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    laylasamatar @ 3/20/2007 3:19 PM EST
 why people appluade people blowing themselves up for misguided messages.  someone here mentioned how ethiopia is doubling in population numbers, well maybe it has something to do with not killing themselves for no reason or even worst stupid reason.  You, the Somal, is only you responsible for what has happened and still promoting to happen in your homelands.  We cannot afford to lose one Somali not matter what tribe he/she is. And maybe when you realise this, that number matters is when we will wake up.  I'll advise all of you to watch apocalyptic by mel gibson, it is the story of the indians of South America who spend their time in hatred for one another and finished each other, until the Spanish arrived and there was no one left to defend remaining or the land.  
    @ 3/14/2007 5:59 AM EST
 Ethiopia: On a dilemma in the Horn.
Not really surprising for a country long viewed as an mismanaged basket case whose economy largely depends on foreign aid. A year ago, Ethiopia was a dust bowl and 14 million people needed food aid. Well, Ayoub lately Ethiopians were smiling about the way they invaded the land of Somalia. Now things are changing every minute in the land of Somalia. The mercenary TPLF army let alone to have a rest in the barracks they can’t even sleep during night time. The style of the freedom fighters warfare surprised the financier of the puppet TPLF regime and the smile easily turned into some kind of cry. The mercenary already lost the war of Somalia. Because within few months the Somalia freedom fighters show the world how deadly they in order to liberate their land from the US backed TPLF occupation.
    FIQICIGAAL @ 3/3/2007 6:03 AM EST
 This was a clear sign of Uncle sam's intention to bring Somalia down to it's knees and evenually  toa total submision.That was more of a revenge than war against global terrerism as they call it. And surely America will support any dictator on this earth regardless of the killings and unlawful imprisoing of innocent people as long as American interest is fulfilled at any cost.  
    Nomad-2 @ 3/2/2007 8:47 PM EST
 All African dictators past and present were brought up by the US and EU, as long as they comit to serve the western interest they will be fine, however the day they resist western "hegemony" they become anti-democratic. In this sense democracy means following Washington's instruction and a terorist is anyone who defies Washington. And Ayoub do not not be overhelmed by Ethiopia's reception of Somali refugees, the point under question is how the current regime of Melez treats its own citizens and the increasing human rights abuses it openly comits with impunity.  
    nomadic1 @ 3/2/2007 4:24 PM EST
 One of Africa poorest nations with trade deficit of 4billion and crumling economy with appalling human right record.
"is banking on keeping up his friendship with the EU and the United States, whose administration was delighted by the Ethiopian armed forces' recent success in invading neighbouring Somalia, capturing its capital, Mogadishu, and smashing the Somali Islamists who had taken over there". That sums it up for those with healthy common sense. Ileen ciil looma dhinto!!!!
    Ayoub @ 3/2/2007 1:06 AM EST
 lee-the-man, you are mistaken. Ethiopia can not afford to have a blood thirsty neighbout. Ethiopia did what it had to do regarding the arab league backed icu. 75 million Ethiopians are not "hungry" as you put it. Ethiopia is the one that feeds the people of sudan and egypt for your info. even our somalia gets two rivers from Ethiopia. Read www.somaliwatch.org and you will see article with egypts interest to settle 25 million egyptians in somalia. Ethiopia also took 300,000 somali refugees after siad barre got ousted from power and Ethiopia continues to take more and more somali refugees. Show some apreciation.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/1/2007 2:25 AM EST
 "if you want peace, work for justice" That is simple
but powerfull principle that most African dictators
tend to ignore. I think all of what has happened in
East African countries should have been a lesson for
current leaders but they are repeating the same mistakes
and eventually they will end up same place. It is tragic
merry-go-round and i don't see a break anytime soon.
    lee-the-man @ 2/28/2007 11:36 PM EST
 Eithopian population is rising 2 million a year. Is this why Meles Zanawi conquered Somalia?. Did he finaly get a free land for this 75 Million hungry pest?.....Think about it! History is unfolding.
    @ 2/28/2007 9:53 PM EST
 Issewali what does so called french colonized little
island have to due with this article?

Forget about jazirada and say some regard to the
article ethiopia dieing for multinutrition and
hiv on the top of that poverty raging.
    IsseWali @ 2/28/2007 8:45 PM EST
 Djibouti has already started geothermal power electricity, this project will star on June 2008

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