3 comment(s)
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    shermaki @ 6/13/2011 10:56 PM EST
 This is the work of Egyptian intelligentsia trying to shake money from the west. The best way to do it is to cook such a ridiculous story.
Egyptians have been doing such things for a long time. They used to cash of other Arab nation and we all know that.  Now, it is Somalia's turn - they know the west is spending a lot of money in the horn of Africa and they want some of that.
    Mahiigaan @ 6/13/2011 4:28 PM EST
 Maybe the guys were Flasha pretending to be Somalis
and trying to Attack Egypt.
    simbe @ 6/13/2011 2:38 AM EST
 May be I am naive but this history sounds incredible. We Somalis have no traditions to attack other people’s in their territory, I could believe one brain washed d*de can join some foreign terror cell but 7 Somali terror cell, almost impossible, if this is true then we are changed nation for ever

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