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    faarah @ 10/9/2006 9:56 PM EST
 Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileehi raajecuun. walaalayaal waxaanoo kale waxeey ka mid tahey dhibaatooyinka yaala qurbaha waxaan illaah ka baryeenaa in reerkaan illaah u fududeeyo xaaladan naxdinta leh, wadankenana ilaah noo nabedgelyeeyo...aamiin
    abdirahmanjama @ 10/9/2006 5:29 PM EST
 Inna lihaahi wa inaa Ileyhi Raji uun I very what happen to the for innocent and we pray for them inorder them to be in the paradise aamiin.It is very conteraversion and controdicting but every body doesnot know what is going to happen to them only Allah knows when and where humanbeing are and life.muslim people beleived that some thing to you or your family and that is parts of our faith. I have been know this person for a long time but it seems to me that he ok and doing very well, he was happy with his family but I don't what happens.  
    Limaak @ 10/9/2006 3:46 PM EST
 We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return to!
May the path of the souls for those young bodies that passed away be a journey that Allah is pleased with. I strongly agree with Aabdisamad, for it is true that this will and can happen to us all, Somalis, and wherever our lives may find suitable to live in. Sometimes, in the domestic and public venues, we tend to forget what community bondship is. I hope we can all help each other without looking where we come from, what we are, but help each other by whom we are, and that is we are Muslims and then we are Somalis. Sufficient is that for those who seek advice. Macasalama.

Limaak, US
    aabdisamad @ 10/9/2006 6:56 AM EST
 Inna lilaah, ilaahay reerka oo dhami haa unahariisto.
The hard reality is, this can happen to any one of us
who have migrated away from home. changing social life-
style,lack of social nettwork with fellow somalis,the loss
of friends and family memebers, a feeling of loneliness
and emptiness. I think this is too much for anybody. It has
happened in europe, asia, america,it can happen anywhere
The somali family is exposed to alot of pressure and
small domestic quarells can develope to tragedies. So
my fellow somalis lets us try to help one another in
times of difficulties and stop the greed of having no
time for friends who need u, for neighbours who need u
Let us mobilise local forces and create a feeling of
belonging for all somalis living in exile. it is not late
for many families who need our help.
aweys Norway
    farduus @ 10/9/2006 6:21 AM EST
 Ina lilaali waa ina ilaahi Raju'un this never ever happen in somalia or somalies, this bad behavior and evil work, is holy ramadan
all we need to pray to Allah and avoid this kind of action
    walalo @ 10/8/2006 8:34 PM EST
 InnaLiLLahi waina ILeehi raajicuun. May Allah's mercy touch the victims and their families. Amin! My brother/sister Tornado, it is not a new thing amoungst our fellow Somalian to commit such a horrific act. Somalians have killed their own more than any in the history of wars. All we need to do is pray to Allah and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). It is the only salvation.
    tornado @ 10/8/2006 6:05 PM EST
 subxana ladii sakharalan hadaa. i never heard such think like this before in my life. what is happing to my fellow country mate brother. I never though some one from my country who I believe to be Muslim would take such evil act, but I hope they would make a full investigation at this point of what happen and why it happen.

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