somalia and its people wherever they may live!.


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