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    Camel Girl @ 8/19/2007 10:56 AM EST
  I love Ethiopia they made Somalis focus in their stupidity/ignorance sabotaging politics.
    shekh Bashir @ 8/11/2007 10:55 PM EST
 Dear Tom Porteous, thank you for your effort to expose to the world the serious human suffering in Ogaden, Ethiopia for 65 years. You are our hero and our leader. Thanks.

I grew up in Ogaden region, Qalafo on river Shabelle in Ethiopia. In 1960 Qalafo was big beautiful city. The city development plan was done by Italians during the Second World War. In fact it became an agricultural business center. In 1964, the Ethiopians burned down the whole city and killed thousands of Somalis in Qalafo because it became the center for rebellions. Today, after 65 years of Ethiopian colony, all Ogaden cities don’t have schools, no clean water and no electricity, no health and no government assistance.
I believe Ethiopia made in Ogaden a lot of suffering and destruction. It’s time for UN, EU and US to intervene such as Darfu problem. It seems EU, US, and UN want intentionally punish Somali Ogaden because they are Muslim!
Note: the relationship between Ethiopians and Somalis in Ogaden is like mouse and cat. No Ethiopian can live in a Somali community, he will get killed. Ethiopians live in a separate area at least 3Km from Somalis’ area. If any Somali hurts or shoots toward Ethiopian area, they respond by killing and wounding several Somali people around that area.

    adamjama @ 8/6/2007 12:14 AM EST
 Melez said to his parliament six months after the invasion of Somalia "NAIROBI, June 28 -- Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said Thursday that his government "made a wrong political calculation" when it intervened in Somalia, where Ethiopian troops are bogged down in a fight against a growing insurgency.
Addressing Ethiopia's Parliament, Meles said his government incorrectly assumed that breaking up the Islamic movement that took control of most of Somalia in June 2006 would subdue the country. He also said he wrongly believed that Somali clan leaders would live up to unspecified "promises." Washington post, June 28.
That is all we got from the midget after he killed thousands of innocent somalis, uprooted 400,000 people from their homes, & destroyed half of Mogadishu. But what I like to know is who are the clan leaders he is refering to & what are the unspecified promises they gave him? I am absolutely sure, he will pay for the crimes he committed against innocent human beings.
Time will tell how far his small game of miscalculation will continue.
    hillac @ 8/5/2007 12:58 PM EST
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