39 comment(s)
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    lilisamatar @ 2/9/2009 8:31 PM EST
 his messages read:
i am clever I am clever vote for me!!!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 2/9/2009 8:30 PM EST
 waxaad ii sheegtaan this man's name is all over hol, is he trying to run for presidency supported by hol!!!!!!!!!!!!!watch the space!!!!!!!!!!
    stickorcarrot @ 2/5/2009 9:02 PM EST

HOL is misbehaving these days i am not sure why, perhaps
the Master in in Djibouti running for Chief Technology
officer (CTO) I was trying to say, I don't know much about
Turkey, but I know the so called elites are group of men with
the blessing of the west who run Turkey by default. It's the
same system they want in Pakistan and who knows maybe even
in Somalia.

So, are you saying the whole thing was staged? I don't think
so. The irony was, Arab league secretary Amar Mousa was in the
panel and he was silent observer! He was accountable to no
government so he should have been more forthcoming!!
    saba @ 2/3/2009 1:53 PM EST

saw the clip. Sorry don't have much time to discuss it,but
would have been interesting if you commented on it.

All i can say for now is PUBLIC CONSUMPTION.

My friend, turkey's case is very complicated,it goes deeper than
very well CHOREOGRAPHED theatrical move.

Without going into details must you know that 23 Generals out of the 26
Ruling class in Turkey are not Sunni turkish muslims.

The second point i can only assume you know it, and that is...

Turkey is ruled by Generals not by Presidents.

A third issue is who needs who?? Does Turkey need Europe or the other way around.

The most vibrant nation of 70% it's population is younger than 21.
A nation that has influence beyond it's border all the way to the hert of Ex soviet union.

On and on and on, why is it harrased by joining aging European nations,literaly aging i mean.

The answer to the third point you can find there in the details the Devil that holds Turkey back,
together with the rest of it's former empire.
    baadiyow @ 2/2/2009 1:09 PM EST
 Waan u mahadcelinaayaa saaxiibada halkan igu naqdiyay, laakiin doodaydu waa Dr. Samatar waxaan aqaanaa shaqsiyan amaan badanna waa iga mudan yahay, wuxuu leeyahay aragti iyo karti aanan aqoonyahan badan oo Soomaaliyeed ku arkin balse aqoontii aan u lahaa iyo weecweecashadan cusub ayaa isku kay qaban la'. Marka saaxiibayaal ma rabo halkan inaan kula sii dheeraado faalooyinkaas. Mahadsanidin...
    nomadic1 @ 2/2/2009 5:43 AM EST
 I emailed you a few years ago from London asking for your advice.
You replied to me within few hours and offered me a much appreciated timely advice.

Your email started like this.

“Your generation has been let down by my generation, so, I would like to apologise to you and your generation……..”

I accept your apology on behalf of my generation. But please do me one more favour; help my generation reverse the harm done by our predecessor generations.

Have an ambition and go for it.

    nomadic1 @ 2/2/2009 5:36 AM EST
 @ Well said, Brother/Sister. I totally agree with.

This is an excellent intellectual master peace.

It is generic in nature, bespoke in purpose and closer to home in deliverance.

No one is more deserving, more qualified and more apposite to enlighten and educate us on our inherent problems than this honourable gentleman, Professor Samatar.
    @ 2/1/2009 9:24 PM EST
 It's Allah's power to uncover what we conceal as a human. Having said that, I was stunned and dismayed to read Baadiyo's comment on the professor's article, in which he said " Prof. Samatar, I used to respect you because, you seemed someone caring about his people, but when you come and breach us faith and Islam, well there is something iffy. I believed you when you told me you have political ambition and personal agenda, but not anymore. I am learning and discovering layers of tried so hard to conceal from us (Somali public)". First all, we have no businnes judged people's iner intention as it's only Allah's knowledge to know what we conceal. secondly, when it became iffy for people to breach about Iman and faith, particularly, when someone with high calibar and intellect and pragmatist as professor Abdi sees importance of writing the political landscape and histotry that islam and religion played in somali politics. I do not see any iffy about this. I do not see what makes iffy if someone that has high credentials as Prof Samatar has to ran for high office, and if i were you I would encourage people like the professor and people like him to run for higher office or be part of driving force the change that is awaiting our people.
    stickorcarrot @ 2/1/2009 7:04 PM EST

No i have nothing against anyone who can and want to help
our country. If one can help his country by running for
an office let him do so. All i want people is to make their
intentions clear, i think that is not too much to ask.
    007z @ 2/1/2009 8:48 AM EST
 In addition to that,  and given the genealogical background of the good professors, the proven nationalistic leanings of especially Abdi, we ain't lucky enough to have this guy run our affairs.
I could careless about his lack of deep knowledge of diin.  
    007z @ 2/1/2009 8:42 AM EST
 Rumor has it that Prof. Samatar  was pressured/persuaded  by other prominent Somalis to explore ways to get out the debacle that's Somalia.
Many meetings and talking sessions has taken place. this might be the result of those meetings.
It would be have been a breath of fresh air to have men like the Samaters vie for positions of leadership!
I understand that some see subliminal messages in this essay, especially separation of diin and dpwlad, I don't. This new farce deal in Djibouti makes the essay all the more urgent.  

    Awdali4life @ 2/1/2009 8:18 AM EST
 Stick iyo Baadiye..
I personally dont't see such motives you talk of them having in someday running Somalia as they are way betteroff now!! But puting that aside..What in a world is wrong if they have motives of their own which might be the future president of Somalia??
If only people like them had such motives and every body else is supporting them not becouse of their clan..but becouse of their ability and knowledge than may be Somalia would be differant!!
    stickorcarrot @ 1/31/2009 9:58 PM EST

Do you have any doubt there is a desire and political
ambition from these guys? And, what happened to their
advocacy though? If you had the chance to listen a
debate between one of these Samaters and another
Samater in Rutgers NJ, you would understand their
real motive. That debate from VOA about 2 years ago it
is must see, they even talked about their many visits to
the state department. Somaali waa Soomaali
    baadiyow @ 1/31/2009 7:22 AM EST
 Prof. Samatar, I used to respect you because, you seemed someone caring about his people, but when you come and breach us faith and Islam, well there is something iffy. I believed you when you told me you have political ambition and personal agenda, but not anymore. I am learning and discovering layers of tried so hard to conceal from us (Somali public).
    fanon @ 1/30/2009 11:02 PM EST
 Hi HOL, i do not see my post. My comments were based on my thoughts of the article, i am sure i did not offend anyone.
    stickorcarrot @ 1/30/2009 1:45 PM EST

I know you are very busy for that very important election
of yours. But while you were away to tend your own affairs
this is what is happening in the rest of the world.

    mohamed nassir @ 1/30/2009 11:04 AM EST
 A honest and informed exposition of the cause of our socio-political calamity coupled with briliant sugestions for the possible remedy.

May the Almighty make us among those who hear and take the best of it.(amiin)
    mohamed nassir @ 1/30/2009 8:08 AM EST
 Point of correction

Article by Prof. Cabdi Not Prof. Axmed
    saba @ 1/30/2009 7:08 AM EST
 For the rest of Somalis who are wondering of how to
identify a good leader, Jesus CS answered to you before.

Warning his people of the FALSE prophets they asked..

How can we tell one from another?

By their DEEDS, said he.

He did not say for their speaches.
    saba @ 1/30/2009 6:35 AM EST
 HOl can also do the favour of the year to us.

Can HOL request Dr Ahmad to educate us and write an article,
however smoothly and explain what it is the massage of G.Z?

    saba @ 1/30/2009 6:28 AM EST
 One more point.

It is PECULIER that Dr Ahmad did not say anything about
Igad having had the AUTHORITY to fire a Somali president.

Igad ofcourse read very carefuly the recomendation of ICG.

Not to mention who Yusuf was or wasn't, just the fact that
Somalia's sovereignty was transfered should have a been a concern
to both professors,instead of entertaining us with Barre and Sayidka.

There are matters of urgency,and it is the especialty of Dr Ahmad to
know and notice such things.

Why hasn't he noticed and wrote about it,not about Yusuf,but the TRANSFERE
of Somali sovereignty to Igad??.

Does the Dr not mind about it?? Already!!

Are we being groomed for Global Citizenship,starting with Regional citizenship?

I don't know,but the good Dr can shed a light on it.
    saba @ 1/30/2009 6:17 AM EST
 Perhaps another thoughtful commentator can continue on the
subject of the Global Citizenship.

Regardless of the point being Pro or Con, i am willing to learn
from such contributor.

I will be able to read it in couple of weeks time ,if it is still posted.

Thanks to the fella in advance.
    saba @ 1/30/2009 6:10 AM EST
 It will be an interesting read,if Dr Ahmad the elder brother,
writes about "the global citizenship".

That will be worth to Debate. No matter Pro or Con,whichever
stance one takes on the issue,it will be educational to all of us.

No matter how it is Suger Coded, it will be seen as it is,
a forunner of NWO.

All it's persuation will be that we i this world are One. ARE WE??
    saba @ 1/30/2009 6:04 AM EST
 Good Summery of temporary Somali history.

An opportunity for a foreigner who is interested to know
a little about Somali history.  However,what does this article do for Somalis??

I gather that the professor's brother and protoge is the Dean of Global Citizenship Institute.

How is what is Global National in nature.

Considering the said institute is a clone of NWO,makes the ideologies of Samatars rather pradoxical.

There is an Ayah in the Quran warning about (Good speaches),it warns us not go for all,
even IF WE ARE FOND OF the speach-sayer's ways of speach.

To those who say Be our leader Samatars,on what basis shall they deserve such honour??

Have they shown LEADERSHIP QUALITIES when Somalia cried for leaders?!!.

It is the ages of Carrots now,persuation is the method .
    nep @ 1/30/2009 2:40 AM EST
 Well done Prof Samatar. This should be a blue print for running somalia.
let us know how we can support you in implementing this.
    nep @ 1/30/2009 2:40 AM EST
 Well done Prof Samatar. This should be a blue print for running somalia.
let us know how we can support you in implementing this.
    Nuurbiid @ 1/30/2009 12:07 AM EST
 Allow-Alle,; Waxan u malayn aayadu in ay aheed “Alyoowmu akmaltu lakum diinikum, wa attmamtu calleykum nicmatii…” laakiin, xadiiska ‘Xajatu-Alwidaac’ ayaa leh macna sidaas ah, -ma hubo lafdigisii.

Waanse kugu raacsanahay, fikrda qarsoon ee macalinka; arigtida John Locke, waa mid duuga ah, waana mid ku jaan go’an xilli ama dadka khaas ah ( dadka reer Ingriis ee haysta diimaha kala duwan..etc) iyo kaniisadda oo kala dirirtay horumarkii, kana qaaday shacabkeedii xoriyadoodoodii khaaska aheed..., hadaba meeshani waa soomaaliya,, dadku waa 100%muslin, mana aamini karaan cid aan imaamka massaajidka aheen.  

Waa laba daran mid dooro; dowlad la’aan ama diin la’aan.

    Awdali4life @ 1/29/2009 11:45 PM EST
 The Prof. did a great job as always with this essay..Only he can Do that. One can only begin to understand the Somali predicatement, after considerable time and effort is given in making something out of the Somali faith and politics. I can not thank him enough as always for taking the time in crafting such a wonderful Articles, which are educating me as well as millions of other Somalis who unfortunately were born in to the Somali civil war!!
    Awdali4life @ 1/29/2009 11:45 PM EST
 The Prof. did a great job as always with this essay..Only he can Do that. One can only begin to understand the Somali predicatement, after considerable time and effort is given in making something out of the Somali faith and politics. I can not thank him enough as always for taking the time in crafting such a wonderful Articles, which are educating me as well as millions of other Somalis who unfortunately were born in to the Somali civil war!!
    Awdali4life @ 1/29/2009 11:35 PM EST
 HOL..what about the rest of my comments??
    Awdali4life @ 1/29/2009 11:20 PM EST
 Let me say a bit that's out of the Artice; I could not agree more with Wiilwaal. We definetly need people who can really govern a country..people who has the knowledge, wisdom, and the ablity to govern. I wonder When will Somalis ever start to clear their mind of the clan disease and think of who really can govern as opposed to who is from "Qabiil hebel". I'm sure if that was the criteria Prof. Samater would be a strong candidate (Allthough i'm sure it's way out of his wishlist.)!!
    Awdali4life @ 1/29/2009 11:19 PM EST
 My comments are not posting why??
    Allow-Alle @ 1/29/2009 10:00 PM EST
 Despite the fact that the essay contains some flaws, yet it was handy.

It was apparent that the professor, as he usually does, muddles up religion with his personal thoughts.

1. His message was for good governance and intended for the Somalis, for this reason, he was trying (as the nations’ people are pious) to use virtuous terms. Hence, as he is not qualified for the manipulation topic, diinta, he was positioned Quranic verses as Hadith “Al yowma atmumtu …”  

2. He deceivably depicted John Locke’s concept of separating church and state, in which he accused the military government.

3. Professor Samater narrated historical and contemporary issues relating to Somalia since mid 1950s, but the professor failed to back his arguments with some form of literature references.  For instance, in various places of the essay, to mind, he argued causes and the effects of Somalia’s past troubles, but he seems to confused the order of the occurrences. It is amazing that the professor, and others of his class, usually put the biro or talk about unverifiable items, especially when they are addressing Somalis. This, to me, is a form of arrogance, wherein these pedagogues have the similar intention to those of the warlords and assume the populace as a bunch of useless.
    @ 1/29/2009 9:51 PM EST
 Despite the fact that the essay contains some flaws, yet it was handy.

It was apparent that the professor, as he usually does, muddles up religion with his personal thoughts.

1. His message was for good governance and intended for the Somalis, for this reason, he was trying (as the nations’ people are pious) to use virtuous terms. Hence, as he is not qualified for the manipulation topic, diinta, he was positioned Quranic verses as Hadith “Al yowma atmumtu …”  

2. Professor Samater narrated historical and contemporary issues relating to Somalia since mid 1950s, but the professor failed to back his arguments with some form of literature references.  For instance, in various places of the essay, to mind, he argued causes and the effects of Somalia’s past troubles, but he seems to confused the order of the occurrences. It is amazing that the professor, and others of his class, usually put the biro or talk about unverifiable items, especially when they are addressing Somalis. This, to me, is a form of arrogance, wherein these pedagogues have the similar intention to those of the warlords and assume the populace as a bunch of useless.
    owliyo85 @ 1/29/2009 3:43 PM EST
 well done prof Samtar

Marka aan eegey qoraalkan waxa uu xamabaarsan yahay micno weyn balse qofkii raba inuusan helin xog siyaasadeed oo dhab ah waxa uu akhriyaa qoraalada aan macnaha laheyn waxaan leeyahay prof samtar somalia wey kuu baahan tahay adna waad u baahan tahay nin waliba waxa uu ku farxaa in uu shaqo u qabto Dalkiisa waxa aad ogthay in maanta dalkaagi yahay xero bahalo galeen ah oo ey qurmiyeen Qanyare xusen caydiid jeele maxamed dheere Muuse suudi bashiir raage cabdi waal qeybdiid Shaaweye Beebe iyo qaar badan hadaba waxa aan lee yahay aqoonta ha shaqeyso hana la bad,baadiyo shacbka
    fiqicigaal @ 1/29/2009 3:21 PM EST
Indeed those words are the greatest power one can say , iam sure you will be a good leader if you decide to do the walk.
    Ninfican @ 1/29/2009 1:56 PM EST
 Very interesting proposition. One that needs to be supported by all Somalis. Its a huge task to undertake but one that can be be surmounted.

And thanks for your constant defense of that which is right with us.
U along your brother have played your parts in resuscitating a dying Somali spirit when many others have given up on it.
    muslimfirst @ 1/29/2009 12:53 PM EST
 I hope one day I will live to see. Dr Samatar as the president of the Somali Democratic Republic. God has bless this man with enough intellegence to care. You have my respect sir!
    wiilwaal-28 @ 1/29/2009 12:03 PM EST
 We need men like prof.Samatar to leed our people/country
not Morons like Qanyare,Geedi or Morgan.
I'd vote for him as Somali president.

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