49 comment(s)
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    xinfiniin @ 9/26/2008 1:40 PM EST
We aint got no time for attention seeking eey idoor ah. This is 'Darood internal affairs'
    Gaadh'haye @ 9/26/2008 4:27 AM EST

Fadlan walaalaha meesha wax kusoo qoroow ha'ujawaabina ibdhigan wiil-isxaaq labaxay ee caraatanka meesha kusoo qoray. Wuxuu raadinayaa soojiidasho iyo Isxaaq waxlagasheego ee ha u bixina.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 9/25/2008 5:12 PM EST
 Alla meeshan maxaa xabashi quruntay looga soo buuxshay?

War isaga baxa, ama is dila. Maanta idoor baaba Ogaden u doodaya, nolol Ufadenka uma hadhin, walee.

Waxan uray ee ONLF la dhahona gabadh yar baaba ka cilmi badisa, iyagu arintan waxba kamay qorinba.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/25/2008 11:30 AM EST
 mo'alin Mohamud,
War go'e anahayn sarbeeb bay ahayd fariintuye wan ku fiicanahay adeerkiis. Wax dhib ihi ma jiraan , adigana khayr baan kuu rajaynayaa. As for the gabadha wareersan , some one has to shut her up intayna dabarka gosan kkkkkk.  
    Mo'alin Mohamud @ 9/25/2008 9:02 AM EST

So basically you confirmed you lied. your father didnot fight for the ONLF! Don't mix up things. Bye!


malayko ma tagin ninyahoow, laakiin ii waran adeerkiis. Ninkaas aad sheegina soo qeex! Gabadhan yar ee madow ee wareersana ha ka neefin.
    zingii @ 9/25/2008 1:08 AM EST
 Ayaan dhaweyd baan webka BARTAMAHA waxaan ka aqrinayay
in ay ETHIOPIA tiri SOMALIA waan iska bixi inta IIDA la
gaarin.waxaa shaaca ka qaaday kan UN 'ta u fadhiya Africa/Somalia.
Maxaa warkaas ka jira?
    zingii @ 9/25/2008 1:02 AM EST

Ma waxaa la diidanyahay in ay soomaali oo idil uwada
dagaalameen dhulka SOOMAALI GALBEET. Inkiraadi maxaa
    laylasamatar @ 9/24/2008 4:51 PM EST

Oh thank u for your kindness, your excellency!!!!!!am I a disruptive child because I disagree with u or because I am a women!!!!!!!! Or is it because I talking about Ogadenia, which is the only time u respond to my comments!!!!!!takale intaa waad xanaaqsantahay xalwalba waxaad leedahay waan ka soo horjeedaa hadii aan la isdileyn, waad cayantaa, yet in the sametime u pretend to be wax kale, what is this a multiple personality disorder, where one doesn't know what the other says!!!!!

Xinka - "we all fought for Ogadenia" are u claiming now that that never happened!!!!! Is that how u reward the people who thousands of them were never been able to make home!!!!!!

Anyway sheekadaan qaraaraatay ee xalka aana laheyn aniga halkaas ayey iiga eegtahay!!!!!!!

    xinfiniin @ 9/24/2008 1:51 PM EST
'We all fought for Ogadeniya' describes the kind of absurd and Incongruous clan filled sentiments we have been hearing for ages. I will
tell you what makes today's ONLF different; it is the unique organisational culture and leadership that has earned ONLF world reputation and recognition.

Gadhka, Any news from arawelo and N a d? They have been reported AWOL.
God Bless New York Times
    xinfiniin @ 9/24/2008 1:45 PM EST
'We all fought for Ogadeniya' describes the kind of absurd and Incongruous clan filled sentiments we have been hearing for ages. I will
tell what makes ONLF different; it is the unique organisational culture and leadership that has earned ONLF world reputation and recognition.

Gadhka, Any news from arawelo and N a d? They have been reported AWOL.
God Bless New York Times
    fiqicigaal @ 9/24/2008 1:20 PM EST
I don't think you have lost every trace of human kindness though some times you sound angry and bitter which makes you sound like a disreptive child who craves for attention . Perhaps politics for you is looking for trouble ,finding it, misdiagnosing it , and then misapplying the wrong remedy as seen in your comments on ogaden/ONLF.And may be if you listen to other people, you might learn from them . Have a nice day sis and no hard feelings , it is only a talk not a war . Do not take it personal or you will loose what ever little brains you hold in your skull.
    laylasamatar @ 9/24/2008 11:44 AM EST
 the aboVE comments are mine,

dhabayaco - very eloquent!!!! I don't have to add to that, do I!!!!!! u sound very alone in this war!!!!!!!!
    @ 9/24/2008 11:35 AM EST
 if one says there is something that is wrong, is that being vindictive!!!!!!!Also, too bad my dad is not around anymore, and I am sure dadka wax fahmaya ee Ogaadeen/ reserved area hold him in very high regards!!!!!!I disclosed that because u happened to think this issue is exclusive to you.  Hence other Somalis are not encouraged to get involved in the ONLF business or are allowed to say something about it !!!!!! Ogaadeen dear is the beginning of the fall of Somalia, I disclosed that because I wanted to draw ur attention to the fact every person in a Somali soil has lost to or was involved in Ogaadeen.  As we did for Djibouti, even though just like u, they never wanted us.  If u really think that in aad the reserved area Somali ka xigtaan because u happened to be Ogaadeen, I will say sorry darlings, I have all the right to have a say in how things should or should not go.  Reserved area is not exclusive to Ogaadeen, as much as I believe that Hargeisa is not exclusive to Isaaq, neither Bosaaso is exclusive to majeerteen, or xamar is to hawiye.   It is a really very sad state of affairs, in aad sheekadii iyo qadiyadii qabiileyseen!!!!!!!! ur stance justifies why today, that Soomaali ayaanu islanahay won’t work !!!!!!!!!!!!
And those who look for anything in what people say!!!!!!nevermind names, but who do u think was fighting alongside the SNA in 1977!!!!!!!! I think u need to go and search for information!!!!!
Xinka – I know for sure that u don’t care about that, neither u do care of the thousands of people who lost their lives for Ogaadeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U obviously care of only qofka qabiilkaaga ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway good luck to you!!!!!!!!!

    fiqicigaal @ 9/24/2008 11:34 AM EST
 mo'alin mohamud,
mo'alin Abdulahi asked me to say hello to you for him.He said last time he saw you , you where in Malayka for a business trip . Does the name mo'alin Abdulahi ring a bell or is  he sliming from the brain? i hope not cos in my book mo'alin Abdulahi is a talented dude or is he?
    mo'alin Mohamud @ 9/24/2008 10:41 AM EST
 Just to alert people to Layla's lies. ONLF was formed in 1984. Maybe her father fought in Nogoro-karaba in the 70s!
    fiqicigaal @ 9/24/2008 9:26 AM EST
No wonder why you are consistantly vindictive and negative to the organisation ONLF. Perhaps your dad had fallen out with the ONLF and your little brain can not figure out why your old man abandoned his comrades and opted other wise. May be it is time you have a word with your dad and that might give you the truth of the matter or you being jumpy and undecisive as you are could end up in a lunatic asylum.
    xinfiniin @ 9/24/2008 9:02 AM EST
 One of the worst famine affected areas are around booq. Do u know the inhabitants of the area? waa dhabayaaco.
    xinfiniin @ 9/24/2008 9:00 AM EST
 I couldnt care less if ur dad was involved in the struggle.
    laylasamatar @ 9/24/2008 8:06 AM EST
 if there are offices how come even us the Somalis, don't hear about it.  If anigoo Soomaaliyad ahi aanan maqlin, that shows a problem indeed !!!!!!!!

it is not giving up, it is about renewing ur cause's strategies, I beleive there are issues within the ONLF that needs to be addressed, that is my believe.  By the way, as I told u previously,father was heavily involved in the ONLF in the 70s!!!!!  
    laylasamatar @ 9/24/2008 8:05 AM EST
 if there are offices how come even us the Somalis, don't hear about it.  If anigoo Soomaaliyad ahi aanan maqlin, that shows a problem indeed !!!!!!!!

it is not giving up, it is about renewing ur cause's strategies, I beleive there are issues within the ONLF that needs to be addressed, that is my believe.  By the way, as I told u previously,ather was heavily involved in the ONLF in the 70s!!!!!  
    zingii @ 9/24/2008 1:11 AM EST
 SooMaaLi intii laga gardaranyahay iyo intii laga gardarnaaba
ILLAAH bay qabaan. XAQ DARADA/ XAQ DARADII laga galayna ILLAAH
ha ka abaal mariyo, kuwii kagalay hadana kagalaya ILLAAH ha uga
aar gudo.
    zingii @ 9/24/2008 12:46 AM EST
 SIMBE: yes waan ahaan jirnay dowlad xoog leh, aduunkana
laga garanayay oo magac ku laheyd. balse waxaad arkeesaa
dad ku faraxsan oo taageeraya kuwii dowlada riday.
xataa kadib xasuuqii lagula kacay shacabkii oo loo geystay

Ilaah baa inoo maqan.
    zingii @ 9/24/2008 12:28 AM EST
 Dhuungal: waxay iila muuqataa in ay xoogaagaas aad
yaseysid iney kudhaamaan. waayo waa dad wadanimo leh
oo sikasta oo nolosha loogu adkeeyaba wali u halgamaya
xorrinimadooda. balse adigu qurbaha ayaad ka joogtaa oo
dhibaatada ummadaas lagu haya dhib kugu mahayso. run
ahaantii wadanimada kugu jirta yaraanteed waxaa laga
dhadhamin karaa qoraalkaaga.

xumaan ha uqaadan qoraalkeyga:

    ilyas1 @ 9/23/2008 10:24 PM EST
 Thats wat we get when we don't have the right leader
political wise and religious wise
And the only way the nation will rebuild is by islam
             Asalamu Xaleykum
    xinfiniin @ 9/23/2008 6:59 PM EST
 Layla tigrey,
ONLF has 21 offices in the Western world. The liberation is recognised by the US, UK, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, France and Germany.

GOD bless New York Times
    Sahalsiidi @ 9/23/2008 6:20 PM EST
 Look what your ONLF of ogedenia are causing to their own population,
Why Ethiopia would give a s*hit, if you don't give s*hit your own kind and all of your actions
are exasperating the situation of a population volnerable to displacement, deaths and hunger. You are
no different than alshabab who fire m'ortar hoping to kill an enemy, but instead will kill more
civilians than the enemy. I don't see why some of you crying and at the same time condoning these kind of actions.
    Colhaye @ 9/23/2008 6:04 PM EST
Unlike your leaders Cadde Muuse and Yeey who both are partners of the biggest business in Puntland: The Puntland Pirates Coorporation(PPC), ONLF leaders and its fighter protect the aid agencies and as a matter of fact, the aid agencies and the international NGOs feel safer in ONLF controlled areas. For the record, ONLF and its people have nothing to do with what happened in Balanbale area. The criminals are actually from that area.
    Sahalsiidi @ 9/23/2008 3:52 PM EST
 The above skeleton man, maybe he will never have a chance to survive
cause the aid workers that suppose to feed or give medication, were upducted
by ONLF. Guess what else, they took them in Gurceel were their partners of crime
(ALshabab) are stationed.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/23/2008 1:54 PM EST
 I oppose any passive policy or stragedy  to a black savage coloniser who understands only the language of violence and so be it. And in my book, anyone who advocates and beleives passive tactics as a way forward to our freedom is consenting to slavery which  is a sacrilegiuos breach of trust, as offensive in the sight of our own people as it is derogatory from our honor and freedom. Comrades, you might as well call me a fanatic on this one , but i beleive we have been there on several occasions where in vain we tried to be the better human than the sub-human Ethiopia and it never worked.  
    Colhaye @ 9/23/2008 12:47 PM EST
Thanks for reminding sister Layla that ONLF has exhausted every available avenue to find a resolution for this problem. In liberating Ethiopia from the Mengistu regime, ONLF played a major role and was a part of the opposition groups that filled the vacuum to spare Ethiopia from a full-blown civil war. Unfortunately, ONLF fell on ensnare for the Tigrean rebel leaders led by the sadistic Meles. If at that time, back in 1991, the ONLF demanded a full separation from Ethiopia, Ogadenia would have been free. The ONLF leaders at the time tried a peaceful means to end the injustices that have been inflicted on the Ogadenian natives by the various Ethiopian regimes.

And you know what that wasn’t even the first time the Ogadenia natives tried a peaceful means in achieving justice. We will never fall for that again and this time, most of our people know the tribulations and deceptions of the Ethiopian regimes. “Mar i dage Allahu dago, mar labaad i dagase anaa is dagay”
    Gaadh'haye @ 9/23/2008 11:20 AM EST
ONLF as a liberation movement is not short of ideas.
On the issue of strategies: the movement has plans both short and long term.

The ONLF’S “strategy”, which is its ultimate goal, is to free the colonized Somali people in Ethiopia through every available medium, including peaceful means.

As I have told you previously, peaceful settlement to this conflict through ‘passive resistance’ didn’t bare any fruits. The Ethiopian government violated time and again from the early 1990s to this day the outcomes of the “charter agreement” and the subsequent election results by disbanding the elected legislature, arresting its members including former ‘presidents’, and banning the ONLF. Afterwards, ONLF was left with no other option other than to pursue the struggle through armed resistance.

We were bullied, trampled upon, and our rights and dignity violated precisely because we were not strong enough to protest and demand our share of the political pie.

Now that has changed. We’ve thrown sand into the pie and soured its taste.
Ethiopian is as result begging for a peaceful settlement to this conflict, a settlement that is short of succession and freedom; hoping to attract foreign investment and oil exploration in such agreement and in order to win a semblance of legitimacy and local representation.

We are saying no to such scam and blunder.
On the issue of tactics: the movement at all times develops tactics that are suitable for the specific conditions under which it operates. But such tactics are informed by their commitment to the strategic goal: freedom.

    fiqicigaal @ 9/23/2008 9:38 AM EST
 Fiqicigaal posted the last comment
    @ 9/23/2008 9:37 AM EST
 Indeed  we need to agree to disagree and that will create a healthy envirnoment and a constructive , mature debate which will lead the way to logic and understanding. But of course, you get to laugh with disgust when you read some of the comments where some dudes suggest that the people of ogaden should surrender to the enemy , an enemy who is known for its human rights abuse since history can recall. The different regimes of dictators and self appointed kings of Ethiopia can not hold an imprisoned population by force of army for ever. Of course there is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom.Against that power Ethiopian regimes and its tyrants and armies can not stand.Never the less, the people of ogaden will never abandon their divine struggle and no way will they surrender to the enemy and live with humilation and enslavement.      
    laylasamatar @ 9/23/2008 9:12 AM EST
don't you think malcolm x ended up dead, unfortunately he was not left to live to see his ideas bare any fruit.  Also, the world has changed we are not in the same era.  U should also consider learning something from Martin Luther King and his different style.  I am not suggesting to abonden the cause, but to rethink the strategies.  Maybe armed struggle should be part of it not all of it, or maybe it shouldn't be what I am sure about is that new way of thinking is required.  Maybe You,Gaadhka, fiqicigaal .....etc can step in and volunteer to take the leadership of the ONLF instead of hiding behind a computer screen.  Maybe u ought to open branches of the ONLF in Europe, in order to broaden your horizon and to promote your cause, but remember your cause has to be just.  
    Colhaye @ 9/22/2008 6:56 PM EST
 The great African American freedom fighter Malcolm X was once quoted saying “The price of freedom is death”. Nothing in this world is guaranteed for you including freedom. You fight for it, you die for it, you suffer for it and you sacrifice for it and that is what the people of Ogadenia are doing. I know many of our people are suffering in the hands of this tyranny regime, but I would rather die in freedom than in slavery. Viva ONLF and all the Somali freedom fighters all over Somalia. The tyranny regime’s days are numbered and the Somali great artist Amin Amir summed it up in this sketch:
    @ 9/22/2008 5:44 PM EST
 I just wonder how a someone who claims to be a Somali and Muslim have the moral to suggest that other Somalis who have lived under Ethiopian occupation accept and be proud citizens of Ethiopia. Shame on you, abdiaziz2007 and those who share your believe. You're not different than those who are working, killing and starving our people in Somalia, and in Western Somalia Region. Speak for yourself and be a proud Ethiopian; to be an Ethiopian, you must be an Ethiopian. We are proud of who we are; not what you and Meles Zenawii want us to be. We are true Somalis, we are not ashamed, and we will fight until we achieve our main objective, freedom, justice, equality for all Somali Ogaden. I and many Somali people will be so proud of for those brave young men and women who gave their lives and everything for this struggle. In addition, if time permits, I will join this struggle, and I'm willing to walk away everything that I worked so hard for, my comfortable life. Viva ONLF, WSLF, and All Somalis every where.
    simbe @ 9/22/2008 5:33 PM EST
 below is from simbe
    @ 9/22/2008 5:32 PM EST
 Waagey Somalia dowlad ahayd xoog leh amxaaro saas ma jeeli karin. The solution to Ogaden and Somalia itself is to create a powerfull nation who has power to assist its brothers in need. Every Somali must work for peace and lay down his arms, be a nation first and help your brothers later. I granty you if Somalia was existed as nation when Mingistu is ousted and Eriteria get its independent we will not Discuss Ogaden issue today. Ethiopia it self thoutht Ogadeb is lost but as always Somalis has no lucky the apportunity is lost because they where busy to kill each other in the namn of clanism. The only chance you got to see free Ogaden is strong Somalia. The strenge thing is that those who claims they want freedom for Ogaden is working hard to distroy any possible chance to cteate stabily in Somalia or may be I miss the whole point. How can anyone beleive the Ogadens only kan free themself from Ethiopia when Somalia itself ruled by Ethiopians. The solution is create peace among Somalis first,rebuild the country and create credible army then ask Ethiopia to accept Ogaden people right to decide its future by refrendum from the people or else. The only winner from Somali nations degrigation is Ethiopia even if they are not intend to do so and loser are Somalis in general.
    maahad01 @ 9/22/2008 5:18 PM EST
 this is very sad, no question the meles regime is the worst regime in the world
like Bob marley say
Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny,
And in this judgement there is no partiality.
So arm in arms, with arms, we'll fight this little struggle,
'Cause that's the only way we can overcome our little trouble.

Brother, you're right, you're right,
You're right, you're right, you're so right!
We gon' fight (we gon' fight), we'll have to fight (we gon' fight),
We gonna fight (we gon' fight), fight for our rights!
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/22/2008 4:50 PM EST

Brother you are making sense and I agree with you. FEDERALISM system could work and the Somalis of Ethiopia could benefit from this if tried. I heard Jigjiga is booming and the locals of that town had given up arms and are concentaring developing their infratsructures, education, health and other essential services, why others can't follow suit and try peaceful choice in order to safe their people.
    laylasamatar @ 9/22/2008 4:45 PM EST
 folks u have to rethink about your strategies, cinaadku ma fiicna, though it is a Somali trait, sometimes it could lead to a disastrous end.  If some things didn't work in the past, they are unlikely to work in the future.  No freedom was given, people fought for it, I agree, but a new style and a new way of thinking is imminent I suppose.  I know that it is hard for u to take something from a woman, but u ought to try it first before u come to a conclusion!!!!!!!!!!!!There are many problems with the style of the ONLF you know it and I suggest there is no need to be defensive about mistakes!!!!!!We should defend the right and change the wrong, don’t u think!!!!!  Also, u need to consider what do u learn from the Eritrean struggle.  I think its time for all of us to take a break and rethink about us and our destiny.
    Gaadh'haye @ 9/22/2008 3:53 PM EST
 “Man is a YES….
YES to life. YES to love. YES to generosity.
But man is also a NO. NO to scorn of man. NO to degradation of man.
NO to exploitation of man. NO to the butchery of what is most human in man: FREEDOM”. Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks.

Freedom has a price to pay. We’re ready to sacrifice our lives to attain our inalienable rights and freedom. And the price is worth, be it in Somalia or Ogaden.

The sun of colonialism is setting down in the horn. Already the signs of victory are clearly evident around us. There’re better days ahead. All we’ve to do is be steadfast and not waver.
    abdiaziz2007 @ 9/22/2008 2:59 PM EST
 The whole region of africa people are starving..i would advice my brothers from ogaden ..ethiopian are not going nowhere its better to accept and be a loyal citizen.stop starving the innocent and the childrens for the seek of freedom..there is no one who is abusing you and you can travel from east to west of ethiopian with being asked for who you are..lets stop this crazy idea ..and those who are sponsering are living at the west and have no idea the problem they are creatting..peace and happiness.u are ethiopian and be proud of it
    @ 9/22/2008 2:39 PM EST
 Dadka Ogadenia Waxay kujireen halgan ay ku radsanayaan xoriyadadooda kasoo ay uga soo horjedeen gumastaha madoow Ethiopia waqti dheer. Insha'alah goor dhow cadowgu dhulkooda waa isaga bixi donaa. Waa lagu yaqanaa marka ay xabashidu dagaalka ku jabaan ayaay rayidka ka aar goostaan. Waxaad ogataan inta ka soo harta dadka Somali galbeed in ay mar uun sharaf iyo cisi ku nolaan donaan.  
    Peace_Lover @ 9/22/2008 1:49 PM EST
 dhuungal how dare you?? No one was born to starve!! Ogadeens are our brothers they are somalis how can you be so cruel and foo1ish? those like you are responsible of what had happened and still happening in somalia.. May Allah bring peace, stability and harmony to our home and to ogadenia AMEEN.. W.S.W.W  
    fiqicigaal @ 9/22/2008 1:26 PM EST
Isn't it true that wise men speak they have something to say, Fools because they have to say something? perhaps you need to do some soul searching before you die of hatred and bitterness.Iam sure islam does not play a great role in your life , it is all in your hand writting and shame on you.  
    dhuungal @ 9/22/2008 1:00 PM EST
 The whole country is starving!
Adna waxaad ka hadlaysaan xoogee ogaden ah oo u dhashay in gaajo disho
   Big deal.

    wadajir #5 @ 9/22/2008 12:49 PM EST
 soomaaliyeey iscaawiya. Allah kabarya inuu cadawga idinka kiciyo. Adinkuna da'daala oo kuda'daala sidii aan gacanta guunta uga xoroobi laheydeen.
    sayid maxamed @ 9/22/2008 12:28 PM EST
 ninka sidaas u qalalay haddii aad weydiisid


dadka dhiiga noocas leh weeye Soomaali

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