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    Camel Girl @ 7/1/2007 10:44 PM EST
 Hello Mr. Prime Minister Meles Zenaw. (Somali Neighbor) Apology accepted.

Salam Alaykum Somalias
Somalis’ we have all grown the distance and pinpointing the Ethiopians is sad and stupid (maybe foolishness that we refuse to accept) I see them as terrific neighbors who made us see our foolishness/stupid. Somalis sabotaging each other will not solve our problems nor will it bring back our loved once back “Allaha u naxariisto, jannadii Fardowsana
Allaha ka waraabiyo”

People constantly seek new challenges and opportunity.  It has been rough for the TFG and trying to progress and is in progress. Let us not forget the good olden days.  We can all be leaders but let us allow ourselves to be followers the choice is for us (Somali’s). Let us not distract our destiny.   Blessing to the President and the hard working men/women your are doing a good job for your fellow people. In addition, thanks to the international community.

Talking about the bombs , maybe this bombs have been put in by some of those who died and Mogadishu citizens are dealing with after myth (bombs they do not even have an idea who buried them).

Sayid Barre and Haila Salase time was any era it is good to remember them but I am optimistic they would have loved to see Somalis and Ethiopians sitting together and having a cup of tea enjoying the breeze from the Indian Ocean.  On the other hand, Somalis don’t we miss our home, I do I do.
Salam Alaykum
    qig504 @ 7/1/2007 10:18 PM EST
 So long you are willing to stand and fight against the colonial military occupation against Somalia your name will be "Alqaacida" . Like it or loath it that will be your name. Do not worry about the name calling as long as you are doing the right thing
    hillac @ 7/1/2007 9:09 AM EST
 Caagil,i hope you are right and that once the amharo and their lackeys are kicked out the leaders you mentioned will come forth.Honestly though i think the recent happennings in somalia has created more clan divisions than before,i could name but just one instance of what am talking about is that if you read articles or news coming from internet sites you get an impression of new colonizers of the south namely abdillahi yusuf and his puntlanders and if that feeling is coming into the awareness of the southerners then how is coexisten possible?We both know our people and should an uncrupulouse charlattan calling himself a leader appears then more clan bloodshed will follow.Trying to go back to the 70's somalia is but a dream,there have been too much bitterness and distrust between somalis for it to be possible.I think the only solution to our seemingly usurmountable problems is to start building trust among somalis and that no one clan can be seen or see themselves as the ruling elite,if we can acchieve that then we would be on our way to heeling the terrible wounds we have brought on one another.
    caaqil @ 7/1/2007 8:43 AM EST
Answering ur Question Hillac, to who will lead somalis if the Habashis leave. Well, it was crystal clear that the habashis never want peace in Somalia. They r our first enemy, so let's fight them first and then we have leaders waiting to serve their country. A very simple example is the UIC proved to be the perfect leaders for Somalis, for u saying they lack of politicians, u were wrong, they only thing they lacked was there was no other muslim country who was willing to support, those arab (maryo weyn) r cowards. The Ethiopians captured this golden oppurtunity, while the muslims r weak at this century of the world.

Time will only tell, but NO patriot Somali will allow christians to win.... NEVER!
    cxasan @ 7/1/2007 2:41 AM EST
 in the history of Somalia there has always been Somali collabrators of our enemy, and freedom fighters. today is no different. word of advice to the traitors. the enemy knows that if you betray your people and your country you will equely betray themself. death to the traitors. SI XUN BAAD KU DHIMAN DOONTAAN KULLI
    shanta @ 6/30/2007 10:04 AM EST
Your absolutely Right!
    hillac @ 6/30/2007 9:49 AM EST
 We somalis are the most unrealistic people in the world.Reading through the somali internet sites one is surprised not to come to one article that puts the blame of our predicament where it belongs,on us somalis with our inability to rise above clan and think as a people.From the very begginig somalia was doomed to fail because of lack of leaders who were free from clan nepotism and love of clan above the nation and today we are still in that position,at least the previouse leaders with all their shortcomings would never ever run to our ach-enemy to help them subjugate their people.Every somali talks about when the ethiopians leave,as they shall,but no one talks about what would happen then?Back to bussiness of warlordism?No new leaders have come forth to lead their people from the misery we are in.When you talk to somalis they always say that the warlords were bought men but if there were any honest leaders and that there were no men willing to sell their religion and their people then meles wouldn't have his troops in somalia.The UIC brought peace but lacked mature politicians to help them lead the country.So how,can anyone tell me,is somalia to be saved from itselve with no  honest and capale leaders in sight?
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/30/2007 4:33 AM EST
 SonofSomalia, you are absolutes right!
    sonofsomalia @ 6/30/2007 1:51 AM EST

 These people do not know the meaning of the word unity, soliderity and so forth. They only understand, division, competition and unparalled ignorance.
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/30/2007 1:44 AM EST
 Mr.Meles is just like all other African leaders, stay in power by any price, with a known result!
    proud-to-be-mix @ 6/29/2007 9:53 PM EST
 Ethiopian errors will contribute further and complicated task in their war against Somalia. MAKE NO MISTAKE
    mukhtarmjama @ 6/29/2007 7:05 PM EST
 Whether dictator Meles admits his suicidal mistake or not is irrelevant for the Somali people, beacuse he has invaded our country and killed thousands of Somalis. He has to pay dearly for his ill-fated invasion and occupation and his mercenary troops will be forced to withdraw in humiliation. Somali people are known for their hatred towards colonialism and warlordism, that is why the Union of Islamic Courts received the enormous support from the public. Somali freedom fighters are in the foorsteps of Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan and we will liberate our country by any means necessary. Warlords, their mooryaasn and apologists will face justice sooner than they think. These warlord thugs will not be rewarded for the destruction of our country, they will rather be punished severely for their crimes.
    Camel Girl @ 6/29/2007 7:00 PM EST
 Now it is. or it will never be Heash-labad-geed-jecel
salam salan

    Gacaliye@ @ 6/29/2007 6:56 PM EST
 Of course, ato (mr.) Melez you did a mistake by invading Somalia. As we Somalis say it , " Waxan  dooso moodey  baa xaar igugnuqey!
    shabeel @ 6/29/2007 6:31 PM EST
 History teaches us occupations and military solutions don’t solve anything and that one faction alone, with such trivial and primitive ideology as the clan, can't rule Somalia. No matter the name-calling and the finger-pointing, I think it is very patriotic and positive to criticize the traitor camp and the warlords.

The marriage of the TFG warlord and Ethiopia is dysfunctional and paired in the same objective.

Only dim-wits and charlatans expect something may come out of it but now it is a high time for them to smell the coffee and re-evaluate this dead-end clannish course
    afuuf @ 6/29/2007 6:01 PM EST
 ofcourse he made a mistakes and these are
1- by not invading earlier
2- allowing cqaasim and the so called dr culusow and his envoy to visit ethiopia and not locking them up
3-not invading asmara to get rid of the so called muqaawama leaders and the money seeking eidid and his fellow idiots

but above all everything else, is going well and we are on schedule for holding reconciliation converence and insha allah
somalis will forgive and forget and kiss

anyone who is against my government, make sure you get a foreign passport and stay forever cause you aint coming in
viva president, pm and his government
    Fiqicigaal @ 6/29/2007 4:25 PM EST
 Out of desperation and in the middle of chaos and confusion i trusted every one including the ICU and the TFG and any one that i thought might make a difference to my war torn country and to it's nation .  I was wrong to trust them but i didn't have another option nor have my Somali people who would look up to the devil even when they knew he was taking them towards hell and that is how helpless and vunerable they were and still are . How ever i beleive out of the mist of time comes the wisdom of the human spirit and the experience of our ancestors who beleived in unity and sought advice from the wise and those who advocate for peace and stability not from those who are intoxicated with greed and clan mentality . The Ethiopians will leave if we show solidarity and understanding among us and set our differences aside to salvage what is left of our nation and it's country
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/29/2007 3:22 PM EST
 Thanks Wadajir, that is what it is all about: together we ( Somalis are strong, divided as we are nowadays), we are as weak as the Somali enemies see us, otherwise they would not dare to put single dirty foot on the Somali Republic!    
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/29/2007 3:21 PM EST
 Thanks Wadajir, that is what it is all about: together we ( Somalis are strong, divided as we are nowadays), we are as weak as the Somali enemies see us, otherwise they would not dare to put single dirty foot on the Somali Republic!    
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/29/2007 3:20 PM EST
 Thanks Wadajir, that is what it is all about: together we ( Somalis are strong, divided as we are nowadays), we are as weak as the Somali enemies see us, otherwise they would not dare to put single dirty foot on the Somali Republic!    
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/29/2007 3:18 PM EST
 Thanks Wadajir, that is what it is all about: together we ( Somalis are strong, divided as we are nowadays), we are as weak as the Somali enemies see us, otherwise they would not dare to put single dirty foot on the Somali Republic!    
    hanixin1 @ 6/29/2007 1:00 PM EST
 That is correct, Meles will only leave by force and that is the only language this brutal dictator understands, Somali merciless warlords also only understand brute force. The only reason Zenawi is making this painful admission is to prepare his countrymen the bad news that is expected out of Somalia. The puppit warlords and their mindless apologists want our country to stay under colonial occupation. Their failed clan occupation makes it clear that the discredited tactic of the warlords and their Ethiopian mercenary masters will miserably fail.
    shanta @ 6/29/2007 12:29 PM EST
Then, you and I are in agreement in terms of Zenawi not leaving any time soon, as the proponents of current cycle of violence would like us to believe.
    somalipatriot @ 6/29/2007 12:18 PM EST
 shanta I am not sure what your point is. But I agree that you need internal division to be conquered, we've got plenty of that. And of course you need collaborators, we've got those too they call themselves a govt and freedom and peace supporters like you.as for your mantra about Mogadishu i will remind you that they are being occupied by the north. occupation is occupation even if it's being perpetuated by your uncle. as for your master i am glad he is finally getting with the program.  
    ilwad @ 6/29/2007 12:08 PM EST

Maybe you collect welfare in some countries and you think everyone else is the same! SHAME

Secondly the freedom i have is/was not given to me by gaalo! allah subxaalana wataacaala gave to me alxamdulliah and i wish the same to all somalis&muslims everwhere.

...The reason why i don't allow tfg is because the only thing they offer to our people is being behind tegree tanks and have no naxariis for the people they claim to be their leaders! Somalida waxeey rabaan madaxweeyne wax laqeeybsankara shaah cofee lacabi kara wadankeena jecel laakin kuwaan guryaha lagu ilaalinaayo goormeey ogyihiin waxa magaalada ka dhacaayo?

Also if you beleive tfg&tegree will provide freedom and justice for our people you're either dreaming or blinded by clanis mind!
    shanta @ 6/29/2007 12:07 PM EST
History 101, thank you.  Assad made the same remarks in Damascus only year after Syrians advanced into Beirut. Is it fair to state that they overstayed past their invitation? Only wicked people allow for their enemy to divide and conquer. ‘A great civilization is not conquered from, until without it has destroyed itself within.’-W.Durant
    somalipatriot @ 6/29/2007 12:04 PM EST
 HOL u need 2 fix this thing!
    somalipatriot @ 6/29/2007 11:59 AM EST
    shanta @ 6/29/2007 11:49 AM EST
Keep collecting Her Majesty’s welfare checks, and enjoy personal freedom provided to you by the same people you keep referring as Gaalo. Keep agreeing with people whose sole obsession is the demise of Somalia. So, if you prefer clan occupation (as long as they are Somali), why don’t you allow the TFG? You should extend the benefits you are enjoying in UK to your countrymen, instead of denying them personal freedom.
    somalipatriot @ 6/29/2007 11:49 AM EST
 Shanta..what was premature (your last post) was you master's declaration "mission accomplished!" ...now where did we hear that before? I am sorry, did u just say that colonial occupiers treat all of us the same? This just shows your lack of knowledge about history and politics. Colonizers are known to favour certain groups/clans and to create an elite to support their programs. An example of that is the favours that were given to the Tutsis under colonization and we all know where that got them and their country. Have you never heard of divide and conquer and divide and rule? One of the tools used to divide is special treatment for one group over another. Look no further than Gaza and W.Bank and good H Vs. Bad H in Mogadishu. Please get a clue before you come on here spewing your nonsense.
    adamjama @ 6/29/2007 11:44 AM EST
1) We Somalis should have killed you the decade you lived in Somalia & enjoyed life in Mogadishu on the expense of our tax payers. Remember you were being man -handled in those days by colonel Gedi of the NSS, this prime minister's father. Remember Somali officers chufering you around in Mogadishu.
2) Better yet we could have made a deal with Mengistu in 1980 to give us Abdullahi Yusuf & Aydiid, in return we will hand him your four feet midget & dispicable soul to Ethiopia with the condition that all warlords from both sides are hunged immediately.(markaad tabar hayseyna talo ma haynin, hadood talo haysana tabar ma haysid).
3) We should have eliminated the founding fathers of warlord ism (Yeey & Aydiid)in the early 1980's instead of keeping them in the notorious prison of sodon jirow, to send loud & clear message to the future warlords that crime doesn't pay. Today what we have is, crime does pay if you keep at it long enough. Just look at TFG officials, they all have a criminal rap-sheet that is a mile long. Are we supposed to reward criminals for their crimes in the name of illusive stability?
4) We should have supported the UIC, ONLF, & anybody who called for Jihad on your rag-tag troops, instead we submitted to your occupation to save lifes & look where that shortsighted perception get us, you killed thousands, destroyed our capital, & uprooted 400,000 of our helpless civilians.
5) You didn't make any mistake as far as I am concerned, you just completed Ethiopia's age old aspiration of one day invading Somalia & you will not withdraw unless Somalis show you the door with their determination & blood. I have no doubt that eventually justice will prevail & you & your stooges will one day pay for your crimes against the Somali people, take that to the bank...
    somalipatriot @ 6/29/2007 11:35 AM EST
    ilwad @ 6/29/2007 11:25 AM EST

I agree with you we should not stop when we defeat the tegree+dabadhilifs until we free our brothers somaligalbeed, this is the best oppurtunity to capitalise on his mistake mr zenawi!! the victory is very near insha allah.


Instead of keep repeating clan occupation here all the time why don't you free yourself from the clan you keep on complaining like real man, the resistance fighters are trying to free sonmalia from gaalo madoow occupation and the only thing you can keep on saying is clan...I rather be under clan occupation then foreign occupation! at least we share many things not like gaalo madoow.
    wadajir #5 @ 6/29/2007 11:16 AM EST
 one thing is always true. united we are strong in good cause, and divided we are weak.
    sonofsomalia @ 6/29/2007 11:15 AM EST
 What a shame, both chaos lovers and apologist are at it again.
Rather than hiding behind the false word "sovreignity" why don't you unite, forgive and move forward.
Instead of ranting at each other and further sinking the Somali people into an abyss.
You are both to be blame and you are both
to be removed removed from our midst.
    shanta @ 6/29/2007 11:13 AM EST
A Somali would always point out of what is the obvious, and never will he try to understand why is it obvious.  Our nation has collapsed, and all of you are here to defend the collapse. Do you think Adani would want his port closed? Do you think Eno would want his business taxed? What is the income per capita in Mogadishu? Who is importing petroleum and selling as far as Harare? Who is importing goods throughout Somalia? Do you think these entire businessmen are interested in the welfare of our people, or their pockets?  
    nuune @ 6/29/2007 10:56 AM EST
 Shanta ilaah ha ku daaweeyo- you are hopless and sick clannish person. Ogoow inaad dhimanayeesid and Yeey iyo qabiilkaagana eeysan maalinta qiyaamaha waxba ku tari doonin.
Intaad dunidda ku nooshahay waa kuu munaafiqnimo iyo musiibo cuqdad iyo cadaawad...aakhirana waa cadaabtii alle waxa ku sugaayo
    shanta @ 6/29/2007 10:51 AM EST
 I would rather be under colonial occupation than clan occupation.  Colonial occupation treats all of us the same, no exceptions.  Until clan occupation understands that the will and the freedom of the Somali people is not aligned with their values of profiting and prolonging the collapse of our Nation. Then, perhaps there could be a unity.
    Yosra @ 6/29/2007 10:41 AM EST

Did I just hear Zenawi saying he made a mistake? and
a Political Miscalculation?

Doesn't that sound more like 7 months too late?

Good luck Zenawi. I bet you Bush is running out of cash and concern
for Somalia.
    hanixin1 @ 6/29/2007 10:25 AM EST
 Hahahahah, the discredited warlord apologists want to become spokesmen for dictator Meles. He said himself that he made a gross political miscalculation, however, some warlord apologists are afraid that if Ethiopian occupation forces are expelled that their warlord clansmen will be chased awaw without any problem, so they want to put some spin on Meles's clear words. Shame on you. Whether Meles wants to run or stay is not our concern, because the resistance is growing and he will be defeated.
    galgalato2 @ 6/29/2007 10:20 AM EST
 Meles Zenawi illegally invaded Somalia and ignored all the advices given by the experts. He reitrated that he proved all the experts wrong, however, he raelises that it is he who is proven wrong. Somali people have never accepted humiliation and colonialisation and there is no difference this time.
    shanta @ 6/29/2007 10:12 AM EST
 I can assure you that Zenawi is not leaving any time soon, and therefore, it would be premature for the Clan Occupation supporters to declare victory.  What Zenawi is doing is window dressing the situation, and selling his plan to the parliament.
    Jawiil @ 6/29/2007 9:59 AM EST
 Zanawi bragged about how well he knows about Somalia and Somalis.. He demonstrated in front of a US general that Somalia's invasion will only take few weeks as the only opposition against the TFG and 99% of the UIC is made of the CEYR tribe. He also said that giving out a little Money to the Hawiye's Clan elders will pave the way for an easy victory. But, what he and his Generals saw in Mogadishu was a total surprise.. They saw a whole Nation against the warlord Government, an Ethiopian occupation and Hawiye's clan elders who are so sophisticated that they could not penetrate.  What a Punk!!! Good luck dude!
    aligaagaale @ 6/29/2007 9:40 AM EST
 This monkey faced midget is in his last days to rule Ethiopia.  He made many mistakes and we are ready to capitalize on his mistakes by liberating Western Somalia and eradicating his stooges.  The invasion benefits Somalia more than any other country and we will not miss this opportunity. INA YEY and GEDI and their supporters will face justice Somali style.  
    hanixin1 @ 6/29/2007 9:06 AM EST
 For an African dictator to admit that he made polotical miscalculation is an indication that the situation is out of control. Meles though that he could colonialise Somalia easily but Somali people showed him that they are ready to die for their country and fierce resistance is being organised to our him out of Somalia. The warlords who have been saying that everything is ok realise now that their master is in big trouble. This tyrran was warned not to intervene in a sovereign country but he arrogantly stated that he will prove everybody wrong, today he admits that the situation is dire and his mercenary troops are in a real quagmire. The virtory will be for Somali people and all the traitors and their master will regret their ill-conceived decision to invade Somalia. Congratulations to our heroic resistance fighters who have shown this dictator that things will not always go his way. However, this only the beginning, what will he do for worse thing to come?
    anti-traitors @ 6/29/2007 9:01 AM EST
 The rebel Oromo Liberation Army OLA), armed wing of Oromo Liberation Front, killed over 30 soldiers and captured nine others in an attack the Ethiopian troops in eastern zone, a rebel radio reported.

http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article22618.  Meles waxbaa latusay. Jabhadihii baa kuwada kaceen xoog iyo ciidamana uma hayo.
    nuune @ 6/29/2007 8:47 AM EST
 Abdulkadir Nur Enow is a Somali intellectual, US Citizen, leader of one the largest civil society groups, a Somali patriot.
He is also a third cousin of Ali Ghedi and his neighbor. He is a real hero who is showing Somalis, you don't have to support your clansmen when they are wrong. Geedi looted his compound and arrested him. He is being constantly harrassed but still Engineer Enoow rises and speaks up! I say Enoow for President cos that is a man who is a real Somali, who won't be a traitor. He said over my dead body..I don't have to be a stooge and sell my soul, religion, my nation!
    anti-traitors @ 6/29/2007 8:41 AM EST
 Mujaahidiinta waxeey qorsheesteen markee tikree Somalia ka baxdo waa in somaligalbeed logu dabo tagaa oo dagaalka lajoojin ilaa somali galbeed xor noqoto. waxaa ladiyaarin doona thousands mujahidiin uu ku biiro onlf si aay somaligalbeed loo xoreeyo.  chance fican baanu heesanaa oo cadowgeenaa soo jireenta ah kala qeebiyo. hadano ka harno iyagoo ethopia saan u jilicsan biri beey soo adkaaneesa.
    ilwad @ 6/29/2007 8:26 AM EST
 This is the beggining of his downfall mr Zenawi!!! He thought by invading somalia everything will be fine, US will give him lots of cash and also he could use somalia's resources for free!!

What he has forgotten is that USA had the same dream in Iraq and look where there are 4years on! and his country is no where near USA in terms of money and equipment, we will see how he tries to get out of this situation.
    hillac @ 6/29/2007 7:59 AM EST
 The ethiopians will leave somalia with their tails draging between their legs as will the u.s out of irag and the ethiopian lackey will leave with them.

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