19 comment(s)
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    momo519 @ 4/19/2007 5:14 PM EST
 Oh yeah, by the way this article is full of spelling errors! DO you think old school scholar such as I.M.Lewis would have so many spelling errors? Those of you who have been in real schools know that professors do not have spelling errors after spelling errors in the same article.
    momo519 @ 4/19/2007 5:03 PM EST
 This is not Prof. Lewis writing. The quality of writing is poor and is not anywhere near scolarly written article. This article is writen by a Somali person. The email provided is Yahoo British email and not an academic LSE account. Shame on all the poor Somalis for being fooled. Hiiraan should not publish fraudulent impersonating writers. That is a crime!
    laylasamatar @ 4/19/2007 10:11 AM EST
 And by the way what is this expert is about, I am Somali and that makes me an expert, why a Scottish man is an expert, not matter the level of your knowledge you probably won’t know as much as me the Somali
and the distorted views against the Americans won't make me trust you or make me think of you as an objective person, obviously he needs to say something to win our trust.
    laylasamatar @ 4/19/2007 10:08 AM EST
 And by the way what is this expert is about, I am Somali and that makes me an expert, why a Scottish man is an expert, not matter the level of your knowledge you probably won’t know as much as me the Somali
    laylasamatar @ 4/19/2007 10:04 AM EST
 still doing the dirty work for the colonialists.  Somalia will never be a British colony again, so why don't you go back to Scotland and support your fellow scots men and women in their struglle against England!!!Your compassion shoudl be directed there, to your birth country
    galgalato2 @ 4/18/2007 3:19 AM EST
 In my opinion prof.Lewis gives an objective view on the activities of the warlords and their future prospects. He hits the nail on the head when he talks about the warlords led by Abdullahi Yusuf and the illegal invasion of Somalia. I am grateful we have someone like Prof.Lewis who is an expert on Somali affairs shedding some light on the situation of our country. I hope the European Union listens to his advice. As far as Somaliland is concerned, it is a matter for the Somalis themselves as a whole, an they have to decide how to go about it. However, one understands the fears of the people of Somaliland, when you witness the massacres carried out in Mogadishu by vengeful warlord Abdulahi yusuf and Ethiopian occupation forces.
    hamdi @ 4/17/2007 9:54 AM EST
 PS: Do not forget BBC belong
to British and is always inciting
war, Somalia would do better to
close its ears to EU and its member.

When we were with Russia we never
had this problem, perhaps
SOmalia should go back behind
the dragon curtain this time
wash its hand with anything
to do with British
and also shut down BBC forever.
    hamdi @ 4/17/2007 9:48 AM EST
 wrong Rocket, it is the other
way around. SNM was on UK's payroll
from its conception 4/1981 up to
today. you forgot when Abdulahi
yusuf came to power on 10/10/04
the British come to Hargeysa
and demanded that they go to
war with Puntland and close
the fake border. Lewis here
is playing the game of divide
and rule still, and the EU
is talking both sides of their mouth.
Look at his article, he is putting the
blame on US and Italy, the other
two nation competing for somalia
against the British.

Perhaps Lewis should tell us
how the british created anti
Somalis in the North just as
they were also creating Kurdis in
Iraq. They want to come back to
power through EU and they have
they usual agenda in Somalia.

As Mr. Lewis who made Ethiopia
the enemy of somalia, was
it not Britinia who handed
Ogadinia and Hawd Reserve area to
Ethiopia, as they also handed
NFD to Kenya.

It is stupid to listen to
British who is the number
enemy of SOmali through
out our history.

Ask him how the british
were advising Siyad Barre
to go to war with SNM
clan and British was also
bank roling the SNM.

Today we have british stooges
in Somali even if we solve the
SOuther problem, there is
an unfinish business in the NOrth
Thanks to the farsighted British
    cainashe @ 4/17/2007 9:34 AM EST
 Although Prof Lewis is right on the money on this issue,
the more pertinent question is: how best to resolve the issue of Somalia?
Perhaps, the best way forward for Somalia is to divide
it up among its neighbors: Kenya, Ethiopia & Djibouti?
    cainashe @ 4/17/2007 9:32 AM EST
 Although Prof Lewis is right on the money on this issue,
The more pertinent question is: how best to resolve the
issue of Somalia?
Perhaps, the best way forward for Somalia is to divide
it up among its neighbors: Kenya, Ethiopia & Djibouti?
    RocketLaunch @ 4/16/2007 7:32 PM EST
 Mr. Lewis is on the payrol of the traitor regime in Somaliland. How can we really trust his argument regarding the predicaments that we face in Somalia.
    hanixin1 @ 4/16/2007 5:32 PM EST
 The warlord apologists are insulting everybody who expresses his opinion and tells the truth about the warlords and their master Melez. Prof. Lewis is an authority on Somali affairs and he knows how the corrupt warlords led by Abdulahi Yusuf operate. Although I disagree with him with respect to his take on the Somaliland issue, however, I do respect him tremendously for his unparalleled knowledge about the Somali situation. Prof. Lewis is right about Abdullahi yusuf and the illegal invasion of Ethiopia. Lewis is aso right when he stated that Abdullahi will not rule over Somalia.  
    JAWIIL @ 4/16/2007 5:19 PM EST
  I have seen Mr. Lewis being wrong on Somali politics several times, but this case he is right on the point.
    caraweelo @ 4/16/2007 2:27 PM EST
 I.M Lewis is big time lobbyist for Somalind separtist, he is acting out as a former colonialist, would have done it. Is remarkable work his division of Somalis into tribes and territories and at last his admiration with UIC is ridiculous.
    Yosra @ 4/16/2007 1:58 PM EST
 No tells the dirty tricks of war criminal Abdillahi Yosof
better than I.M. Lewis.

I hope the EU pays attention to this veteran academic.
    hamdi @ 4/16/2007 12:36 PM EST
 I. M. Lewis, soco cadaabta ku turunturoow.

The is always against seeing staple Somalia,
Seperatist and Anarchist supporter fascist.
who cares what this relic has to say about

he was also advisor to Siad Barre, and
now we know what that was all about
he was setting the state for British
sland to return. I.M. Lewis
you have your interest and we Somalis
have our interest, and we understand each
other so you don't mind if we don't
let you our hearts and minds.
see soco oo ku turuntoroo cadaabta
cantatab waaxi
    Odeybiiqe @ 4/16/2007 12:23 PM EST
 Last time I.M. Lewis was a staunch supporter of Somaliland's secession bid and now of Islamic Courts Union. On top of that against Ethiopian invasion and the secural TFG. Hmmm. Timir lafbaa ku jirta.
    adamjama @ 4/16/2007 11:47 AM EST
He is right when he informs us "As a former separatist guerilla leader Yeey, like his Ethiopian friend Meles, he might be expected to easily recognise birds of the same feather".
Also, he hit the nail on the head when he says "After the terrible atrocities which have been comitted in his name these local people will never forgive him. Abdillahi thus has no chance of ever ruling Mogadishu". At the age of 80, he will not enjoy his life long dream.
The suffering of the poor Somali population under this illegitimate war lord government & their Ethiopian sponsors will not be forgotten any time soon.

    basar20 @ 4/16/2007 11:25 AM EST
 I read many of I.M.Lewis' writings about Somalia as he is regarded as "an expert" on the caltural and political affairs of Somalia (looking from the west). I always asked myslef weather Mr. Lewis gets it when he is addressing Somalia's issues relating to goverment, politics, power sharing, etc.

But on this peice, I must say he gets it this time and he can rightfully place some labels (ignorance) where they belonged (EU & U.S.)  The tone of his expression appears to be genuine.  He is dead on the way he described Abdullahi Yusuf, Meles, and Geedi.

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