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    arbe @ 6/10/2011 9:43 AM EST
For your information  it is a common knowledge that the people of Ogaden Region strongly believe that the are made for the ownership and enslavement of the Ethiopians.They are the betrayers of the Somaliweyn concept and causes and they are the very people who even refuse to call themselves Somalis. In my opinion people like you and your ilk who are disgrace to the Somali nation should hide themselves and refrain from participating the discussions and the dialogue of the real Somalis.  
    fiqicigaal @ 6/10/2011 4:47 AM EST

"We, Somalilanders, have no issue with Ethiopia and we believe the Ogaden region is part of Ethiopia..."?. You wrote

Something bugs me about your comment.  Well, lots of things bug me on cheap comments , but the thing that bugs me most as you probably already know is denying the rights of others and siding with the devil in your desperation to fil this bottomless pit- the elusive recognition.

But how courageous it will be for Somalilanders  to say: “ We  feel empty, we  feel deficient, and we won’t deny it. We want to see the truth.and we want to experience the reality of us. We refuse to manipulate.other clans in the region because we want to wake up regardless of how  painful it is.” Only true Somalis will take this attitude, for it is a heroic act to see your deficiency, your neediness, your emptiness, and yet not try to loose sight of the situation.

Just a thought.
    Holac @ 6/10/2011 2:23 AM EST
 MyZoomalia your just an angry Moryaan who kills his own mother for few dollars. Those mooryaans and the south with their witch craft, voodo and black magic will do anything for few dollars. We Somalilanders promised 30 years ago to bring Zoomalia on its knees and help Ethiopia gain the upper hand, our mission is accomplished, now we will leave you alone for them to keep stealing elders and truck drivers from central Zoomalia.

We, Somalilanders, have no issue with Ethiopia and we believe the Ogaden region is part of Ethiopia, so why are you mad? we dont have same vision nor share anything in common, even your version of Islam is suicide bombing, its not real Islam. Your Somali is not Somali either its slave language (baantu, bajuuns). Oromos speak better Somali.
    arbe @ 6/10/2011 12:25 AM EST

You just called the presidents of nations dogs!!!. They are not. They are human beings with brains who want to resolve their differences and reconcile for the benefit of their citizens, but let me tell you that it is you who is a mad dog.
    mahiigaan @ 6/9/2011 11:16 PM EST
 Let us discuss the Border dispute between Somalia and
Ethiopia not creepy clan fighting over the welfare
check of UN.
    biyo-kulule @ 6/9/2011 6:33 PM EST
 haloo All

Where on earth Sool, Sanaag and Ayn lie on the world....???

    momo519 @ 6/9/2011 2:45 PM EST

Explaining the skirmishes between Puntland and Somaliland, you said; "...One is fighting for the British border...and the other is fighting for clan..."

100% agreed!

The rest of your rants don't make sense.

    mysomalia @ 6/9/2011 9:21 AM EST
 Sorry about spelling. it should be:

''If that was the case
countless of ODOYAAL and GARAADs would NOT be killed there''
    mysomalia @ 6/9/2011 9:17 AM EST
 Simbe: ''The people of Somaliland and Puntland have legitimate governments
where law and order is prevailed''. Simbe this must be the biggest joke. May be SL
has some stability but I cant say the same thing about Bosaso. If that was the case
countless ODOYAAL and GARAADs would be killed there so you have to check you fact
or is it ISTAAG-TAAGII reer Bari? I havent seen gov or anything that looks like there
so stop r@pening the word GOVERMENT. If that place ever get recognition of gov then
its the end of the word gov.

Horta Muqdishu iyo Hiiraan ha ku soo ordin. Anigga kaama xiggo Muqdisho iyo Hiiraan
marka come down.

Let us see what the dogs come up efter their meeting with the owner. Dont get me
wrong, these two ( Faroole and Siilanyo) are useless and they love licking Meles @ss.
They start fighting (for some thing thet doesnt even worth to fight) when he tells them
and they stop it when he tells them.

We (south) atleast dont take order from him. That is called class some thing you lot
are missing.

    simbe @ 6/9/2011 8:36 AM EST

The real dog is one who has no rules. The people of Somaliland and Puntland have legitimate governments where law and order is prevailed; I don’t agree with their useless war about fake a border, but when I see the people like you who never commented the huge problem facing your own birthplace make me see red.

At least they talking look what’s going on Banaadir and Hiiraan, put your energy there.

Maroodigu jiriga asaga saaran ma arko, maroodiga kale tan saaran buu arkaa.
    mysomalia @ 6/9/2011 6:34 AM EST
 What ever. I have all ready given up that part of somalia. I really dont care it any more.
They are fighting for something that doesnt make any sense and killing innocent ppl
who dont understand what they are fighting for. One is fighting for the British border
like it is some kinda holy line and the other is fighting for clan but none of them is asking
what the people in Sool and Sanaag want.

Now the two dogs are in Addis to gether to meet thier owner aka Mele to give him a

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