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    simbe @ 7/12/2010 10:15 AM EST
I am loyal supporter for Puntland and their heroic stand towards Somali problems. I live in Sweden so do MySomalia, if you  read Swedish media today you will find that they are writing agaisnt the government about doomsday senanio, and I can grantee you that Sweden is doing find, The media is doing that to give people a alternativ government, When the election day comes. I Believe there’s nothing to worry about critising the government, .

Remember I know that  the Puntland has many enemies, many hat,e them because of their clan affiliations, and they will destroy  the encalve if they have the power. Puntland muste stay guard and work hard for common good for all Somalis and should be merciless againt the trouble makers.


Xishood- Maxaad alternative u haysaa Somaliland iyo Puntland? Waa inaad ku amaanto nabadda ay kuwada noolyihiin- Somalikastana waa joogi karaa dhulkooda oo wax dhib ah u geysaneyn.

Masayr gabdheedka jooji oo reer Beledweyne oo ah meesha aad sheegatay inaad ka timid, ugu ducee inay maamul iyo kala dambeyn sameystaan..

Waxaad Malin walba caysaa Somaliland iyo Puntland hadana waxaad ku soo darsatay Galmudud.
Bal noo Sheen sida aad jeceshahay inay sameeyaan oo maanta ku qancayso halagu maqlee.
Mr Arkitekt
    raage66 @ 7/12/2010 6:26 AM EST
 Mr./Mrs. Mysomalia,

You’ve no right, whatsoever, to tell me not to express my opinion on Hiiraan, as I’ve no such a right to stop you from expressing your own.

Your vilification of Puntland, and comparing it with the so-called “Galmudug” is totally unjust and wrong; and if I know present day Somalis, you’re doing that because of tribal animosity and deep seated hatred.

As we’re all aware of, Puntland is currently one of the most peaceful regions in Somalia with a functioning and properly elected administration – though not a perfect one. And I think the best thing that the leaders of P/land had done 12 years ago was the establishment of their own semi-autonomous region, called Puntland, within a Federal Somali Republic. Imagine if they’d kept waiting until South-Central Somalia is pacified and expected help to come to them from Mogadishu in terms of restoring peace, security and good governance. They would have waited forever and their region would have been in total chaos as South-Central, in general, and Mogadishu, in particular, is today.

Finally, the writer of this highly biased article failed to give us a shred of evidence to show us, with concrete examples, the corrupt authorities in Puntland that he’s talking about.  
    adamjama @ 7/9/2010 9:19 PM EST
 “Finally, the chicken came home to roost".  Reer Bariga waxeey ku maah maahaan “Adigoo nabad balawaajo belo looma yeerto, hadeey belo timaadana lama booyo boowe”. Tough it out boys, it is only the beginning. They elected inept, incompetent, and corrupt stooges.

    Simansime @ 7/9/2010 4:05 PM EST
 Very judgemental and confusingly written article, also he kept contradicting himself.
    mysomalia @ 7/9/2010 11:49 AM EST
 this writer is making so called PL a fantastic
adminstration or ppl that have made amizing
changes to somalia. PL is as thug as Galmudug is
and there is nothing different between the two.
Iam not expecting anything good come out of PL
since the entire idea is to create some kind
block that service for ethio.

Raage. Pleace dont make such poor coment
in here any more. Both PL and Galmudug are
thugs uneducated poor people who need to be
saved from the condition they are now living on.

All these entities SL, Pl or Galmudug should be
delated. They r nothing but ethio servants.  
    simbe @ 7/9/2010 9:28 AM EST
I can’t understand why you are attacking the author he has legitimate questions and in my opinion true ones. Clan vendetta and treats is not the solutions in Galcakyo particular and Puntland in general.

There are major concerns about the way Galmudug militias and their lawlessness mentality conduct attack operation in some places but negations is the way forward and Puntland should help them to create functioning administration in south Galkacyo, it’s the interest of the city.
    raage66 @ 7/9/2010 6:36 AM EST
 This is a poorly written and poorly argued article. Who is the man to whom the writer is referring to as Dr. Abdirahman? Does he mean Mr. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, the President of Puntland Regional Government or Mr. Abirahman Mohamud Haji Hassan, the Mayor of Galkayo city? (None of them has a PhD and can be called Dr.)

Puntland is currently doing just fine and does not need advice from a biased, tribal-mined fellow like Jaalle Abdirahman Alas, the writer. It’s true that Galkayo, the capital of Mudug region, is facing some threat at present, but this threat comes from its southern part where the very poor, uneducated and desperate tribesmen of the writer of this useless article reside. A major problem with Mr. Alas’ tribesmen is that, unlike other clans in that city, they have no respected traditional leaders with enough authority to guide them and to work for their best interest. They are mostly unruly simple individuals (or what Somalis call “cawaan”) who’re so poor and so desperate - and with no proper leadership - that they’re willing to lose their lives for the pettiest crime – just to gain illegally a few thousand Shillings.

Wake up Jaalle Alas. Puntland doesn’t need your disingenuous advice. If you’ve any sincere advice give it to your poor fellows in southern Galkayo and the so-called “Galmudug Administration”; and tell them that if they make any more trouble, as they did last year, they may be completely chased away from that city – just by the force of its courageous ordinary men and women, as they were about to do last year.    
    simbe @ 7/9/2010 6:33 AM EST
 Good many advices. Puntland has major problems.

The government institutions are still weak and some times seems clan militia is too powerful to confront, these militias has some legal concerns to defend themselves from attacks against their communities, specially Galcao and the border with Somaliland. The Solution isn’t the militia but the government must guarantee,  provide security and safety of the population. Armed militia with clan loyalties is a ticking bomb. You can give the government more legitimacy by holding general elections instead of parliamentarian democracy as today and then newly elected president can disarm the militias because he has the mandate from the population. Democracy, accountability and rule of law are the keys of stability.

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