33 comment(s)
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    balliqardhac @ 2/7/2007 2:23 PM EST
 Khadija is absolutely in the wrong business. "Conflict
Resolution" is not one of her strong points and I
would sincerely recommend her to change her major
to "Cultural Anthropology" where she can write
eloquently about her clan and support every ritual
and/or cermony they perform including the witch
doctor's throwing salt over his left shoulder.
The article is biased, contradictory, confusing and
contrary to it's own thesis "conflict resolution".
That is not the way to resolve conflicts it is rather how
to esclate it!!!!!!!
    bashir326 @ 2/7/2007 6:04 AM EST
 Lamagoodle, I am really sorry for you brother !
How long ago did you see you Doctor if you have one?
    yarta @ 2/5/2007 9:54 PM EST
 ^^^^No blah blah blah…. Are your last words.

You supporting the TFG is despicable, a regime which is totally made-up of warlords, - sorry if I hurt your feelings, but your uncle Abdullahi Yusuf is also another warlord. The most contemptible one of all. The TFG so far has done nothing, but kill more innocent people. Even the Somali nomads, who live far away from the chaotic cities, were bombed, and the TFG didn’t condemn those bombing. They supported them, they tried to justify them. a government which doesn’t even know if the country is being bombed is no government. A government which abuses the poorest of the poor is no government. They are the least bit interested in the well being of the Somali people.

You tribalistic Somalis need to regain your conscience.
    caraweelo @ 2/5/2007 4:32 PM EST
 Blah blah blah..blah is the last words of UIC apologists.
    Motoke @ 2/5/2007 12:35 AM EST
 Lammagodle waxad eedday maamaahda"shimbri maalin baay....," shimbirhii waakaas waa kugu goobteen! these are all gals, only three of them have so far male names but assure you they are gals, I scanned their words and seem to be females.

Xaliimoos u cool
    qig504 @ 2/3/2007 9:57 PM EST
 From tuulo buuryaqab to Lamagoodle at once!!!!!!. Gods must be crazy. Even our names are no longer safe including the well-know Lamagoodle. since when the SSDF became Lamagoodle. Sorry hiiraan
    muhsin @ 2/3/2007 10:01 AM EST
 My sister is a good one.Yes hurdaye they are far worse than kuffars.Because kuffars have labelled themselves but these one have our skin and language.
    hurdaye @ 2/3/2007 7:29 AM EST
 the Islamic courts ideology the preach is Islamic ideology and brotherhood. so, yous sick man sitting his computer trying to compare Hitler,Mussolini and the Islamic courts union. what you have any idea what Hitler and Mussolini did in world war 2?

PS nowadays all TFG supporters need physiological help because their minds is getting sicker by the minute. that's why Islamic courts is here to stay forever!!!
    hurdaye @ 2/3/2007 7:21 AM EST
 wait a minute abdik aka RocketLaunch! you comparing Hitler and Mussolini and islamic courts leaders? i dissmiss you as future kufar!!!
    RocketLaunch @ 2/2/2007 7:20 PM EST
 I am sick and tired of pacifist ideology. Sometimes force is necessary to remove evil ideologies from power like the ICU. What would have happened if the world ignored Hitler and Mussolini?
    Yosra @ 2/2/2007 12:22 PM EST
 Ms. Osoble

You are a fine lady with some fine points to make. But
hard-headed Bush and dictator Zenawi and his newly babtized
warlord Abdilahi Yosof are unlikely to heed your call.

    hawood @ 2/2/2007 10:41 AM EST
 I'm sick and tired of people talking about
force and power of TFG. What force do they
have? ethiopians? AU? I agree with using
force to prevent unrest? But if you bring
unrest to otherwise calm city, then you
need your own force return it to calmness.
Other powers will not be there for you all
the time? As UIC, there is no point in
critisizing them b/c they don't rule no
more. As for the people creating havoc in
Mogadishu, TFG needs to figure it out who
they are and what they want. Power, power,
power, isn't gonna get the TFG rule of Mogadishu.
Somalians are used to civil war and Guns and there
is no going back to the days of Siad Barre. TFG better
get use to this.
    hurdaye @ 2/2/2007 10:38 AM EST
  this government leaders have no vision or the leadership skills needed to run country like Somalia. in addition it seen to me all they do is sit around baibado and chew khat all night and vote in the morning with their eyes close.

also i'm amaze that the western world governments leaders are actually supporting warlords and individuals that need to face crimes against humanity. god help us somalis!!!
    hurdaye @ 2/2/2007 10:30 AM EST
  i must say is great to see somali woman writing great article and displaying interest for journalism. also i agree with you sister on many things and yes WE DON'T NEED FORCES FROM COUNTRIES THAT CAN'T EVEN PROVIDE SAFETY FOR THEIR OUR CITIZENS.  
    @ 2/2/2007 9:44 AM EST
 Well written article and well said Khadija... Kudos to Khadija!

I agree with you that this government has no popular support and worst yet they have no vision and plan to curtail the spreading violence and will soon loose not only Mogadishu but Jowhar and other cities as well.

This is an illegitimate government elected by warlords... and people seem to forget but it was Mohamed dheere who gave up his seat for Mr. Gheedi and where is Mohamed dhere now? He is been squeezed out while Dagaal Ogayaal like (Abdulahi Yusuf(Handicap) Abdi Qeybdiid(Gacan ku Dhiigle), Husein Aideed(Sick), Qanyare(Traitor) are called the government of (MEEL MALAGU GAARAYAASHA).

No decent Somali should support the puppet government of Melas and Bush.
    jayklen1 @ 2/2/2007 2:34 AM EST
 Lammagoodle is advocating the return of mahamed ali samater, it's clear Lammmagoodle is madhibaan.
    @ 2/2/2007 1:08 AM EST
 In our nation’s history there are three revolutions that took place and produced significant and tangible results. National Revolution: we got our independence. Military Revolution: made things work until it felt apart. Nomadic Revolution: introduction to failed state system.  Until this revolution comes to an end by itself, the so-called intellectuals stating the obvious cannot solve our problem.  In order to regain our country back and solve our current problem, we are required to support this government composed of traitors, criminals, warlords and idiots. There is no other choice.
    cadeeycadow @ 2/1/2007 11:17 PM EST
 Well done Khadiijo may Allah give you the reward for telling the truth. This government has already lost legitimacy when it was brought by the Ethiopian tank and helicopter. They want to be trusted and they don't trust the Somali people. They don't trust the Somali people because they sought protection from our enemy. Now they went back to their headquarter Baydhabo in order the Ethiopian government to protect them.
    sool state @ 2/1/2007 11:02 PM EST
 Lammagoodle, common sense man that is what you
missing? You heard Somali people say " waa in
gacan birleh dadkan lagu qabto oo loogu taliyo"
laakin waxaa ka maqan proceski lo mari laha.
Run hadan ku sheego anigu hadi aan president ahay
xoog kasta oo an isticmali karayo waan isticmali
laha just to rule. laakin there is process. marka
aad dadka so jidatit ee aad haysatit taagero kugu
filan ayaa lamaadhiiya wax kaso horjeda, laakin adigi
oo nikiska amxaar u dhaqaya oo haba yarate dhulka
aad rabtit in aad qabsadid aan laga rabin in aad
ku dhaqaqdid amxarey miig isiiya waa laga fican
yahay. hada firi amxarti yagiba dhulkodi lagaga
kacay oo sida ugu dhaqsaha badan u raba in aay noqdan.
adigi dadki waad isku dirtay oo hoogi xabasha ayaa
melkasta kaga xodan, cidanki weli lama hayo, calamki
maxakimta lahadal ayay ku leyihiin, qabqablayashi
waa ku qayilayan oo waxay suga yaan in aad gawari
nice ah iyo lacag latimadid sii aay u xadan,
wilashi yar yare ee had putland ka so jahwarerisay
malin walba madkoda laga hela xamar. marka walahay
waxad isleedahay dawladan miig iyo tankiki amxartu
waxbu taray laakin walahay xaqiqatan waay u dhamastireen.
amxarti ragaan aad dawlad ku shegasid hoog ayaay u
xoden somaliana waxay ka bilaaben in qabil qabil
lasu layo. wayo nimanki koonfurta ee iska ilaway
qabil kale la dirir ayaay yusuf in uu so xususiyo
u isticmalen. marka amxartu maraban in dawlad kaliya
ka jirto somalia (mark my words). laakin waxay raban
in dhowr nin aay melo ka taliyan sii mid hadi aay
iska horyimadan aay kuwa kale ugu kiciso. it's called
divide and rule. amxartu waxay raban in aay xeeb
helan marka ku xigta in aay somalia marba ku tulan
wayo maraykanka ayaa lacag iyo huba ku siiya. laakin
hadi hal dawlad ka dhalato waxay ka baqayan in aay
ku dhacdo sidi Eriteriya oo kale. oo yago saxib ah
aay hadhow ku gacan sayran wanad iska karan nin
dad dhan u taliya in usan oo golanayn in ninkale
isaga u si taliyo. Marka ninyahow "amxarba dowlad so
wada" iska  dayo, ku dhaqaq maxaa "Somali u dana"
Becuase National interst comes first believe it or not.
certainly not amxar tangi iyo miigisa.
    Yousef2 @ 2/1/2007 10:39 PM EST
 The most striking problem with this article (and many others) is that they seems to pinpoint all the mistakes (true or false) of the TFG, but they never once mention or criticize the mistakes of the UIC supporters; for example, some people are firing mortar rounds haphazardly inside a heavily populated city like Mogadiscio. Unfortunately, the supporters of these guys do not have the minimum fairness required to condemn these actions. Yes, I agree with you that force only is not the way forward, but to implement the rule of law, you need to show force. Therefore, I don't see the difference between Ethiopian soldiers and Ugandan ones. Neither of them is here to kill anybody, except in self-defense. Finally, I fully agree with Lammagoodle that all these Eropean and generally western countries have had to use force in order to implement their vision. The key for the withdrawal of the Ethiopian soldiers is for the UIC supporters to hand over their weapons to the government.
    hawood @ 2/1/2007 10:00 PM EST
 Lammagoodle, I agree with the last post.
However, there is no one strong enough
to kick a$$ in Somalia. If that was the
case, then we would all be for it. You
can't count on borrowed force. Somalians
say " Dhar aadan lahayn dhaxan kaama celiyaan"
Therefore, when ethiopians leave, how will TFG
rule? No one will stay with you forever, and if
the people don't want you, you're done.
So tell me where is the force TFG can kick ass with?
    lammagoodle @ 2/1/2007 9:12 PM EST
 QE, I will tell you what is wrong with me. What is wrong with me is that I tell the truth. There are people who do not like it. But the truth catches with them sooner or later, because they are fulish believing that they can beat it.

The truth is that Somalia needs Mohamed Ali Samatar not tomorrow but today. It needs some one who can kick asses. Some one who can cause a pain to the thugs. The violence has to end. Some one must have the last word in this country and I don't care who. You can't please everybody.
    hawood @ 2/1/2007 9:00 PM EST
 Excellent article. Lammagoodle needs to realize
that all the forces used by nations was their
force not the enemy's. TFG has no power to call
their own and I promise you as soon as the
ethiopians leave, they will be overrun by the
people. No one elected them and no one wants them.
The days of fearing guns and soldiers are over.
If they have force they would've collected the weapons
long ago. So keep dreaming if you think TFG will last.  
    QE @ 2/1/2007 7:18 PM EST
 Lamagoodle – I don’t know what exactly is wrong with you, but definitely something is incorrect with your thoughts about the article. Ms. Khadija’s article is absolutely wonderful. She just told us what is wrong with Somalia, and best way forward. That is all.
    @ 2/1/2007 6:14 PM EST
 Kucadaye, clan is a reality in Somalia though it is vital that we overcome.
Clan is what makes you blind. You don’t want to see that the thugs are the warlords
responsible for killing, looting and deforestation.
It is allegation until people are brought to a court room and convicted by a jury.
The Shabaab as well as the warlords (main TFG actors)
were never taken to justice and you will agree with me that they deserve due process.

My suggestion to the Bush Administration is to take all warlords
starting from Abdullahi Yusuf and including all other warlords to exile.  
We were better off for six months and the people in central and southern Somalia
led by ICU achieved a lot of progress and if  we  are left alone will do even better.
    amina_samajecel @ 2/1/2007 5:52 PM EST
 Khadija, a well written article. As a good politician
and a wise intellectual you are an optimist  and believe that TFG has still a chance.
I don't agree with you on that. This guys (TFG) became
traitors the minute they brought Ethiopians in our capital city.
USA should not follow the footsteps of Soviet Union. Imposing and supporting puppets in the end caused the fall of the Soviet Union.
    amina_samajecel @ 2/1/2007 5:38 PM EST
 A special request to HOL please be fair and don't delete
@ comment’s without deleting Lammagoodle's ones.

Lammagoodle, your argument doesn't make any sense.
First of all, it was a big mistake on the part of TFG to call for Ethiopian invasion.

No one uses foreign forces and armoury to enforce power, it backfired and made TFG puppet.

If as you claim, TFG enjoys of overwhelming support then why it needed
Ethiopian tanks and war planes? Why it needs 20,000 foreign troops?
Please open your eyes and mind. Our Country is at stake.
    kucadaye @ 2/1/2007 5:32 PM EST
 I agree a lot with what is in the article.
But Ms Osoble shot herself in the foot when she said:

"While the U.S. officials may view the ICU as religious
extremists, members of their clans view them as their
fellow clansmen."
Therefore, it can be concluded based on the author's logic,
the U.S should NOT see the ICU as religious extremists because
members of their clans view them as their fellow clansmen.  
This is in spite of the fact that the ICU is known to harbour
extremists.  To give example, Ayro the leader of the Shabaab
and a known assasin belongs to the Ayr sub-sub-clan of the
Habar Gidir.  Therefore, the US should see him as moderate
becasue his clan do not see him as an extremist but an
honourable member of the Ayr sub-clan!

The Clanism virus is known to twist the terrain of
thoughts of a person inflicted with it who otherwise
appears on other occasions to be clear thinking
objective person.

Aloy noo sahal!

    nadia @ 2/1/2007 3:48 PM EST
 @ well said
    geed132 @ 2/1/2007 1:34 PM EST
 The article has many good points such as US should deal with Somalia constructively rather than boming defensless civilians and how Yusuf's army agression of Somalia will not solve the Somalian confilict.
    @ 2/1/2007 12:35 PM EST
 In reply to Lamagoodle

The Ethiopian invasion to Somalia will surely have severe repercussions for this TFG governance to rule of the law in a city, which its people appear to be destitute of ordinary human existence and feelings. Many believe the TFG has brought nothing, but disgrace. The people of Somalia have endured years of chaotic situations, in the hands of by well-known warlords Qanyare, Hussein Aideed, Mohamed Dheere, and ridiculously both of these men have roles to play in this government.

These are thugs and in the eyes of many innocent people in Mogadishu, the only place these warlords belong to is behind the bars and gallows corers. And to make matters worse, above named individuals brought shame and disgrace to our beloved homeland by bringing axmaaro. Lamagoodle, I don’t know where you learned or get this information from, but after reading the article you posted on this reputable forum, I can’t see your argument secured. We are a country under occupation and will definitely resist and shed our last drop of blood to liberate this land from Axmaaro wasaqleey.

People like you never cease to amuse me as I keep on reading your useless, senseless articles.  Mr Yosuf and his barbaric cabinet are hurting the poor they were elected to help. Please engage your brain and think twice prior to posting your thoughts. 99% of Somalian population are against this government, who did not play their cards with any particular skills by seeking refuge from Meles tyrant, who is in a hot water in his homeland to defeat the UIC.
    lammagoodle @ 2/1/2007 11:21 AM EST
 Laughable! ! !

What! Government doesn't have a popular base? This is the argument of the weak and odd voice of the thugs. They are defeated, busted, and their last weapon is Yusuf Garad's propoganda from the now autcast BBC.

Lady! wake up. You better go to Guri Ceel. You have no place in Mogadishu. Don't you see the support that the government is getting from all the corners of the country? From Juba and Shabelle, from Gedo and Bay, from Hiiraan to Mudug, from Nugaal to Bari. The few war profiteers hiding in Mogadishu will be filtered out by the locals. Forget it lady? You guys need to realize the new changes in the country. No more isbaaro, no more reer hebel, no more geeda gubid iyo dhuxul dhoofin. All will be walaalo.  
    lammagoodle @ 2/1/2007 11:07 AM EST
 Shimbiri waa bay dab qaaday waagiina buulkii hooyadeed bay gubtay. War fiican ayaan ka filaynay gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed iyo wax wanaagsan qoraan laakiin middan waa lagu khasaaray isku daygeerii.

Sister, all the systems that exist in the world today used force to establish their authorities in the first place. Without Abraham Lincoln's unmatched force USA couldn't become the strongest nation in whole world. He defeated the confederate forces, burned their houses and farms, shooted their men and horses.

In Somalia, the majority is good people, but there are thugs that don't want peace. What you do with them? Beg them? For how long? If I was the TFG, I would have used force and shoot the thugs at scene.

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