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    adamjama @ 1/16/2007 1:41 PM EST

    loyan @ 1/10/2007 1:15 AM EST
 this neo-cons are plain islam hatters and soon it will become the responsibility of every muslim to fight them. what a tragedy because americans generally a very good people.
    @ 1/7/2007 5:55 AM EST
 I also agree with you Mr Lone for you have shown us a clear picture of America's intentions on Somali affairs. There was no doubt that the IUC in a short time had transformed most of  southern and central parts of Somalia from a lawless , dangerous land to a calm and peace ful place. But unfortunately that calmity passed as swift as it came . I do not need to rebeat or remind you the current situation of our country but let me say this: America will impose a pupet government on Somalia using our arch enemy to oppress and subdue against any change that might lead to a united strong Somalia. The Ethiopians will find it difficult to stay in a country where they are not welcomed the least to say. You can call me a dreamer but i can only fore see a stable Somalia in many years to come ( god forbid ) unless the UN shows some responspility and brings together all cocerned parties for negotiaion and power sharing and the wthdrewal of the Ethiopian forces as soon as stability is acheived  
    Stickorcarrot @ 1/7/2007 5:50 AM EST
 Here is the solution: UIC and TFG talk together and let’s start new page for the country. And then let’s have amnesty for all UIC leaders, UIC take part pacifying the country and bring safety to the home like the way only you know how. Ethiopia out of the country, and then all Indhobahal and his gangs would be charged crime against humanity for their treatment of the people of Lower Shabelle. Keep in mind, Indhobahal and his gangs were  neither part of UIC nor legitimate function, just bunch of clan gangs who committed heinous crimes in that part of the country.
    TruthTeller @ 1/7/2007 5:12 AM EST
 As it already happened yesterday in Mogadishu!

Somalis will be victorious God Willing but We must be alert to the Enemy's reasons for collecting these weapons from the Somali hands!
    TruthTeller @ 1/7/2007 4:57 AM EST
 Mr. Salim Lone, I agree with you on all your points.

As for Somalis I have only one thing to say to them:

Salaam to All,

Disarmament means one thing: That Somalis give up their weapons then prepare for the following subjugation and on-slaught of their existence!

You give up you arms, those same weapons are going to be used on you every time you talk about Ethiopian troops withdrawal.

It's an easy equation, first you hand over your guns then you will follow the order or else be shot at and Killed!
    cadeeycadow @ 1/6/2007 11:50 PM EST
 I agree with you 100%. I don't know Personally any of the UIC People but I gave them credit for Pacifying Mogadishu. They (UIC) made some mistakes but cared the Somali people more than the so called TFG the former warlords who came with Ethiopian tanks and helicopter , Somalis arch enemy. I came from Somalia originally almost 20 years ago. Many Somalis who left Somalia after the fall of Said Bare were beginning to return the troubled land after the UIC brought normalcy to the southern Somalia. I know many of them who went back to buy houses and opened business in order to create jobs for the Somali youth  who were born during the civil war. I am afraid now were are back where we were 17 years ago or even worst . There is Somali saying that says “ If you live long you will see camel having baby”. I never imagined Ethiopian army in Mogadishu the Somali capital. I am afraid Mogadishu might have  another name near future the Baghdad of Africa. The only thing that can unite Somalis is Islam.

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