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    gargaare @ 6/20/2007 5:54 PM EST
 Aden Adde became president immediately after independence. At that time all somalis were ultra nationalists and everyone loved everyone.
I don´t see anything special Aden Adde did or had done for Somalia. To hand over power through the ballotbox is an obligation  and not an achievement. To rename Mogadich airpot, Aden Adde airport is unacceptable at this moment.  I believe there is no Gov´t nor a clan who has the mandate to make such a decision at the present situation in Somalia. Instead it can be considered as a crime against the somalis and Somalia
Mr A. Yusuf, Ali geedi and mr Habeeb has no mandate to make such a decision. Their task at det moment is to make sure that the reconciliation process succeeds. Only then they can be remembered as heros. If the reconciliation process fails they will be remembered as traitors. Renaming Mogadisho airport Aden Adde airport is not their task nor they have mandate for that.
My point is not Iam against president Aden Abdulle Osman. I was a child during his time but I went to school and was taught somali history and civics. He deserves to be respected as Somalias first president. He was a decent politician.We must not forget att that time every somali was decent.

Marxum Aden ILAAHAY janadi ha geeyo- Aamin.
    gargaare @ 6/20/2007 3:07 PM EST
 Marka hore waxaan Marxuun M/weyne Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan ILLAAHAY uga baryaya inu janadi Fardowsa  ka warabiyo, ummada soomalidana samir iyo imaan ka siiyo gudahaan, gaar ahaana reerkiisii. President Aden was a respectable, somali politician. M/weyne Adan wuxuu ahaa nin masuul, madax ah oo muslim daacad ah buu ahaa, siyaasadana ka fariistay marku madaxtinimada ka degay, inkasta oo u ahaa xubin joogto ah oo golaha shacbiga ka tirsana. Waxaan la yaaban ahay sababta ay soomaalidu sida maanta ay u weyneynayaan Marxuum Aden Abdulle Osman ugu weyneyn waayeen marku noola. Taasi waxay keeni lahayd inu ku soo noqdo siyaasada oo mar kale ino noqdo hogaamiye. Isn´t it strange? But I would like the dear commentators to answer my questions, below.

Warbaahinta soomalida waxan beryahan ka maqlaa wax kasta oo dalka soomaalidu lahaa oo loogu magac daray Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan. Sida garoonka Diyaradaha Muqdisho, Kuliyad wax laga barto iwm. Tii ugu darnayd maanta 20th june-07,waxaan ka maqlay BBC da, 14 hrs programe Inusan dalka madax ka noqon karin mustaqbilka nin aan ka soo bixin kuliyada siyaasada ee Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan.

Suaál 1)Goáamadan oo kale dawlad iyo baarlamaan soomliyeed oo matela ummada somalida oo gaari kara goáankaas oo kale ma jirta?

     2)Ma nin baa aroortii marku soo kaco bedelaya qaranimada Somaliyeed?
     3)C/qaasim iyo C/hi Yuusuf waxay noqonayaan xubin joogta ah oo baarlamaanka. Nimaankaas dorashadooda ummada soomaliyeed uma dhamayn, dad iyagu isqor ah ayaa doortay. Hase yeeshe waxaan ku ogolaanay inay dib u heshiisiin iyo nabadgelyo ku soo dabaalaan Dalka.

     4) miyeysan haboonayn in la sugo inta ay ka iminayso baarlamaan iyo dawlad umada soomalidu u dhantahay?
    hanixin1 @ 6/19/2007 4:13 PM EST
 There can not be any reconciliation and peace as long Ethiopian mercenary troops are in our territory and warlords and their mooryaans are in uniform.
    shanta @ 6/19/2007 12:00 PM EST
 In nature, we are good people, but working for the devil caused us to be evil.

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