19 comment(s)
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    Erigavo @ 5/5/2007 6:39 PM EST
 Great article, thanks.
    nabadraadiye10 @ 5/2/2007 11:25 PM EST
 carawelo i agree, games over, thugs and mooryans are being defeated at every corner. now they reduced to cyber warlordism and cyber thugery but every1 sees their games now and no1 is buying it anymore. They benefited long from the chaos and now their profits have come to an end.
games over, thugs down TFG up, it is the return of the rule of law and end of moryanism and national disgrace.

GO TFG GO Somlia
    caraweelo @ 5/2/2007 5:38 AM EST
 hanixin1, is the other way round..Who is getting jailed in Mogadishu and many other areas are the thugs and their helpers. Don't be indenial, Mooryaan ball is gone, gone and it hit a grand slam. Anarchy is over, free loading of thugs of our common resources is over.
    hanixin1 @ 5/2/2007 12:31 AM EST
 Carawelo and other blind supporters of the warlords and Ethiopian occupation are day dreaming. It is the warlords led by the biggest one Abdullahi Yusuf who have been thriving on the violance and chaos. Ethiopian has been using these warlords to keep Somalia divided and unstable, when they were driven out it sent its mercenary troops. Somali people will continue with their legitimate resistance and the victory. Anyone who thinks this the beginning of the end is fool, it is rather the end of the beginning. Somali people will never accept occupation and warlord rule. Look at the list of the people in this Ethiopia formed TFG and they all have blood on their hands. They must be jailed for their horrible crimes.
    raage @ 5/1/2007 5:11 PM EST
 nacasyada iska nac nacle ee waxay doonaan kusoo qora site yada waan aragnay
waxaad indhaha ka duubateen doqomayahow xasuuqa aan loo kala sarin dadka ee
ay ethopia iyo dowladu ku geysteen dadka war dadka heysta guryaha dowlada
ama kuw shibilka si fudud ayaa looga saari karaa oo kuwii maxaakimtuba ka saray
ee maxaa keenay in howsar lala dhaco dadka adeera yaal yuusan idin qaadin qabiil
iyo qurun ee dowladu ha la xaajooto kan guri heysta hadii uu diido inuu ka baxo isaga
uun qoorta ha la qabto ee ha laga saaro guriga lakin macnaheedu mahan taa
in guryaha iyo dadka lala dhaco madfac mida kale adeer muqdisho dhinac bay u badatay hada
ilaah baa mahadlehoo hadana maxmed dheeraa loo dhiibay oo wuu nabadeyn canshuurna dadku ma
diidana maxaa yalay iyadaa u roon intuu konton isbaaro lacag laago qaadi lahaa tab dowlada ayaa
labaatan mar u jaban ganacsadata waxaad iska dhaa dhiciseen qiyaali ee
dhulkiina mida kale walaalo hadii aad mooday in dowladu tahay dad saafi ah
yaa ka warlordsan cabdulaahi waa kuwaa ku wada jira dowalada ragii u diiday inay somalia harsato ninka kama maqna
gabigood waa wada tuugo mida kale adeera yaal ma idinla tahay in cabdulaahi ogolyahay
doorasho sax ah mise idinla tahay xitaa reer buntland in ay markale dooranayaan
cabdullahi waa reer koofureedkii uu laayaye adeer
waxa aad soo qoreysaan soo aqriyo oo ka fiirsada markaa kadib soo galiya isi soo habeeyo wiilal yahow yar yar
    caraweelo @ 5/1/2007 2:10 PM EST
 Well written article, kudos to Mohammed Ibrahim & Yuusuf Maxamuud of Galkacyo or Jeff in NY Times. The opportunist of Somalia have many faces and colors."If this government survives, how will I? Muradeeste said.". Bottom fed and cut throat anarchists are driving all these illegal enterprises. Time is up for these thugs and their supporters.
    somalipatriot @ 5/1/2007 12:59 PM EST
 So ..we all know that. This doesn't change the fact that the biggest anarchists and criminals are now masquerading as govt. ministers. It wasn't enough that they destroyed every govt and attempted govt, now they are the govt. No where else is that possible than in Somalia. Wake up!As for the warlord groupies, what is in it 4 you??? Are you hoping to be appointed to some post or are you so blinded by clan worship that you would defend anything as long as it is controlled by someone in your clan?
    hamdi @ 5/1/2007 12:52 PM EST
 Jeffry Gentle is in either Souther africa
or in Kenya, the Somali local
journalist send him info,
that is why the article could
be written both Jeff and
Mohamed Ibrahim and Yusuf
Mohamed does that make

It is irrelevent whether
Jeff is hawk, yahuud or
what have you, he was
also writting about
Somaliland how it
should be recognise
He is just a reporter
and reports what he
thinks will be hot
back home. NYtimes
needs to sell like a
hot cake and the more
the story is juice
the more copies they
sell. it is just bunisess
    adamjama @ 5/1/2007 12:21 PM EST
 When the smell of death & destruction is in the air all over Mogadishu, nobody cares about copyright violations.
For all I care, they can copy my writings & send to the Ethiopian general running our affairs in Mogadishu....
    simansime @ 5/1/2007 10:25 AM EST
 Excellent report, most of it was well known fact that opportunists and anarchists are keeping the country in hostage for 17 years and they want to buy more time of chaos.
    hanixin1 @ 5/1/2007 10:08 AM EST
 Please tell us one truth that is in that article.
    Islam01 @ 5/1/2007 9:37 AM EST
 Well written article! the truth hurts.
    galgalato2 @ 5/1/2007 9:29 AM EST
 The ruthless warlord apologists and munafiqun has spoken. If you care about the welfare of the Somali people you would oppose the massacre carried out against innocent Somali people and would reject the warlord thugs. Warlords led by Abdulahi Yusuf(he says himself that he is biggest devil/evil) have olny caused mayhem and bloodshed and they will do the same in the future. Abdullahi Yusuf and other warlords were against TNG, Sodere and Cairo agreements that they cannot accuse anyone of refusing a government. Waa calaacal timo kasoo bexeen in qabqablayaashu dowlad noqdaan ee hays daalinina.
    Fiqicigaal @ 5/1/2007 7:28 AM EST
   To be honest with you i don't give rat's  a**e who copied what . Iam more concerned about the wellfare of the Somali people who have been taken a ride for decades by ruthless opportunists and their sponsors . Time is running against you bandits so there is nowhere to hide  
    Nomadic1 @ 5/1/2007 5:12 AM EST
 "Olive oil exporter from the capital" That shows you the auther is not Somali.I would have agreed with some of the points raised until i followed the link and realised that the guys did not only steal ideas but duplicated an entire article.
    hanixin1 @ 5/1/2007 1:11 AM EST
 The outright lies of geffery Gentleman were exposed by Chris Floyd but I do not know why these relatives of Abdullahi Yusuf claim to have written this infamous article.Please chech below link:
    hanixin1 @ 5/1/2007 12:59 AM EST
 This infamous and fraught with lies article was written by Geffery Gentleman who is a known hawk, islamophobic and pro Bush administraion. His lies was exposed by Chis Loyd but I do not know why these relatives of Abdulahi Yusuf claim to have written this article.
please check the following link
    Sayyid @ 5/1/2007 12:33 AM EST
 dear Yosra

Do you mean that these two guys have just plagiarized Jeffery
Gettelman's article? If the answer is positive, then what
is the legal liability of the publisher? Doesn't it require the
HOL's editor in chief to promptly remove from its website. Otherwise
it could be seen as a willful act and complicit with the
    Yosra @ 4/30/2007 11:59 PM EST
 OK Hiiraan Online. Here is what you need to know about this article:
It was written by Jeffrey Gettelman, a known New York Times reporter who
was reassigned to Africa after he was found to be impartial and pro-Zionism
in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The two Somalis are both from Galka'ayo and are local reporters who are close
relatives of warlor Abdilahi Yosof.

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