39 comment(s)
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    adamjama @ 9/2/2010 2:18 PM EST
I hope you are right for our sake & that of our children. Remember we tried quick fix & ku qabo kab qoyan approach 14 times so far with no long term vision and they all failed miserably. Nin carab ah baa laga sheegay "Kuntu khadyaan min abuuya, wa abuuya jaab abuuhu" Anoo aabahay khaati ka jooga ayuu aabihiis ii keenay. Hada anagoo Puntland, Somaliland, iyo Galmudug khaati ka joogna ayaad ku talineeysaa 9 regions of La-la-lands. God help us.
    simbe @ 9/2/2010 5:18 AM EST
 Adam Jama

Nin buka boqol utalisay weeye aruntu, your approach and mine is two deferent solutions. I believe my solution is more realistic, to me yours is unlikely if not impossible.

Somali people is clannish people and I as se it you can use clan system in a positive way. Example, although Somalis are homogenises society they are fiercely independent, we can build small working administrations and unity will fellow soon, it’s inevitable.

I know it’s not comparable in terms of maturity but if you se closely the German federation states with same language, ethnicity, culture etc and work well. There are other countries, Ethiopia, Russia, Brittan, Spain, Switzerland, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Nigeria, USA, India, Indonesia you name it. In modern times the decentralisation of power is every important tool for development, no other country need this more than Somalia, we are tried with each other, so it’s time to every body clean his doorsteps.

Think little bit about this, it can be way forward.

    subagle @ 9/1/2010 5:15 PM EST
 Aabe Soomaaliyeed ayaan doonay in uu talo siiyo shan wiil oo uu dhalay.
Wxuu kacodsaday in hal mar ay u yimidaan, mid kastaana uu soo qaato ushiisa.
Markii ay u wada yimaadeen wuxuu ka wada qaaday shatii ulood.
Intuu ulihii meel isug geeyay ayuu wiilashii mid mid uga codsaday inuu jabiyo.
Kaddib odaygii waxaa uu shantii wiil mid kasta u celiyay ushiisii waxuuna ka codasay inuu kala jabiyo.

Itaas kaddib aabihii wuxuu wiilashiisa kula dardaarmay in ay isku duubnantu tahay awood, kala daadsanaantuna tahay daciifnimo cadawgu ka faaiidaysto
    fiqicigaal @ 9/1/2010 10:45 AM EST

Waky waky! and when was the last time you listened to Riyale or Farole make a speech about other Somalis who sought safety and support in Puntland or Somaliland and how it affected and messed the lives of those poor IDPs?

Are you not aware of Somaliland's treatment on poor folks from the south and those from Ogaden when it demanded that only Somaliland passport holders were allowed to enter, live, work or travel through?

And where were you when uncle Farole ordered the deportation of all those who don't hail from Puntland?

Did you forget that innocent Somalis were traded to Ethiopia like they were livestock not human being in return for a pity cash or for a personal favour?

Give me a break, you must be joking not to know all the te*rible things the la la land authorities did to their victims- Somalis from other parts of the country while they welcome our archenemy wayane.    
    simbe @ 9/1/2010 9:57 AM EST

I totally agree with you one ting; no Somali should feel deferent in those areas other wise it will be very str*nge, it’s their interest to allow people to do business freely, even Ethiopia and Kenya are sm*rt enough to understand that. By the way when did the leaders of those regions say: we don’t want other Somalis to come here?
    adamjama @ 9/1/2010 9:55 AM EST
I disagree with the concept of let us build Somalia from the bottom up with artificial clannish foundations. We have seen the essence of that move already. You don't look for a solution where there is none. To give you an example, you remember when Ethiopian tanks were rolling into Mogadishu unopposed with all its war lord stooges on board; your bottom up solution was fighting for the control of "Dhahar". I can give you dozens of examples where these artificial enclaves are designed to kill Somalinimo not to be its future building blocks. For heaven's sake, just look at the architects. Two of Somalia's worst enemies’ i.e Qabiil & Ethiopia is heavily infecting those regimes. The best way you treat a cancerous tumor is to surgically remove it not use it as a cure. Having said that, I believe the majority of my beloved brothers and sisters in Puntland & Somaliland are victims of their respective regimes. They can't utter a word about the injustice, subjugation, corruption, selling brothers, and many other crimes taking place right in front of their own eyes. We have seen those tyrant traits before and we know where it got us. Always remember that you will be judged alone in front of Allah not with some lousy clan whose members can't even bail you out when the verdict is down and over..  
    simbe @ 9/1/2010 9:55 AM EST
 What a ironic, you want dismantle the “enclaves” and at the same time you want other Somalis seek refugee to escape the violence. I didn’t get it.

    simbe @ 9/1/2010 9:48 AM EST

I agreed many aspects you mention but…………

HOL cuna i sii daaya. I know this has nothing to do with that writing bad words.

    fiqicigaal @ 9/1/2010 9:42 AM EST
 Can a society under enemy occupation exercise any of its rights while they are denied to do so?

Somalia is occupied by two evil forces and none of them wants to listen to the other. Alshabaab won’t listen to anyone except Osama and his lieutenants.

The failed pu*pet TFG is inactive, it has no say in Somali affairs so it relies on foreign forces like Ethiopia and they won’t listen either.

Puntland and Somaliland are forced to listen only to Addis and they don’t want to listen to each other, they are blinded by clan ideology and greed.
Their success may lead to disaster if not managed carefully.

Somali young men are running out of place to go.

In almost every neighborhood, the gangs from alshabaab are the only youth activity(criminal) still going strong.

It is time to offer an alternative. It is time to lift the community into education and meaningful occupation. It is time we reclaim our country and its people.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/1/2010 4:52 AM EST
 I agree with some of the things you guys wrote in your comments but here's the truth about the truth. It hurts. So we lie and we deny because we don’t want to face reality.

We are at war with Ethiopia and our enemy is our possible destruction believe it or not and we can’t afford to lose this war, our sovereign and our integrity is on the line

Our beautiful Somalia is simmering down, like a giant camel meat left to cook indefinitely.  Sooner or later we won't be able to tell Puntland from Somaliland, they will all be eaten alive by hungry predators.

Having said that, I am sure that there are some things in our Somalia to which we should never be adjusted.  There are some things concerning which we must always be maladjusted if we are to be people of good will.

We must never adjust ourselves to the madness of any kind of extremism, and the self-defeating effects of physical violence.

Somalis must never be bullied to racial discrimination and racial segregation as in the cases of those poor Somalis who fled from dangerous places like southern Somalia and Ogaden to relatively peaceful regions Puntland and Somaliland who face all kinds of abuse from every Farax and Xawo who treat them like foreign refugees.

    simbe @ 9/1/2010 3:23 AM EST
 Adam Jama

“Waligeed dagaal iyo qoqobnaan kama baxeeyso inta Addis Abeba la isu daba marayo “  Go deeper than that and ask yourself: What makes Somalia that little fragmented enclaves where some has peace some hasn’t and above all what is the solution if any for the Somalias chronic problems ?

As I se it, the only solution will be bottom up approach where every village, town, city, region and states should have working administration where the rule of law is restored, after that we can try to unite the country where few can negotiate for solution and have the mandate from their respective area.

Until that you should brace and stop attacking places where the rule of law exists. Your vendetta towards Puntland and Somaliland as se it, is clan motivated and you never se the benefit of their achievement.

I deeply believe in future; free great Somalia ( Shanta Somalia) is inevitable, even those individuals or country who are against it knows that.

In modern times you can’t stop popular and democratic referendum if that’s legitimate referendum, that’s the only acceptable way in future, man friend there’s rules to fellow.

Even today it’s the obstacle why Somali Galbeed or Somaliland not recognises.
Flemish in Belgium, Scotland in Brittan among others fulfil that rule but pro independent coalition loose the referendum because many people still want the union.

What you need is to educate your people and play the rules; you need to build strong society with strong constitutions; Economic, social, politics, unity among themselves and legitimacy of the ruling system.

I grantee you guerrilla warfare and violence will only destroy that endeavours and marginalise your people. Poverty and misery is the result of violence.

    adamjama @ 8/31/2010 5:59 PM EST
 Ma aqaan in Ramadanku idin hayo iyo in si kale wax idinka yihiin. Somali waxa xal loo heli karaa oo qura marka laga dhex saaro cadawga ku dhex jira oo kala ah Ethiopia iyo dadka u adeega. Waligeed dagaal iyo qoqobnaan kama baxeeyso inta Addis Abeba la isu daba marayo. Maxaa markaan Faroole soo qaadno aad noogu soo qamaamtaan? Maxaa la-la-land noogu soo qamaamtaa markaan stoogiska Hargeysa fadhiya wax ka sheegno. War heedhe dadku waa wada kilil eh hala ogolaado. Saw waxa na rogay ma aha qabyaaliste, tuug, tyrant, jaajuus aan indha la'aan iska daba soconay ilaa yowmu diin? Saw waxa na rogay walina aan raadkeedii ku taaganahay ma aha Qaar leh Caydiid is the lion of Africa(today new name), yeey is the Nelson Mandela of Africa(today a new name), Sharmud is sheikh, and Siilanyo is the Sayid of this generation?. Markaad runta kawada gabataan adinkoo ka cabsanaya amaa reer hebel xumaan u qaataa........ogow waligeen meel ma gaareyno. Taarikhdu dadka casharada ay barto waxa ka mid ah in khaladaadkii hore aan lagu noqon ee laga faaiideysto. Adinkana waxeey idinka joogtaa reeryada saara yaan la arkine.
    simbe @ 8/31/2010 3:43 PM EST
 I mean: NFD, sorry
    simbe @ 8/31/2010 3:39 PM EST
Marka hore- waxaa la yiri "Nin buka boqol u talisay" Somalia way bugtaa nin walba ayaana raba inuu asagu u taliyo. Waxaan adiga iyo rag kale oo HOL fikrad ka dhiibta u arkaa rag wax fahamsan, Talada saxda ah (dawada ninka buka=Somalia) ninba si buu u arkaa, midna la yaabi mayo, marka hora Masiibo ayaa ka dhacday Somalia, yaa qaladka lahaa waa noo dambaynaysaa lakiin hadda waxay taagantay hambada in la qabto.
Somaliland iyo Puntland waxaan kula jiraa, waxay isku deyeyaan in nabadda la ilaaliyo oo shacabka dhibka koofur ka jira soo gaarin and they have my admiration. Waxaad ogtahay Somaliland with it's right trying to find their own solutions by seeking total independent, we can discuss later what's right or wrong about THEIR appraoch.
Puntland is defferent in their constitutions they are part of Somalia and  with any recognize central government will be hand over to their adminstration and their authority will be disolve.
Waxaa muhiin ah sida aan u arko in meel walba oo Somali ku nooshahay qoriga la ordayo  la dhigo xitaa Somali galbeed, djibouti iyo ENFD, wixii qilaaf ahna hadal keliya la ogol yahay  in lagu dhameeyo ,than and only than ayaa great Somalia ama 5 Somalia la isla doonikaraa.
to be contenue............
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/31/2010 1:41 PM EST

Horta qolyahan waad dhaantaa haddii PL khaladkeeda la sheego u
saaraya in arintu tahay xumaan iyo dhib PL la doonis.

PL inay nabad ka jirto oo lagu nagaado waa la doonayaa ninkii
ka soo hor jeestaa waa cadow, su'aashu waxaa weeye yay u tahay?

Ma inaad Soomaali ahaataa mise waa inaad qabiil ahaataa? Taas weeye
tan muranku ka taagan yahay. Tan kale ee la rabaa in lagu baraarugsanaado
waxaa weeye, khiyaamada cadowga Soomaalidu uu maleegayo. Khiyaamadaas waxaa
weeye in uu Soomaali u tuso inay yuhiin qabiilo qabiil walibana uu ku fekero
degaankiisa oo uu ilaashado qolaba ay qolada kale ay cadow u aragto.

Tusaale ahaan, waxaad leedahay, SL iyo PL labadaba nabad baa ka jirta, maxaa
u diiday inay Soomaalinimo iyo walaalnimo ku wada noolaaadaan oo ay Etho ugu

Arin khaldan ayaa jirta, K, Soomaaliya dhibka ka jiraa maaha kii lagu eedayanay
qab qablayaashii reer Koonfureedka ee Xabashi u adeegayay, taas imika way dhaaftay.
Qolyaha Koonfur imika isku hayaa waa Soomaali oo dhan maaha reer Koonfur. TFG waxay
meteshaa Soomaali oo dhan oo ay ka kala yimaadeen, XI iyo Shabaab iyaguna waa la mid
oo waxay ka kala yimaadeen Soomaaliya oo dhan markaa inaad tiraahdo Koonfur nabad ha
keenaan, waa kaa yeeli lahaa pre 2006 not this time though. And i am sure you know that.

hadaba waxaa weeye, PL, SL, iyo Soomaaliya oo dhan, nabad waa lala rabaa, laakiin waxaa
la rabaa nabad lagu raadinayo Soomaalinimo. PL nin fikirka Soomaaliya ee saxda ah aaminsan
ma xukumi karo taa ma igu raacsan tahay?

Ninka Soomaali danteeda wadaa wuxuu samaynayaa.

1) PL waxaa xor u ah qof kasta oo Soomaali ah.
2) Ethopia ma soo fara gelin karto Soomaaliya mana u caga juglayn karto Pl
3) Soomaaliya sidii nabad looga dhalin lahaa ayuu u guntadaa
4) qabiil uma hadlo ee Soomaali buu u hadlaa.
5) Soomaalida xabashi loo laba diglaynayo ayaa la joojiyaa

Qolyahan meeshan wax ku qora qaar bay u joogtaa 1991.  Waa laga soo gudbay
xiligaa, Soomaali wixii kala gaadhay Alle ayaa u gar niqi kara, arintu hadda
waxay joogtaa, sidee u bad baadinaa inta harty. Laguma badbaadin karo in qabiil
qabiil meel loo dhisto ee waa in xal Soomaaliyeed la raadiyo.

    Simansime @ 8/31/2010 10:32 AM EST
 Good point Simbe,

I already said all those points.
    simbe @ 8/31/2010 10:28 AM EST
 Alla maxaa bala balaha meesha lagu hayaa, Somaliland iyo Puntland maamul, kala dambeyn iyo in nabad lagu wada noolaalo ayey isku deyeyaan ilaa xadna wey ku guuleysteen.

Bal horta Somali nabad iney kuwada noolaato rabta noo keena ragiinaann maalin HOL adinka oo qabiil u dan leh Somalinimo ku gabanaya, bal markaas aan aragno ciddii Somalinimo diidane. Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa ”Miri gunti ku jira miro geedsaaran looma daadsho”

Carruurta looma sheego waxa aad meeshaan maalin walba aad isku jiibineysaan. Bal hala idin maqlee maxaad rabtaan inaan ku bedeshaan Maamulka jira. Ileen meesha halagu kala tago soconmeysee, oo dadkaasu ma rabaan Lawless land oo kii xitaa gabadhaada kufsaday hortaada qori la marayo sida koonfurta.oo kale.

Markaad Somali keentaan hala gaaro, balcar Koofur keliya halagu heshiiyo in Puntland diido Somalinimo.

Haddii kale hadal wedki galay baad meesha ku haysaan- Ethiopianka aad sheegtayna adresskooda waad taqaaniin, maxay Puntland ama Somaliland ka qaban karaan dowlad xoogeysatay intaad idinka iyo kuwo in lamid ihi Taayadii aad kala furfureyseen.

Hadana waxaad u soo jeesateen in meelaha nabadda yari kas ii jirto holac ka bixisaan!!!

Faroole, or Siilaanyo kan be changed by Ballot box not by Gun point. That is the bottom line in modern way.

    adamjama @ 8/31/2010 7:26 AM EST
 It is true Somalis supported Melez when he was an insurgent fighter against Mengistu the so-called "The Butcher of Tigrenia". It is also true that we supported Essayes Afeworke of Erethria, Waqo Guto of Oromia, Western Somali liberation front, and Hassan Guled Abtidoon of Djibouti. We did that for our own military & strategic interest. The only Abeso jir-jirole we raised with our own tax Dollors is non other than the founding father of Puntland Mr.Yeey and his supporters. Even today if we had the power it is a sacred duty of all Somalis to support those who can defeat & dismantle these age old monster of all Somalis i.e Ethiopia. However, we don't have that power today thanks to our own blood & flesh Abeesos. The only thing good that came out of our nightmare is we know who is who & there will never be "Abeso jir-jirole" hiding among us. "Kii dhuumanaaye dhabarku muuqdow, waa dharaar, waa dharaar lagu dhawrayaaye, dadkaaga dhinac ka raac". Whether you like it or not, Puntland & Somaliland are artificial enclaves created & maintained by Ethiopia and every Somali knows it like they know their own name. How come you refer to history when it serves your argument but accuse us to be stuck in 40 year old events when we talk about SSDF the poison?
    fiqicigaal @ 8/31/2010 4:48 AM EST
 Ninba meesha bugtaa isagey balbashaa.

Needless to say it is more beneficial to all Somalis to see the real enemy whose objective is/has been to create a situation for an excuse to meddle our affairs by using clan motivated pu*pets who do not know their wright hand from their left hand and who fo*lisly defend undefendable tyrants.

If you've been expecting to lose more than to win, don't worry, all you need is to overcome your limited thinking and start believing in yourselves as a nation not as a tribe and keep on working on your goals.

Of course we will always talk about Ethiopia and its interferance on Somali politics and it is very worrying to say the least.

If you guys are comfortable dancing with the dev*l, don't bring him with you in Somalia. Do it in Addis and we won't bother you anymore.
    magudbe @ 8/31/2010 3:26 AM EST
 I am always flabbergasted how a debate on Atam and his
g*n running thugs and his apologists in Warsangeli intellectuals
turns to a tirade against an elected President of Puntland.
To add insult to injury, it is the same individuals
who parrot the same old cliches.. " an agent of Meles, a stooge of Ethipa,
Clan enclave,etc".It doesnt matter what topic in hand, it is an
obsession with Faroole, and it is always from some ppl
who masquerade as Somalis, but have clannish tendencies and
ppl lay your ways.You only decieving yourselves. remember that the old
proverbial, the Ostrich with it's head in the sand.. oo uu dhabarku muuqday. I did not wanted to comment on this
article..Because it was just continuation of the pletora
of writings geared to hoodwink and whitewash the realities
in the ground in Puntland. But I want to say this, "Waterloo battle"
waged by Anglo Saxons against Napoleon, whereby that coalition won the
battle,(glorifiying) the same Anglo saxons who exiled and jailed the
great Warsangeli Cheiftain Mohamud Ali Shire,for a period of seven years. On May 3, 1920, in what was then
the Guantanmo Bay of 19th century, in Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.Hence the old cliche,"He must be turning in his grave".
Faroole will only be defeated in the ballot box come election time.
What those who parrot that Puntland is a stooge of Ethipia,will not tell you(or may be they want you to forget
cos they think you have dementia) is that Meles was incubated and gave birth to, or aided and abetted by
the dictatorial regime that they guys still have fond memories of.They
created this monster/evil, they despise/deride now.. Nin abeeso koriyoo.....

    adamjama @ 8/30/2010 8:38 PM EST
 Ba'a war boowe goormaad adina goosateen? Aabo la'aan iyo hooyo la'aan meesha wax xila ka socda.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 4:51 PM EST
 Of course,  anything outside your enclave is a hard work for you and your other mates to comprehend.

And as Stick mentioned in his below comment and I qoute" What most of you don't understand is,these so called leaders in Some parts of Somalia are nothing but agents". Unqoute

Don't get me wrong, I think you are a good person but somewhere down the line somehow it seems that you have lost your bearings. Perhaps you have been listening to the wrong people.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 4:32 PM EST
 Wrong. My shariff is your shariff and your shariff is my shariff unless your shariff is Meles.

But if you want to have your own shariff then perhaps you can have imaginary shariff that you and only you can dream and think of in your little world.

Remember one clan can not make a state and without the rest of Somalia you are just a mini enclave that is prone to occupation by any invading enemy.
    Simansime @ 8/30/2010 3:50 PM EST
 How about you get your own good or bad Sheriff in your place, which you can complain or praise all you want and then we will talk. Anything else before that I would say is waste of time and space in here (HOL).  
    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 3:08 PM EST
 Oops! sheriff.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 2:55 PM EST

The word is not sharif as sheikh sharif but sheriif as the sheriif of Garowe.
    Simansime @ 8/30/2010 2:16 PM EST
 Ahahahaha Shariif of Bosaso or Hargeysa!. How can anyone compare a man besieged in Villa Somalia and have no controll of Mogadishu let along the rest of the country to President Siilanyo of Hargeysa and Faroole of Garowe. President is the chief in command of all forces that belong to region or country. Farole is the chief command of Puntland's forces from Darwiish, Police and PIS and the rest of Government Institutions. So does Siilanyo of Somaliland, therefore what you saying is comaparing he camel to a small lamp in terms of power and control of the territories.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 2:08 PM EST
 And before any of you Farole supporters lot snap and scrumble for a lo*sy respond and preach me about fair election and about how Farole was elected by a majority, save your breath for a proper and inclusive election because we know how Puntland election was conducted and how dictator Farole fought his way to power.

    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 2:00 PM EST
 Farole is a dictator and there is no good or bad dictator. A dictator is a dictator period !!!

With a dictator there is no second opinion,  there is no freedom or any human rights.

There is a one way of rulling : HIS.

Look around you the la la la land world parading for their master Males is a living exemple.  

It makes me wonder how can a dictator be good or just or open to others advice and suggestions.

He should not be called a president because he does not behave like one.

Call him anything but not a president, Puntland is not independent state nor is Somaliland.

It is an insult to the name president when you call Silaanyo and Farole who can be summoned to Addis to report to their landlord Meles  any time he feels to do so.

Ok. let us call them the Sheriffs of Bosasso and Hargeisa respectively, nothing more.
    Simansime @ 8/30/2010 1:05 PM EST
 And I know some of you have longing that we can't do nothing from our end, therefore lets sink together.
    Simansime @ 8/30/2010 12:56 PM EST
 Clean up your end or back yard, then Somalis will come talk or figure it out another way of unity if that could be achieved again. Otherwise, it is all talk and no substance. You can see all you want in your dream or reality.  
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/30/2010 10:40 AM EST

You see Puntland we see Somalia, is that too much to comprehend?

Somalia is ONE country, you cannot create fiefdoms and segregate Somali
people, why is that too much to comprehend? And remember, what is built
by tribal will eventually be destroyed by tribal, that is given. Look at
what is going in the so-called SL and PL, how can you defend when some
people in that area say they want their own X-Land? THere is no X-land
there is Somalia, and we need a Solution for Somalia not for clan enclave.
    simbe @ 8/30/2010 9:41 AM EST
 If Farole is bad guy as some of you always claims, he should ousted by ballot box not by gun or guerrilla warfare. Punt Landers should talk as civilize people and solve their differences in peaceful manner.

“It is time that Somali people in general support these oppressed people in any way possible. You wrote

What are your suggestions? Send some suicide bombers may be, lol.. it will not be so easy to destabilize Puntland. Although it’s unlikely, what will be the benefit if civilwar broke out in Puntland, and who will happy to se that than narrow minded clannish person.

Sorry for the repetition
    simbe @ 8/30/2010 9:38 AM EST
 f Farole is bad guy as some of you always claims, he should ousted by ballot box not by gun or guerrilla warfare. Punt Landers should talk as civilize people and solve their differences in peaceful manner.

“It is time that Somali people in general support these oppressed people in any way possible. You wrote

What are your suggestions? Send some suicide bombers may be, lol.. it will not be so easy to destabilize Puntland. Although it’s unlikely, what will be the benefit if civil war broke put in Puntland, and who will happy to se that than narrow minded clannish person.
    fiqicigaal @ 8/30/2010 6:37 AM EST
 If you scratch the surface, you will find a combination of Jekyll and Hyde in Farole's continous plunder after plunder- only such a person can deny the reality that all in Puntland are human beings with similar wants , needs and aspirations.

That is the nature of the beast.
    adamjama @ 8/29/2010 12:49 PM EST
 The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth can't be supressed by arresting journalist or shutting down Radio stations. We know Faroole & his predecessors are nothing more than inept and incompetent stooges. This is not the first time these diabolical liars blame their victims of terrorism. Yeey use to guide Western fighter jets on Shinbiraale and Garoowe when they told him your time is up, please go. He brought Ethiopian tanks three times on Goldogob accusing them of radicalism when the fact was they complained of neglect and disenfranchisement. Faroole rounded up thousands of Somali women & children & dumbed them in the anarchy they fled. They never attacked pirates and human trafickers because they benefit from all elicit affairs. They can mislead outsiders but the Somali people know the facts. Stick is right the buck stops with Zenawe.
    somalipeace10 @ 8/29/2010 10:20 AM EST
 I think the so-called Transitional Government needs to protest that illegal oil expoitation agreements are concluded with regional governments (unless the corrupted group got some of the kickbacks) to take the cause of the conflict away. In addition the resources, as the writer rightly stated, is for all Somalia and can only be exploited by legitimate government that controls all the country led by honest people with integrity. The current crooks are perhaps part of the deal.
    somalipeace10 @ 8/29/2010 10:12 AM EST
 Thanks very much brother Mohamud Haji for your highly informative and well-written peace. I have been smelling a rat all along but your reliable information(it is relaible because if one checks the website of AfricaOil Corp) you will discover that the intention to commence work before the end of 2010.Surely, this is an indication that the whole fraud of fighting "terrorists" is mercilessly targetting innocent and peaceful Somali community. I think Faroole and his cri*minal ilk deserve to be brought before a court of law for instigating this destructive war.It is indeed shor-sighted and plain stupid to contempelate to cleanse a whole areas of its inhabitants to satisfy his greedy ill-advised ambition. It is time that Somali people in general support these oppressed people in any way possible. Thanks again for the information.
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/28/2010 8:53 PM EST
I have read International Crisis group report about Somalia sometime ago.
In that report these liars (ICG) were as usual telling all kind of lies about
Somalia, including that this guy Atom was importing weapons to Somalia and selling
it to other Somali groups. I don't think all these simplistic arguments of "this war
is about mineral or this war is about land" makes sense. The REAL agenda is,
outside forces are telling their puppet in Garowe to do their dirt work for them. He
was told not to accept any peace deal. Kill or capture nothing in between and that
is what he tried to do but it backfired ...very badly.

What most of you don't understand is, these so called leaders in Some parts of Somalia
are nothing but agents. They were told, "If you want to stay in power do as we tell you or
else" and that is exactly what is going on

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