3 comment(s)
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    Fiqicigaal @ 4/15/2007 5:24 AM EST
 Abukar and his association deserve urgent financial support to continue help our follow Somalis
    sahalsiidi @ 4/14/2007 6:38 PM EST
 waa run in la caawiyo walaalkeen Soomaliga ah
weliba reer minneapolis aawaye.
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 1:11 PM EST

An lacag u uruurino ururkaan baab'ayaa, qof walba intuu awoodo xawaalad ha ugu diro Isse Abukar "the Somali Bantu Association" Rochester. Sidoo kale HOL haddey sameyn karaan xayeysiin oo website ay ku soo qori karaan info dheeraad ah, way wanaagsanaan lahayd.  

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