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    truth1 @ 12/26/2006 11:45 PM EST
 So my question is when will Somalis wake-up and truly see who their real enemies are?  We fight over little pity things like tribal disputes yet our enemies plan ways to kill and take over our land. WOW.
    wiliwiliq @ 12/26/2006 8:11 PM EST
 Inappropriate article, written on wrong time. The unity part should send money and men to the south or we are going to even disintegrate further. Somaliland administration  already takes instruction from Addis ababa, in another words it has fallen without war to the Ethiopian domination. The only groups in Somalia who dare to stand on Ethiopia are in Mogadishu and they are determined to crush them. We will talk about unity when we are free.
    Puntland_KILLA @ 12/26/2006 12:42 PM EST
 Why are people begging these Somalilanders? If they want a separate country then let them have it. They will realise the mistake they made when Somalia leaves this terrible era and into the light.

We are more than them
We have bigger country
We have bigger coast
We have international recognition
We have more fertile land
We are more mixed in terms of clans…(they are 90% isaaqs)
We have an Olympic gold medal(remember abdi bille)

So what is the big deal…Let them get eaten by the heyena if the want isolation.
    egeh @ 12/26/2006 10:54 AM EST
 Why waste your time on the secession of Somaliland when you should be debating on how best you can save Somalia from the planned Ethiopian take-over and occupation.
    muslimfirst @ 12/25/2006 9:53 PM EST
 Let the truth be told once and for all, we should all unite and really concectrate on our main common enemy Ehiopia and its imperalist freinds. No more divisions Africa is devided al ready. Wasalaam.

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