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    Kush @ 9/19/2008 4:05 AM EST
 Cant find Mr. Right? Well its simple... go to somalinet.com, thats where i found my Mr. Right. Its the new eHarmony.com lool
    wiifgarow @ 9/6/2008 10:03 AM EST
 Brother you shouldnt really be eavesdropping on other people's conversations. And something slightly odd about men giving marital advice dont you think? Anyway ramadan kareem.
    Anna-waa-i-kan @ 9/5/2008 4:17 AM EST
 Cajiib. Bal ha la isku samro!
    fiqicigaal @ 9/4/2008 9:29 AM EST
  Most Somalis male/female ( sorry i will generalise ) seem , on first impression , to be nice people and one could think Ahhh there is some chemistry working in here , but some how that is not the case, and i get the feeling when God was handing out intelects and common-sense to the rest of the human race they were not the front of the queue and that is why they can not court with some one they admire and love and respect and be committed to be with him or her for the rest of their lives without bringing with them a package of nonesense. Don't get me wrong i understand that one has to have something to hold on , culture , tradition and faith but there should always be  compromise and understanding with good brains or some brains if i may say .
    Camel Girl @ 9/3/2008 9:46 AM EST
 “firimbi @ 9/1/2008 6:46 AM ES” Do you have family you are so lost and maybe unbalanced but your points are find.  Hello “Salam” please learn to shut your weasel... Take care dear.

    mrRight_11 @ 9/2/2008 10:32 PM EST
 Cant find Mr. Right?
Negro Please...lol
    firimbi @ 9/2/2008 12:46 PM EST
 al-shabaab waxay la shaqeeyaan sirdoonka mareykanka waxaana
ay yihiin dad la doonayo in marka itoobiya baxdo inay
abuuraan kooxeysi diin.

kooxahan diinta ku qaraabtaa waxay rabaan inay
soomaaliya dagaal diin ku dhisan ka abuuraan waadna
arki doontaan inay sheekadu sidaas noqoto.

imisa sano baa la idin lahaa WAR KUWAN DIIN MA HAYSTAAN
MUJAAHID, bal saansaantii waa aynu aragnaa,ee ha la arko
meesha dagaal kooxeysi diin ku dhisan yahay na geeyo.

aaway kuwii dhihi jirey DADKAAN WAA ALLE DOON, WAA SHAREECO
DOON, aaway dadkii suuraha keeni jirey marka runta la sheego???

soomaaliya dagaal diin ayaa ka bilaabmaya waxaana uu
socon 20 sano  oo kale.

imisa sano baa la idin lahaa WAR CARAB KA JOOGA,

maya maya carab waa walaalaheen, ha idinka saarto!

carab wax kale lagama barto oo aan ka ahayn kooxeysi
diin, taas baa iyaga dishay oo ay ka kaci karin, idinka
tii baad soo dhoofsateen !

waxaan sugnaa waa soomaali la bireynayo oo cajalado
laga soo duubay oo INTERNET ka ku jira. kooxda abuu maansuur,
kooxda abuu turki, kooxda abuu shariif, kooxda abuu aweys,
kooxda abuu hebel, wax waliba abuu, abuu, abuu, abuu
illaa iyo qiyaamaha abuu baa soconeysa

    ilyas1 @ 9/1/2008 7:39 PM EST
 Asalamu Xalleykum
First of all if i girl has her religion and culture
thats all she need. Allah will guide you to the right path so
stop wining and appreciate for what Allah gave you.
their are girls that aren't as fortunate as you and some wish they would be in your shoes
so stop be sensitive you see what is happening in Somalia.
And if need Mr.right go to Somalia just like how the guys
do it.
    firimbi @ 9/1/2008 6:47 AM EST
 itoobiya xoog bay ku bixi (taas wax shaki ah lagama
qabo), marka amxaarka iyo tuunjigiisu ceeb ku habsato
oo dhulka WARAN IYO WARANLE laga saaro, ayaa waxaa
bilaabmaya dagaal kale oo is-xalaaleyn ku dhisan waxaana
soomaaliya dagaal ku dhex-mari doonaa kooxda al-shabaab
iyo wadaniyiinta soomaaliyeed.

al-shabaab waa laga saari soomaaliya sida itoobiya
looga saari doono, waxaana meel ku heshiinaya Maxkamadaha
iyo dowladdii markaas jirta. maxkamadduhu ama waxay heli
Madaxweyne, haddii kale wasiirka koobaad.

Aniga waxaan qabaa in magaalo madaxda laga bedelo
Muqdisho oo loo bedelo Baraawe ama Marka waayo muqdisho
waxay u baahan tahay hawl iyo sifeyn, laakiin ma'aha meel
ku habboon dowlad iyo garabka maxkamadda oo kama hawl gali karaan.

    Elemental @ 9/1/2008 1:57 AM EST
 It is scary how right the writer is. The last refugee of an independent educated Somali girl might be spinsterhood.

    Zohrah_3 @ 8/31/2008 2:23 PM EST
Very intresting topic, so first of all let me congratulate for that.
U r very right, that is a problem of educated somali gals, but tell me is it wrong to wish for a guy who i can talk intelectually.
It feels good when u can understand one another in that level.
Personally i think the person can improve himself in many ways, like Reading , I RARELY SEE SOMALI GUYS IN THE LIBERAREY.
Anyways, i hope the somali parents will do more to raise their children, they need more than Food!!
    Camel Girl @ 8/31/2008 9:45 AM EST
 I hope Somali young to speak up I have alot of good to share with my country men/women. Very proud of you writer, communication is a good start.
    Camel Girl @ 8/31/2008 9:27 AM EST
 Maxamed Mukhtaarr It is a very Excellent Question but many answers from the parents are needed.  It is not only happening to the Somali community but a straggle to all communities  who want keep culture and try to control and for sure a nightmare for educators.  I will say it is a misunderstanding and should be corrected.

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